Rex Niemand

Rex Niemand


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Bill Dake
over 30 days ago to Rex Niemand

Thanks for the 5's for "Scorcher" and "It Must Be Raining". Gotta get back to both of them someday, as usual.
"Happy-Go-Lucky" is a gas, man! 5's for sure.
Thanks for the follows on my Facebook music page, just gettin' started with expanding my reach. Will be submitting stuff to some other music sites soon. Working with a friend/producer/teacher/jazz trumpet player in Nashville who knows this biz.
So far the sync thing hasn't worked out, seems my production skills aren't up to the task and my voice isn't pop enough...


2 Replies
Rex Niemand
over 30 days ago

I haven't yet listened to everything you have out there but I will eventually. Virtually everything I have heard so far has something instructive in it for me and that automates five star ratings.
My Happy-Go-Lucky is a sort of 'popular music' attempt. Overly synthy perhaps? Will see how that plays out, ever tweaking.
Thank you as well, sir, and stay well and creative!

Rex Niemand
over 30 days ago

Oh yeah, wanted to mention I have a presence on Bandcamp now, tho I have much still to learn about it, how to use it..

over 30 days ago to Rex Niemand

Hi Rex.....just listened to your tune"PEANUT SOUP".....outstanding!!! it. I've always loved jazz! I have an extensive background in jazz and have to say it's my #1. listen!!! I've become a fan! IMO- this is "REAL MUSIC". You need to be on the famous GRP label right up there with the best! Wishing you continued success!!!
TK(Tony Keys)-BroGreede

1 Replies
Rex Niemand
over 30 days ago

Hey Bro!! First off, thank you soo much for the listens and starz for my tunes a few days ago. Sorry for late reply, i've been sick (sniff, cough) but gradually improving. Will absolutely become acquainted with your stuff. Yeah, jazz definitely in my blood. Back at ya soon, and thanks again!!
Tony, aka "Rex"

Hi Rex,
Hey, thanks so much for the 5 Star rating on "I Got Nothin' "... I appreciate you stopping by and having a listen! I'm so glad you liked it.

While I'm here, I'll have a listen to some of your stuff again... it's been a while.

Thanks again!


over 30 days ago to Rex Niemand

Hi Tony,
Thank you for the 5 stars for Trees, much appreciated.

Bill Dake
over 30 days ago to Rex Niemand


Appreciate the 5's for "First Light On The Prairie". Started out as a solo country/jazz guitar piece from eons ago. It's one of those tunes I intend to revisit...
Just spent my next 2 years allowance on Mojo2 Horns 2.0. Now I have to learn how to use it. And, of course, I get a message from Kontact that my current version of their product needs to be updated to use the new never ends.


2 Replies
Rex Niemand
over 30 days ago

I'll look into Mojo2 Horns myself. Not super keen on dishing out cash myself but occasionally it"s worth it. - T

Bill Dake
over 30 days ago

Yeah, pricey stuff. Might also look at acoustic samples V Horns and V Saxophones. About $50 bucks less if you buy both programs, actually I wanted to get these instead but Sweetwater let me make payments which didn't hurt quite as much and didn't carry the V Horns/Sax product.
I'd check them both out...let me know what you think.

over 30 days ago to Rex Niemand

Hi Rex,

Many thanks for the stars and playlist for Achill Lament, I'm glad you enjoyed it. I did wonder how you'd come by it, just by chance?

Been listening to Ashes, a very powerful piece, you'd never guess its not a new track.



