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over 30 days ago to Milly

Has your publishing contracts succeeded in any way yet? Remember to ALWAYS have a release clause in any publishing rights agreement you sign as a songwriter. Ok? Also do get references of the signed materials that the publisher has had in the last 8 years or even most recent. Never give away any rights for a lifetime as what a publisher may have if you've not a release of those rights after five years. Always able to resign another timed agreement IF they need more time in their shopping abilities to gain $. Sadly there are publishers that just want to post they have hundreds of songs in their catalogue but forget to push them unless one of the big fish bites and then others may suffer waiting. Just be wise and no problems arise! Besides the Irish side of my fraternal grandma wouldn't allow me to let anyone from Ireland heritage get a bad burn in the biz if I could help it. God bless.

OverTheAir Radio
over 30 days ago to Milly

Online Radio Station
We Promote artist from around the world.
Send song links or mp3's to

1 Replies
over 30 days ago

How does this radio station online promote artists exactly? Do they pay registered royalties or is the station without advertisers? That's what I like to know. All the IMRO collecting would help if you, Milly, registered with them, have you? Go to my FB page whenever and sign up there as well as Twitter etc. too. Stay in touch if you'd like.

over 30 days ago to NIKKI HORNSBY

Hi Nikki, thank you for the comment. All is ok here in Ireland! I haven't written any new material at all in so long, it must be at least a year! I felt I wasn't getting anywhere, wasting my time (and money) and just stopped.. I suppose I lost hope abit. Very busy also with other things, new family business!! Wow that's hard. Hope all with you too..I am a catholic yes and the pope was here recently but I didn't get to join in the celebration.. but did watch some of it on TV! It was very exciting! I hope all is good with you in U.S. God Bless Milly

over 30 days ago to Milly

PS: I don't know if you are Catholic but I was watching the Pope's travels and wish I could travel along seeing such love that the people share with their faith. God bless!

over 30 days ago to Milly

Hello Milly, I hope all is going well for you in Ireland these days. All is good in So. CA but was checking in on you. God bless and may you be well and keep hope in the heart since all else is only the first letter changed to make hope into cope. Yes? Ok. May God bless and appreciate prayers for the people I know in VA, NC, & SC who are surviving the storms. Thank you!

Toni Sunden
over 30 days ago to Milly

If you have time check out my new recording.
New songs coming out next week.
Feel free to share or leave a comment.

Have a good day!

Susan Witzel
over 30 days ago to Milly

Hey Milly Love your new song. Why not a female bad ass lead?

2 Replies
over 30 days ago

Hi susan, thanks for the positive feedback and 5 stars... you know I have always thought that myself that I should get this as a female lead..something a little different!

Susan Witzel
over 30 days ago

I think that would put it over the top! I read the lyrics first then was surprised to hear a male vocal...even when you said "I'm one of the boys," I think that still works as she is the girl that hangs with the guys, but is sexy and holds her own.

over 30 days ago to Milly

You are the best

over 30 days ago to Milly

Hi All, Just found out I placed as finalist in the UK Songwriting Competition with my one entry "Do you Remember" Dad is definitely looking out for me..thanks Dad..

7 Replies
Ron D Bowes
over 30 days ago


over 30 days ago

Congrats Milly well deserved . I got commended entry 6 whatever that means in that contest.

over 30 days ago

Thanks a mil....Tristyn I think it gives an explanation of the scores on the website... You should check it out!

Julia Schmidt
over 30 days ago

Awesome Milly!! He is definitely looking out for you!! :))

Cyndi Corkran
over 30 days ago

Congratulations Milly!

Abram Band
over 30 days ago

Sail Milly!!! Good News.........!!! Abram Band

over 30 days ago

Brilliant Milly. I checked all the categories to see if any Broadjammers had got into the final but you fooled me by using your posh name!! Very well done.
I was a just a tiny bit disappointed as last year I made the final but not this year. I guess I am very pleased that Dance Hall Of Dreams got a semi final place in 3 categories, getting 8 points in Love Songs (so nearly the final!) In all I got 5 semi finals and 2 commendations - at least I did better than the 6 pack!!
Well done again!

