
Previous Comments

hi, did you ever get the deal with that label you told me about. my offer to produce you still stands if you want it, thanks

KD Forrestal
over 30 days ago to WolfBreed Productions

Thank you so much for the great review. Your music is positive and uplifting, shows the soft side of rap with an edge! Love it!

over 30 days ago to WolfBreed Productions

have to listen to your songs Again today!. love your music!

1 Replies
WolfBreed Productions
over 30 days ago

Luv You Carolyn!!!!!!!

Vi: 00110110
over 30 days ago to WolfBreed Productions

Cheers on your good review,

Glad Mogen's vocals were able to seduce your heart so effectively.

Please stop by to experience more of our work when you find the time amongst so much exceptional music. The collaborations album has some really saucy female vocalists on it... Maybe its up your alley.


Clean Clean

Clean Clean

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