2 Replies
Rex Niemand
over 30 days ago

Hi Bob!
I had actually listened to it some months ago, am certain I commented on it favorably at that time, thought I had given it 5 stars, maybe not (?). More recently, when I had mentioned to you I felt I was in good company as a UKSC instrumental finalist, it was because I had noticed that Achill Lament was a finalist last year (I believe it was). This time, as you are one of those folks I need to visit once in a while, I was looking over your tunes and noticed it needed stars (!). So I listened and my suspicions were confirmed. :)
Yes, Ashes is 20+ years old, from an 'album' I had attempted using Cakewalk (I have been using Logic these days). I have mostly buried that thing, save for this piece which was perhaps the best of the bunch. Thank you, sir!!
Tony, aka 'Rex'

over 30 days ago

Got you. Many thanks Tony, much appreciated. (I'm still a Cakewalk user after many, many years - it has all I need and I understand it reasonably well now, would hate to have to start again.)

Rex Niemand
over 30 days ago to Jeana Marie Potthoff

Jeanna, thank you so much for the stars for Follow your child, an old track that I think warrants re-visiting at some point. Actually, let's multiply that thanks by two as I owe you a thanks for stars for Tea for two a few weeks ago as well. I've been a little quiet here of late, so much going on here. Wishing you well as always, and listens coming your way soon. You are forewarned, haha! -- Tony, aka 'Rex'

1 Replies
Jeana Marie Potthoff
over 30 days ago

Hi Tony--you are welcome. You have diverse music that I always enjoy!

Bill Dake
over 30 days ago to Rex Niemand

Hi Tony/Rex,
Have to thank you for the 5's for "Space In Between". Well, I guess I didn't have to, but, you now, professional courtesy and all.
When do you find out about the UK thing?
Bill a.k.a. MrBill

2 Replies
Rex Niemand
over 30 days ago

Mijnheer Bill,
UK contest. I don't know, could announce any time now is my guess. Trying to temper my expectations, can't doubt this final stage is brutal. When i listen to and re-analyze my submissions, maybe they are 'ok', but it isn't hard for me to rationalize their not making the cut. We'll see. In any case, I ain't quittin'.

Jim Aitken
over 30 days ago

Hi Rex, I had 5 Semi Finalists!
Didn't go further though!

Jeana Marie Potthoff
over 30 days ago to Rex Niemand

Hi Tony--
Thanks for listening to "Awakening" and the stars. I appreciate it! I listened to your "Tea for One". 5-stars. I especially like the rain/old record effect.

Thank you for the 5 ðŸ"Ÿ Tony on Opus 42.
I hope you are well.
All the best,

Álvaro Guevara Vázquez, Composer BMI.

2 Replies
Rex Niemand
over 30 days ago

Alvaro, your music has a depth and breadth to it I can only wish there was more of in this environment. All the best to you as well, sir!

Rex Niemand
over 30 days ago

Thanks indeed for the stellar matter for Blue Skies. An old track that, upon a re-listening, strikes me as something I ought perhaps re-visit and improve. Perhaps a niche for it somewhere in the marketplace?
Thanks again, sir!

Bill Dake
over 30 days ago to Rex Niemand


Thanks for the 5's for PVM.

Workin' on a new one that's been hiding in my computer for ages. Instrumentally done with a scratch vocal that needs lyrics, which are not coming easily.

Mr. Bill

Bob Juch
over 30 days ago to Rex Niemand

Thank you for the five stars on "Last Second Chance"! That was the first song I turned from a poem into a song. I hope I've gotten better since then.

1 Replies
Rex Niemand
over 30 days ago

Grabbed that track somewhat randomly as I recall. Very nice, strong number. The lady singing certainly does it justice. I will surely audit more of your material in the near future.
Hey, maybe we can be friends? I'll leave that up to you. :)
All the best to you sir!

over 30 days ago to Rex Niemand

Hi Rex,

Thank you for awarding Drifting 5 stars, much appreciated.

Just had a quick listen to a couple of your tracks and am much impressed, especially as you do everything yourself. That's the way I like to do things also.

Good luck,


2 Replies
Rex Niemand
over 30 days ago

Bob, thanks for the listens. Always enjoy auditing your stuff. -- I need to do more listening overall, too many distractions here, life can get crazy. Opportunity should improve soon tho, changing circumstances.
Stay well and creative, sir!

over 30 days ago

Thank you, and you as well.

