Álvaro Guevara Vázquez, Composer, BMI.

Álvaro Guevara Vázquez, Composer, BMI.

Welcome Dear Friends, Esteemed Ladies and Gentlemen to my Official Website on Broadjam.

I am Álvaro Guevara Vázquez, Composer BMI.  A pupil of an American pupil of  Late Romanticist Russian Composer, Sergei Vasilievich Rachmaninov - aka (Rachmaninoff)

This portal contains a collection of my greatest musical works from the past forty plus years as a Composer.
A collection of Art that embodies my finest thoughts and feelings.

My warmest regards and salutations, 

Álvaro Guevara y Vázquez, Composer B.M.I.

 Cervantes ™ Arts and Entertainment Group International.
A subsidiary of the Imperial Knight's and Dame of the Holy Grail.

©2024 All Rights Reserved. Gala Cervantes Art's and Entertainment Group.

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Gala Cervantes Imperial Arts Festival 2025

Join us for an event to remember! At Gala Cervantes Imperial Arts Festival 2025.

In celebration of World Peace, Human Right's and Orphan Philanthropy through Art and Culture. 

Corporate Event Advertising Packages are available to Arizona and Global Entrepreneurs and Industrialist specializing in Tourism, Food and Lodging, Retail and World Trade.

Who wish to advertise their products and services via Gala Cervantes Global Advertising Campaign. 

Serious Inquiries should be directed to:

Álvaro Guevara Vázquez, Executive Producer. 



Greetings my fellow Artist Brother's, Knight's and Squires.

I hope everyone well and in good cheer, this New Year.

My warmest regards,
Álvaro Guevara y Vázquez, Composer BMI.

Wonderful, modern and classic at the same time!

Thank you very much for taking the time to listen some of my songs!
I really appreciate your support.
All the best!

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