Hank Thomas
over 30 days ago to Milly

Hate to say I told you so, but "I told you so"-welcome to the top 40. Nothing but 3's from me for all three of your wonderful songs.
Good luck and hope to see you in the Top 20.
Don't forget to review,

1 Replies
over 30 days ago

Tks a mil hank.. Yep u have been reviewing, sneaking in a few while I'm in work!!!! All fantastic songs.. Tough competition!

Julia Schmidt
over 30 days ago to Milly

Hi! " Do you remember " is beautiful! Of course it gave me tears , as a few months back lost my best friend .. My dearest father ....the lyrics are amazing and the vocals , production are as well! Rated it the best ,surely and good luck to you in the six pack!:)

2 Replies
over 30 days ago

Julia thank you so much, I wrote it after my dad passed away, it's heartbreaking isn't it... I'm sorry for your loss too...everytime I listen to my song it makes me cry too...someday I hope it gets a little easier for both of us! Tks milly

Julia Schmidt
over 30 days ago

I'm so sorry for your loss as well..'words can't ever describe the deep sense of a such a great loss... But I hope time will heal ...and we know they are with us in spirit wherever we go and whatever we do :) prayers and blessings, Milly!

over 30 days ago to Milly

keep at it GIRL!

The Sketchballs
over 30 days ago to Milly

"Groundhog Day" is awesome......great country voice

Frank Radice
over 30 days ago to Milly

Hi Milly, Thank you very much for the 5 stars for The Wind and Sand w/ Hannah Papadakos and Please Forgive me with Laura Coyle. I really appreciate it!! Your songs are very well written and produced!! All the best, Frank

over 30 days ago to Donovan Tucker

Don...just a quick note... Was listening to hurricane on iPhone... Darn thing won't let me select the stars after listening...5 stars to u and Greg for hurricane.. Great song!! I'll update 2moro when listening from the comfort of my laptop.. Ugh technology!! Cheers milly

1 Replies
Donovan Tucker
over 30 days ago

thanks - Glad u liked it ! Be talking to u soon.

over 30 days ago to Milly

To the Broadjam Family..A massive thank you to all the comments, messages, playlists and 5 stars for my song "Do you Remember"..Truly touched Milly

2 Replies
Creative InRoads, LLC
over 30 days ago

Ms Milly, what you shared thru your song is undeniably poignant and a heartfelt truth that touches many lives and their families. thank you for sharing.

Cyndi Corkran
over 30 days ago

"Do you remember?"; a beautiful tribute to your father, and to all who have lost themselves to this horrible disease, and their familes. Our condolences to you and your family, and thank you for sharing your heart and bearing your soul, through your music.

Charles Bunting
over 30 days ago to Milly

Do you Remember, Wow what a song, sorry for your loss, thanks for sharing

over 30 days ago to Milly


over 30 days ago to Milly

nice profile

over 30 days ago to Milly

Remember your voice is a good one and your music & lyrics always complimented by it's use. Take care & a personal Happy New Year from So. CA USA!

over 30 days ago to Troy Castellano

Troy, some greats songs here!! enjoyed listening! cheers Milly

over 30 days ago to Vi: 00110110

Holy \crap on a cracker..An evil alright at 7 mins onwards!!! Actually thought I was watching a horror movie!!! Cheers Milly

1 Replies
Vi: 00110110
over 30 days ago


over 30 days ago to Milly

Huge thank you to all how gave "dysfunctional family" 5 stars and playlist adds....milliún go raibh maith agat le mo chairde(million thank you's to my friends)!!

Donovan Tucker
over 30 days ago to Donovan Tucker

I have mixed emotions about being 'considered' along with 75-100 other songs for an opp. Seems like a provider could narrow it down just a tad.

