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Thanks for the 5 stars on "Cold Hearted Woman"

1 Replies
Lyfe Concierge Publishing
over 30 days ago

You got it Ron!
LC Team

Cyndi Corkran
over 30 days ago to Ron D Bowes

Thank you Ron, for the *****s and PL on "Unbearable", collaboration with Thierry Coupey. We appreciate you stopping by for a listen. Merry Christmas!

1 Replies
Ron D Bowes
over 30 days ago

NP - have a merry xmas Cyndi

Ron D Bowes
over 30 days ago to Cyndi Corkran

Thanks for th 5* and pl for 'Gimme Shelter'. Much obliged Cyndi.

2 Replies
Cyndi Corkran
over 30 days ago

Great cover Ron! Most welcome!

Cyndi Corkran
over 30 days ago

Thank you as well, Ron, for the *****s and PL that you gave; really appreciate you. Hope all is going well for you sir!

Margie & Art Corey
over 30 days ago to Ron D Bowes

Ron, great version of "Gimme Shelter" 5 stars & Likes...
The Corey's From So Cal. USA!!
Oh, If you get a chance, come on down and have a listen to some of our tunes!!

RTTM Music Group
over 30 days ago to Ron D Bowes ities
Its worth checking out!

Ron D Bowes
over 30 days ago to amy abernathy

Thanks for the 5* on 'Voodoo Woman' :-)

Ionut Mirel Udrea
over 30 days ago to Ron D Bowes

Hello Ron! Thank you very much for taking the time to listen and rate my new song "Muses Of The Night"! I really appreciate your continuous support. All the best!

Ron D Bowes
over 30 days ago to Cyndi Corkran

Thanks for the pl and 5* on "Voodoo Woman, Cyndi and" Fate Willing" is super cool!

1 Replies
Cyndi Corkran
over 30 days ago

Hi Ron,
Love "Voodoo Woman"; great bluesy rock! Thank you, for your *****s and PL too! Hope all is well with you.

over 30 days ago to Ron D Bowes

Thanks so much for your great review of my song "Fantasy Friend"! Much appreciated. And, in retrospect, i agree with your take on the drum intro. I do believe i'll change it or cut it out entirely.

1 Replies
Ron D Bowes
over 30 days ago

You are welcome. It's a cool track.

Ron D Bowes
over 30 days ago to Ionut Mirel Udrea

Thanks for the 5* and pl on My Love (WIll Last That Long). Much obliged Ionut

1 Replies
Ionut Mirel Udrea
over 30 days ago

Always a pleasure!

Ron D Bowes
over 30 days ago to Cyndi Corkran

Thankyou very much Cyndi, for the 5* and pls on "My Love (Will Last That Long)"

1 Replies
Cyndi Corkran
over 30 days ago

Love your lyrics Ron, and all in a fine, melodic rock groove! You are most welcome; my pleasure!

Ron D Bowes
over 30 days ago to Signal 30

Thanks for the 5* and pl on "The Other Side" ;-)

1 Replies
Signal 30
over 30 days ago

You're always putting out great stuff, keep it up, we love it!!!

Darren Gibbons
over 30 days ago to Ron D Bowes

Cheers Ron. :)

3 Replies
Ron D Bowes
over 30 days ago

YW ;-)

Darren Gibbons
over 30 days ago

Just heard 'Go tell the Preacher" on the other site..that's a great song. :)

Ron D Bowes
over 30 days ago

Thanks for that Darren

Delta Burnett Reed
over 30 days ago to Ron D Bowes

Thank you for the 5* for Gethsemaney you are most kind

1 Replies
Ron D Bowes
over 30 days ago

YW :-)

Ron D Bowes
over 30 days ago to Steve Purcell

Thanks for the 5* on Zombified Steve ;-)

Cyndi Corkran
over 30 days ago to Ron D Bowes

Thanks Ron, for the *****s and PL's on "My Love for You ~ with Junior Murrell". We appreciate it very much!

