Ihave been writing songs since i was 9 yrs old, I loved listening to the heart of family and friends threw the words they used to express them selves, by listening to the heart I was able to write songs that expressed what they were really trying to say, its my gift, my God given talent, I live to listen the the heart :)i live to write songs. :)i have had good feed back from major labels and I was blessed to have recorded my songs at Ornette Colemans studio in harlem Ny. Lou Volpe has produced some of my songs, he has worked with some of the greatest artists of our times. its a blessing to have support .. check out Lou Volpe too!! jazz, you tube and facebook!!


over 30 days ago to Carolyn

Thanks for stopping in ...
Nice sound ... Keep it happening.
Junior out.

1 Replies
over 30 days ago

thanks for connecting with me, im stopping by again to listen to your songs :)

over 30 days ago to Carolyn

I like no no no no. It's neo-soul. It's different and definitely something that will set you apart from the others making people pay attention.


Praneet Nanda aka NVMD
over 30 days ago to Carolyn

thank you for your feedback!, I really appreciate, its early here on the west coast, and the light hasn't shined yet, but when it does I will make sure to let it gleam...

2 Replies
over 30 days ago

so dare i ask? what did you think of my song Never Once? would really like to know, you are truthful.

over 30 days ago

cool ill be watchimg out for your star to shine :)

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