20 Replies
Abram Band
over 30 days ago

I have the same bad feeling about it! Years and all the money spent equipment,memberships, Time, paperwork,copyright, energy into composing.

The Dead Storm9387994
over 30 days ago

Me too! Especially when you eventually hear the selected track.... And you start to wonder what they're thinking....

Donovan Tucker
over 30 days ago

I saw a song selected that had one play. One! I have to guess that the one play is the providers'. What are the odds of that happening? I don't get it sometimes.

Abram Band
over 30 days ago

wanting a diverse range, was given and ignored?
There was outstanding beds to lay down, they chose to forget us and move to some other a&r.

over 30 days ago

The California Gold Rush (1848–1855)
People came from far and wide to make their fortune, the vast majority went home empty handed.
Guess who made their money... those that set up gold prospecting stores selling the shovels and pans.
Whatever business you're in, there is always a store selling you shovels and pans, the music business is no different.
Op providers (gatekeepers) you don't need them, there are other ways
Best to you all

The Dead Storm9387994
over 30 days ago

Great point Earl. So what do you recommend instead?

Creative InRoads, LLC
over 30 days ago

so, let's start digging with our bare hands, with our hearts; and, most importantly, with our smarts. who owns the majority of the big publishing houses?

over 30 days ago

I feel the same too....both my broadjam and taxi membership are due for renewal in the next month...I dont know whether to renew or not, I feel like I will never get anything back (monetary wise) from either....Earl, what are the other ways? How can you even get song critiques without constantly forking out money for do you know if your song is worth spending the money on??? Oh so many questions!!

Cyndi Corkran
over 30 days ago

Well, so many speaking in accordance with what many of us have been feeling. I just listened to a tune that was selected, from about 50 that were "considered", one out of three of mine that were submitted, in that count, and while the selected song was fine, there were so many from which to choose, that I thought would have fit the description more readily, (excluding mine), that I just had to wonder. It all comes back to what Earl said about the middle person, and also, when an opp is posted for a certain genre, certain feel to it, it all winds up being another subjective call......just like the 6 pack contest that we just endured. All of the works, while great in their own way, have to be put aside for that "one" that is chosen, from a subjective POV, whether that means one person judging, or a peer review.

This business is a hard nut to crack, so to speak, and I find that I must keep my eye on the heart of the music; the emotion that takes me to a certain ribbon of lyrics, melody, energy, and let all the rest of it go by the wayside; I have never quit my day job! And perhaps, that may be a negative for me, since I'm not desperate enough to create GREAT music!
Whatever the reasons are, I'll just swallow my pride, and keep making music, for it is that which I must, for my emotional health, and need to sing what my heart feels. The Bjam forum has been a wonderful way to electronically, meet you all and collaborate with some of the best of you! I wouldn't trade that for any contest!

Best of fortunes to you all, and keep making your own, unique music and statements about life, love and heartache; we all have a voice to be heard, albeit, perhaps not in any film or on the "top 40"!!!

Blessings and Peace!

Cyndi Corkran
over 30 days ago

P.S..........Donovan, I believe that the many, many songs "under consideration", is nothing more that that proverbial, "dangling carrot".........regrettably.

Donovan Tucker
over 30 days ago

Me too Cyb - it's like ' oh you were so close'.I think we all know this business is like playing the lottery, the only diff is we have control over the quality of the song that we hope gives up a better chance. I have no choice but to keep plugging away, it's all a matter of that one listen that loves your song. It's out there. I dont put all my eggs in the bjam basket, its one of many that I use, and I have had several selections over the past two years here, but no placements, other than some radio play. But, I have done several cowrites with people Ive met on Bjam, so it's been worth my while def, because I feel strongly that one of those will be used by someone somewhere.