Bill Dake
over 30 days ago to Rex Niemand


Thanks for the 5's for "Getaway". Did you do a review? I've done a small re-write recently but haven't re-recorded it yet. Just a couple of know how that works. And, thanks for the facebook request. I just recently started back up after dumping it for a couple of years.

Mr. Bill

1 Replies
Rex Niemand
over 30 days ago

Maybe I am overlooking something, but I often do a listen without seeing a review option. Stars option yes.

Bill Dake
over 30 days ago to Rex Niemand


Yeah, Nigel needs to be expanded upon. Late '90's I think. I've got a ton of these that should be revisited...thanks for the review.

Mr. Bill

Bill Dake
over 30 days ago to Rex Niemand


Thanks for another fun to read review...this time for "I Really Love Your Mind". Old tune that my guy in Nashville wants me to re-record, make it a Jazz quartet, club sounding thing...workin' on it.

Did pretty well in the SongU contest I mentioned. Didn't win but finished in the top 4 out of 150+. I can live with that.

Mr. Bill

3 Replies
Rex Niemand
over 30 days ago

Ever and always a pleasure to review your stuff, Mr. Bill.

BTW, you're lookin' good under that hat!

Bill Dake
over 30 days ago

An original "Tribble"...

My Father-in Law was a great hat wearer. We inherited a bunch of them and I occasionally will don one in his honor.

Rex Niemand
over 30 days ago

Ok, gotta ask. Original "Tribble" as in actually from the set of the Star Trek original series episode? I thought the Kingons were gifted all of them?

Bill Dake
over 30 days ago to Rex Niemand


Thanks for the review of "Little Journey". A pro-reviewer hated it, though it has done pretty well on Bjam top 10's and general reviews.
Really like "HA!" that a bari-sax I hear? What piano patch did you use on that?

Most of my top 10's disappeared overnight. Not an unknown experience. I'm in the running for a co-write with a Grammy winning writer and a chance for pitching to a publisher...on SongU. Find out on the 15th.

Mr. Bill

Bill Dake
over 30 days ago to Rex Niemand

Mr. Rex,
Thanks for the 5's for " Polka Dot Blue ". Just went #1 on the jazz top 10. Noticed you lurking around there, too.
Been a struggle lately to get things recorded, lot's of ideas but can't seem to focus on one long enough to get it done.

Rejoined SongU after many years...just got notified that I've been selected as a "rising star" for one of my tunes. Only took 60+ years of writing to reach this milestone. 76 next month and still trying to figure this stuff out...

Mr. Bill

1 Replies
Rex Niemand
over 30 days ago

Hey Bill! I have been overwhelmed with obligations here, mainly babysitting. Yikes! Have been working on something new but it has been especially slow going :-( Hope to resolve matter at some point in not too distant future. -- You have been a rising star ... er, risen rather ... in my estimation for some time now. Keep up that truly great work, sir!!

Rex Niemand
over 30 days ago to Mannis

Mannis, reading the info accompanying Things I should have said. Didn't realize, couldn't have been sure on that first listen, who was on that horn. Great sound sir.

Bill Dake
over 30 days ago to Rex Niemand

Rex, "First Light..." started out as a short solo country guitar piece long ago, 40+ years, and just evolved into this. This is pretty old too, and I'd do it different if I had the time, but it was fun. Thanks for the listen and review.

Mr. Bill

Jim Aitken
over 30 days ago to Rex Niemand

Listened to your "Chanson Sans Paroles" and can see why it achieved in GASC!
Def Worth the five stars!
My song, "I See Her Dancing" achieved Finalist in the GASC also!
Much appreciated your stars for my "Drift Away"(ensemble).