1 Replies
Ron D Bowes
over 30 days ago

Welcome ;-)

Ron D Bowes
over 30 days ago to Cyndi Corkran

Thanks for the 5* and pl on Zombified ;-)

1 Replies
Cyndi Corkran
over 30 days ago

Hi Ron,
You are most welcome; great to see you back on the the site with a new, rockin' song!
Best to you,

Ron D Bowes
over 30 days ago to Creative InRoads, LLC

Thanks for listening and liking Zombified

over 30 days ago to Ron D Bowes

Thanks for the *'s on Desr World- much appreciated!

1 Replies
Ron D Bowes
over 30 days ago

Welcome ;-)

Hi Ron! Nice job on "Drowning Man"! Keep on Groovin! catnip pat

2 Replies
Ron D Bowes
over 30 days ago

Thanks Pat for the encouraging comments ;-)

Ron D Bowes
over 30 days ago

Thanks Patrick. Sorry about the tardy reply. Health issues..

George Michael John
over 30 days ago to Ron D Bowes

Thanks for the great review of B4 The Storm! Much appreciated!!

1 Replies
Ron D Bowes
over 30 days ago

Welcome ;-)

Ron D Bowes
over 30 days ago to Ionut Mirel Udrea

Thanks for the pls and 5* on "Drowning Man". You are a star ;-)

well the initial polls are in and my first entry into the 2017 Pack posts a clear and decisive 238th ranking. thank you for your honesty. you have done me the good honor and cause to reflect upon my musical ignorance and lack of talent.

again, thank you. as always your friend in music - pgo. . .

9 Replies
over 30 days ago

lol welcome to insanity peter. I'd take no notice of the ranks its all hogwash ,

Creative InRoads, LLC
over 30 days ago

just wanted to see wassup bro - not surprised about the insanity. guess I had hoped for a change. call me an infernal optimist. no one is going to rob me of my naiveté. never!

Ron D Bowes
over 30 days ago

If I took notice of competition results I would have burned my guitars years ago. I just don't enter these type of things. I'm much happier not subjecting to these things. they always disappoint me.

Cyndi Corkran
over 30 days ago

Well, I must say I agree with you Ron, on the question of not subjecting myself to anymore wierd and/or heartbreaking information about what I did wrong with this or that, or like Jeff said in his earlier comment: The Bettles.......seriously? That's all they had to say, and who are THEY, pray tell?

Peter, you will always be numero uno with me and the rest of us! Rock on brother!

Creative InRoads, LLC
over 30 days ago

thank you C.C. and likewise with that outstanding and unique voice you possess - lyrics, too. ah, come on, the 'pack' is a fun social experiment. especially when people take the chance to have their heart be heard. that alone deserves a 3. . .

Cyndi Corkran
over 30 days ago

Thank you kindly my dear.

I do understand the beckoning, but I didn't want to be consumed with it this year; too much happening. I've found in the past, I would want to add just one more song, well, maybe a couple more, and before I knew it, I had invested more $$$ into my ego, than I had with more important issues ... I've had to learn to surrender some of my dreams, but none of my passions.......................

I do, however, wish you all the very best!.......
Peace and abundant Love,

Creative InRoads, LLC
over 30 days ago

temptations run wild
to leave it all behind

understood. . .

Radiation Mountain
over 30 days ago

Why on earth would you enter into the America's Got Talent sort of thing? Do you want someone who thinks Katy Perry is the shiznit evaluating your tunes? It makes no sense to compete for what, "Prettiest Girl in Kentucky?" Claim your prize next to the cotton candy booth....

Identify the people who like your music, and the people who make music like yours and then those who like that music. And seek them out. Peter there's no question about the quality of your tunes--I've heard a lot of really good stuff--writing, singing, and guitar playing. This is a great place to test out your tunes, taking reviews with a grain of salt, especially when their tunes are clearly coming from a very different place. The prize pig stuff is for the birds. But the community is so worth it.