Cyndi Corkran
over 30 days ago


The Dead Storm9387994
over 30 days ago

Milly, you could always have a free BJ membership, and enjoy the opportunity to get helpful critiques from the friends you make here

The Dead Storm9387994
over 30 days ago

Cyndi I sometimes wonder if occasionally they choose somebody's music as 'under consideration' or 'shortlisted (on hit license)' just to keep regular customers coming back - so if someone is submitting heaps and spending a lot they don't want to lose that regular stream of income. You do realise that a lot of these opportunities are not shortlisted by the actual client don't you? And I think Hit License do their own shortlisting 100% of the time.

Donovan Tucker
over 30 days ago

I dont think so Zac. Ive been shortlisted just once on Hit License, Ive seen a few on there like Jim Reeder (who's also on this site)get shortlisted more than once and selected also. If you are shortlisted, it means your odds have gone from one in a few hundred to one in 5, so you have a much better chance.

The Dead Storm9387994
over 30 days ago

But the shortlisted tracks on hit license have to then compete against other publishers etc not connected to HL - their listings are not exclusive to HL, just like the BJ listings are not unique to BJ

Abram Band
over 30 days ago

My Thoughts are Lets look at it this way. Ok they considered you Bookmarked you and your style for Future Reference. Some Hope they might think this way. Yes I am still feeling the effects of it all.
I compose 4 weeks straight for the Op Daily!
I am talking Discovery Channel Tinderbox. Which compiled all types of expressions. Genres ,etc.
Lets have hope they Bookmarked us in their spreadsheet back at the office. Back to recording today. We are all very sensitive musicians that is why we express in Music what we do! Sail my Broadjam Family..........This is our Year for open doors for the new ones! That have been waiting. Till then as Earl said, there are other ways. I have been searching for those for years! If I find them I will share. I have built my own locked playlists for reaching back and pulling you in. Most people share their provider and help others get in the DOOR! Love you all Precious Hearts, beautiful Family! Thank you for being here for me, also. I am just like you !
Thank You everyone who has been a support to me.
There are some many people here, if I see Notifications you made Top Tens I go and add and add to keep you sailing there. Those help with costs on OPS. Hope Roy has Free Ops soon, we all need
all the help ! Sending Love & energy lets keep sailing!

Donovan Tucker
over 30 days ago

Zac - bjam makes an effort to make sure their opps are not posted on other site, but some prob fall thru the cracks. I do know that bjam has an exclusive on the discovery channel opp listings.

over 30 days ago

@ everyone.... there are other ways, believe me, not easy ways and often they require a lot of legwork, in fact you can find you will spend more time promoting, pushing your work than writing it.
It's all about thinking outside the box
Many have been suckered into the belief that the op providers have some sort of fast pass access to the people looking for material, I have found that it isn't the case, they have little more possibilities than you do,but, by doing what they do, selling you a shovel and a pan, they are making money, you ain't!!
Just as a tip...if you insist on paying the op providers, avoid those that claim they want songs for the big in UK we call them chancers.
I do have a small amount of good contacts, and when they ask me for things that I think fit the bill for any Broadjam friends, I send them over.
Oh and @ Milly...why do you want to pay for song critiques? You know if it's good or bad, don't pay others to tell you!
Your songs are good enough, if they weren't, I wouldn't say they were...they are radio friendly so that's worth an awful lot.
On another note... I have recently had the pleasure of donating another song to a charity CD (Autism Awareness), as well as being for a great cause it is surprising how it slowly puts people in touch with your music
Just a thought, but could it be a plan to release a charity album of Broadjam friends, each one donating a song written for it? As I say..just a thought, the one problem is that it might have to be quadruple album!!
Best to you all

The Dead Storm9387994
over 30 days ago

Thanks for the awesome advice Earl! I love your charity CD idea too.

over 30 days ago to Milly

MILLY--sure is a nice smile you wearin!--cheers--joe

1 Replies
over 30 days ago

Always smilin' Joe, you gotta, its good for ya! Cheers Milly

Nick Fuse
over 30 days ago to Milly

Dear Miss Milly, Welcome Back, and Dysfunctional Family is definitely a Winner. Should rise to the Top 10 soon. I divorced mine, and as a child I was raised by the Catholic Church. Love is not dysfunctional, so it's no love lost, no love gained. Me mother were from South Ireland, so we may be related. - Nick

1 Replies
over 30 days ago

Thanks for vote of confidence, I am from nearer the north, just on the border between republic of ireland and northern ireland, so while I am from southern ireland, I live very close to the north!!! Cheers Milly

over 30 days ago to Creative InRoads, LLC

Love A complicated man! Great song..