1 Replies
Rex Niemand
over 30 days ago

Thanks for the listen and the stars, Jim!
Yeah, my GASC experience gave me much needed encouragement at a time when I very much needed it. Considering your positive experience, well, that kinda makes us bros! :)
All the best to you, sir. Keep up the good work!
'Rex' aka Tony

Bill Dake
over 30 days ago to Rex Niemand


Thanks for the 5's and PL add for "I Think Of You".

Mr. Bill

1 Replies
Rex Niemand
over 30 days ago

Thumbs up, sir!

Bill Dake
over 30 days ago to Rex Niemand

Mr. Niemand,

Not sure how to respond to your glowing review of "I Think Of You". "Thanks" doesn't seem adequate. So, just sent it to a pro reviewer in Nashville who seems to like my stuff and is pitching a couple tunes for me. Need to re-record a few of them to make them a bit more lounge friendly; piano, upright bass, drums and some guitar. I'll checkout your newest offering soon.

Mr. Bill

3 Replies
Rex Niemand
over 30 days ago

Mr. Bill,

Can't say I would look forward to a one-on-one Showdown with I Think Of You (to name but one of yours). I'd rightfully take a dive in that round.
Gonna add shortly to my playlist.
Thank you, sir, for the stars for Wouldn't you like to ... !


Bill Dake
over 30 days ago


I'm very jealous of your ability to humanize your horn stuff. Must take some time to do and at the present I'm too damned lazy and am happy just to get the rest of my stuff semi-finished. I've been checking out the Showdown, Jazz in my case, and there's some really good stuff that never shows up when I review tunes. Bjam seems to lock me into certain artists and rarely ventures outside that list.

Mr. Bill

Rex Niemand
over 30 days ago


Wouldn't call it lazy, more like sane.

I have to dig into Showdown, don't recall checking it out seriously. Thanks for tip.


Hey Rex,
Thanks so much for the 5 Stars for "It's Your Attitude". That's actually the first thing I recorded when I first got my Digidesign 002 Rack & Pro Tools LE setup many, moons ago.

That's a pretty straight-ahead pop song, not much virtuoso playing or anything (like a lot of my stuff ;)).

Interestingly though, that lineup of Leslie (vocals), John (guitar) and Bruce (drums) ended being in a band with me that we called "36T5" that played all original stuff around Omaha at the time... it was fun.

Glad you liked that one.


1 Replies
Rex Niemand
over 30 days ago

Always something interesting in your work for sure.
Thank you for your kind review not long ago for Blue Chalkin'. Your positive reviews and commentaries of my stuff (and any negative ones that may come along as well, ha ha!) will always be appreciated, sir!!

Bill Dake
over 30 days ago to Rex Niemand

Thanking you for the 5's granted to "New Dog, Old Tricks". It actually received an honorable mention in the '22 SongDoor competition. Considering they don't have a jazz category I was a bit surprised.

Which tunes did you tweak so I can listen?


3 Replies
Rex Niemand
over 30 days ago

Gosh, such small adjustments really. Mostly quite subtle. I'll have to think on that...

What I am working on these past few days is my Dulce Mysterium (was titled Dark Matter or Keyboard Piece No. 4). The story here is that I had been trying to coax a video saavy friend of mine to help me create a music video, which would be my very first ever. I had suggested several of my tracks that I thought were among my very best, but nothing happened. I scrounged about a bit and found this piano doodle I created last summer, shared it with my friend and he is off and running with it. A rather austere piece, but I think that may serve the video content very well. Sooo... I have been tweaking the heck out of that, updating online sometimes several times a day including today. Have added and been refining strings, which made me sweat a bit.

If I had to suggest a listen to one of my other things, how about Five Cent Blues? I spent some time with that, another fake 'live' performance, aiming for realism. The original iteration needed considerable updating me thinks -- in case you happened to have heard that version.

Thanks, Bill, for your continual inspiration!


Bill Dake
over 30 days ago

Yeah, FCB is very "cool". How the hell did you get the horns to sound so good? I'm impressed. Reminds me of some free form improvisation though there is a definite structure. I do remember the original and this is a definite improvement.

