Steve Wyatt is a songwriter with a passion for creating unique songs that get into your head and leave something behind. His music ranges from pop to alternative to contemporary Christian. He cites a strong influence of 70's and 80's music, but originality is his mantra - and no genre is off limits.

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Nigel Barrett
over 30 days ago to Steve Wyatt

Hey Steve thanks for the critique and feedback on my tune All of the Above (Electro Version) - I appreciate your comments and suggestions - glad you liked the tune! Best to you.

over 30 days ago to Steve Wyatt

Hi Steve,
Thanks for a very detailed review of Not About A Christmas Song, much appreciated. It is unusual in having the bass note static throughout, something I set out to do. It's quite a few years old now and has probably had it's day but has been performed live and gone down well in Christmas Concerts.
If I do revisit it, you are correct, a bridge with a different emphasis would add a lot to the song.
Thank again, will have a listen on your site when I get a moment.

3 Replies
over 30 days ago

Just went to the top of your song list and listened to Dreams and Doubts - wow! What a production, a great song and vocal with such a mix of instruments. Just excellent. Is that your vocal? Whoever it is, it is top notch!
Good luck with it and your other projects.

Steve Wyatt
over 30 days ago

Thanks Bob! The vocalist is Michael David Hall, from a band called South Jordan. I wrote everything and performed all of the demos on the songs I don't sing on, and used studio musicians and singers. I was living in Nashville at the time and befriended a producer who liked my work so I did about 10 songs with him. I went to your site and listened to several songs and really liked the style of several of them. Take care!

over 30 days ago

Thanks for the detail, great to have friends in high places Steve! Will listen to some more songs in due course.



over 30 days ago to Steve Wyatt

Thanks so much, Steve, for your great review of my song Fall From Grace-Leslie Sahlen vocal. Leslie Sahlen did a great job singing it. Best wishes, Jay.

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