Creative InRoads, LLC
over 30 days ago

thx brother, Jeff, fellow B'Jam Member: yes, our community is worth it; every single one of us. humbled by the response and wouldn't change a note or a single word. too late now as I have committed my wrote in stone. tombstone: 'here lays a musician. too bad he didn't have a real job' :>)

When the positive comment is "sound like bettles " is there really much point in continuing? Jesus Mary & Joseph.

5 Replies
Ron D Bowes
over 30 days ago

Come on Jeff - being compared to the Bettles. That is an honour. Who are the Bettles by the way? Some second rate liverpuddlian pop combo?

Cyndi Corkran
over 30 days ago

That would almost be laughable, if it weren't so sad.....
Jeff, you sound like marvelous YOU!

Radiation Mountain
over 30 days ago

Hey I'll take a comparison to the Beatles any day. I was just ragging about the substandard English and uninspired commentary.

Ron D Bowes
over 30 days ago

I know you were Jeff. I was just having a bit of fun ;-) It's the sort of comment that just beggar's belief.

Cyndi Corkran
over 30 days ago

Oh yea Jeff, I didn't mean that being compared to the Beatles was anything but a great compliment; but the Bettles......that spelling was.....well, a bit telling! Or perhaps, a just typo.....;-)

Alan Gillis (Gulliver)
over 30 days ago to Ron D Bowes

Thanks Ron for the *s and pl for The Vigilante. Much appreciated. Alan

Ionut Mirel Udrea
over 30 days ago to Ron D Bowes

Hi Ron! Thank you very much for taking the time to listen, rate and add my new song to your pl! I really appreciate your support. All the best!

Cyndi Corkran
over 30 days ago to Ron D Bowes

Hi Ron,
Thank you for the *****s and PL adds of TSW's song, "DancE"; we appreciate it! Hope all is going well for you.

1 Replies
Ron D Bowes
over 30 days ago

YW Cyndi. Due to my health I am on and off BJ, so, sorry for delay in reply.

Darren Gibbons
over 30 days ago to Ron D Bowes

Good rock instrumental Ron. You're great on those guitars. You're right, you can't beat a nice cuppa, especially with a few biscuits too :-)

1 Replies
Ron D Bowes
over 30 days ago

Thanks Darren. Much appreciated ;-)

Ron D Bowes
over 30 days ago to Ron D Bowes

Thanks Ionut and Cyndi for the pls and 5 * on "Rosie Lea" - kind of you ;-)

8 Replies
Cyndi Corkran
over 30 days ago

Sweet, melodious rock piece Ron; you're welcome! Good to see you on the board again!

over 30 days ago

cant beat a nice cup of rosie lea though i prefer a few britney spears while im on the ole dog and bone , though to many its hard to get up the apple and pairs , luckily i have no trouble and strife to worry about , id stick a monkey on that doing well man.though i could be pete tong, i best go im talking a load of pony lol

Darren Gibbons
over 30 days ago

Cor blimey Tristyn, you're having a giraffe mate! :-)

over 30 days ago

hahaha :)

Ron D Bowes
over 30 days ago

You're taking the arthur Bliss! I'm tearing me Barnet out with all this Cokney banter. I think I'll put me plates of meat up and have a Rosie Lea.....

over 30 days ago

lol barnet least its not a syrup , cant show our chevy chase around here best stop this could go on donkeys ears lol

Darren Gibbons
over 30 days ago

Ha ha..Leave it out g'vner. I just got home from work now, cream crackered! I think we should all talk like this from now on, or maybe not? :)

over 30 days ago

haha cream crackered. yeah we should lets confuse people lol,

Ron D Bowes
over 30 days ago to Ron D Bowes

My latest track. Something a tad different from me. 1

1 Replies
The Spermatochords
over 30 days ago

Bo Diddley/clave beat, nicely done. I have a song coming up down the road with a similar beat. Always good to experiment with different things.

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