
Previous Comments

Bernd Voss
over 30 days ago to Evening Drama Music

Hi Daren, thank you for your review of my song "wide".
saludos from Spain Bernd

Hey E.D.M...thanks for the positive review of my song "SMOOTH" tHANKS FOR LISTENING.

V Padla Gootee
over 30 days ago to Evening Drama Music

Thank you for taking the time to review "Drifting."

Sharon West
over 30 days ago to Evening Drama Music

Hi Daren!

Thanks so much for your review of my song The Energy Spa - I really appreciate all the feedback, and for the kick-in-the-butt for me to do more of them myself!

Sharon West

Gregory Foxx
over 30 days ago to Evening Drama Music

Thank you for your review of "Easy On The Eyes". I couldn't agree more-"It is what it is". It's a love song and all the island chicks still love it. Oh and by the way this went to #1 on all contemporary radio music stations in the state of Hawaii and has become a local classic still on rotation and I have the ASCAP checks to prove it. Kind regards & Aloha!

Clean Clean

Clean Clean

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