Much of what I wrote in my 20's and 30's was horn based, though I wrote most of it on guitar. Give me some pointers for tweaking the synth horns, I'm using Session Horns in Kontact for the most part.

My midi keyboard is going TU so I just ordered a StudioLogic SL88 Grand to replace it. Three pedals and lots of ability to mess with the sounds. It'll be a challenge to get used to "real" piano touch after years of a synth keyboard. Looking forward to it.

Thank YOU for the inspiration,

Rex Niemand
over 30 days ago

Yeah, the horn thing... when it works it's because of no small amt of elbow grease. Subtle bends, vol. adjustments, etc. I'm sure you've guessed all that. In my Apple (Logic Pro) program, individual sax notes for example have a menu of sorts attached to select different effects, which can come in handy. Choices include sustain, expressive medium, expressive short or long, staccato and more. Perhaps similar feature in your software?
Would like to create a quicker, hard bop number sometime. We'll see how that works out. --
Always appreciate the listens and your comments, Bill.

Hi Rex,
Thanks so much for 5the 5 Stars on "The Blend". I really apprecioate you taking the time to listen and rate it. A rating like that coming from you is very humbling.

Thanks again!


1 Replies
Rex Niemand
over 30 days ago

Aw shucks, Frank... :-}
I am pleased to have your genuine talent represented in my friends list, sir. And, THANK YOU!!

Thanks for bending an ear to "Travelin' Jack". Appreciate it!

1 Replies
Rex Niemand
over 30 days ago

You are clearly a force to be reckoned with, Steve. -- Incidentally: thank you, sir, indeed for your positive and encouraging review of Vistaview Lane! -- 'Rex"

Jeana Marie Potthoff
over 30 days ago to Rex Niemand

Rex (Tony)-Thank you for listening to "Wishes" and "Loved Forever". I appreciate the stars!

2 Replies
Rex Niemand
over 30 days ago

I appreciate the things you create and perform. Most all of my stuff here I cannot perform. I'm a cheater, rely heavily on technology as you likely already know. Any stars I've been given actually belong to my Mac computer ;-D -- Keep up the fine work and stay well, Jeanna!

Jeana Marie Potthoff
over 30 days ago

Thanks for the kind words. Even if you rely on technology, you still have the ideas! :-) Hope you stay well, too and looking forward to hearing more of your work.

Thierry Coupey
over 30 days ago to Thierry Coupey

I am deeply humbled to learn that 3 of my instrumentals have been selected in the first 3 finalists of the Dallas Songwriting Association contest.
Thanks Warren Hein for sending me the news this morning. This has just made my year 2023 ahead of time.
Instrumental finalists @ 1h 40min 40sec : writersSongContest/videos/568797178 122902/?extid=NS-UNK-UNK-UNK-IOS_GK 0T-GK1C&mibextid=2Rb1fB&ref=sharing

5 Replies
Jeana Marie Potthoff
over 30 days ago

Your work is Amazing, Thierry! Plus Grand Prize winner! Well deserved. Your efforts have paid off.

over 30 days ago

What an achievement Thierry, a clean sweep sir! Nice to know the judges share our opinion of your skill and creativity. Well done.


Thierry Coupey
over 30 days ago

Thank you guys. So much.
You are all a bunch of talented ones too. It is just incredible.

Rex Niemand
over 30 days ago

Congrats, Thierry! No one here should be surprised. All the best to and for you, sir. -- 'Rex'

Thierry Coupey
over 30 days ago

Thanks a lot Rex !
Question of luck too, being there at the right time with the right submissions... with hope ;-)

Jim Aitken
over 30 days ago to Rex Niemand

One Night Stand ( Kim piano) and Dear Jane appreciated Rex!
The other, "One Night Stand" (not the Tim Version) is more complete and better I reckon!
It is better than the solo piano!

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