3 Replies
Creative InRoads, LLC
over 30 days ago

ahhh, dear lady - thank you so much. especially coning from such a great lyricist. here's wishing success beyond expectations this 015 year.

as always. . .

over 30 days ago

Too kind..too kind..its the first time in a very long time I have been able to listen to songs again! And have a new one of my own coming in a few days! cheers Milly

Creative InRoads, LLC
over 30 days ago

please, share as you please. in case you didn't know. you have and continue to make an impact on this community.

Brian McNulty
over 30 days ago to Brian McNulty

I am confused. Below is the link for the winning song in the Country category for the UK Songwriting Contest. You will have to scroll down to the winning song, Playing In The Ruins. I don't understand how this song beat great songs like the finalists I know from Broadjam like House Divided (James Hoppe/Mary Haller), We Can Be Lovers Again (Bob Bentley), Home to Carolina (Rob Cariddi), and Loved by You (Candice Russell, Aaron Russell, Dave Lubben). Am I missing something? Do have a brain tumor? Can anyone help me understand??? 1

18 Replies
Creative InRoads, LLC
over 30 days ago

just goes to show having "pro-industry" reviewers doesn't guarantee a rightful winner (whatever that means). all I want to say at this time: "WAKE UP B'JAM!" friggin' A thru Z and folks paid how much moola mooch to hear these UK results. . .

dear Mayor, as I shared earlier in this years 7th Can, the toys are small matter. where are the industry contacts and contracts? where is the airplay and fair play networking across viable social networks?

hey, Michigander - wanna collab on something?

Brian McNulty
over 30 days ago

Absolutely, Peter!

Brian McNulty
over 30 days ago

My father taught me to stand up to injustice.

Brian McNulty
over 30 days ago

And to stand against it.

Brian McNulty
over 30 days ago

And no, I don't have a brain tumor.

Donovan Tucker
over 30 days ago

That is crazy that that song won in the country category. Glad I didn't waste my money entering that contest.

Douglas Amell
over 30 days ago

I have to admit to being totally floored by that country winner too. I thought since country really isn't my forte, perhaps I was missing something. Glad to see I'm not the only one who thought that choice was goofy.

Greg Lambert
over 30 days ago


Adam Maxfield
over 30 days ago

Strange choice admittedly! But then so was the Rock winner, didn't think that song was that great either! I don't know how many judges each category has, it reads like its just one, which itself seems unfair and subject to that judges personal preference of style within a broad genre range.
Mind you it does go to show that they mean what they say about demo quality!!!!

over 30 days ago

I entered and then listened to that song and to say that I was flabbergasted was an understatement, then I thought... wait they say the vocals etc are not judged just the songwriting so I said right forget about the vocals and quality I listend again....then I thought well MAYBe these lyrics are the best cos I'm constantly getting bloody feedback from these professionals to say my lyrics are not the best, the hooks not good enough, it's not original enough blah feckin blah... And now I listen to that and think is that what I need to do.. I'm so feckin fed up with the whole thing (hence why I haven't been about in while)..I am completley devoid of any passion for songwriting right now.. I know things like these contest shouldn't mean anything to people but it does...time, money, effort and passion go to into these songs.... Part of you is in these songs....sorry rant over..I don't know what else to say.. Only I probably won't be entering next year! Hope u all had a great Xmas and a peaceful new year!

Diana Rasmussen
over 30 days ago

Life isn't fair - and neither is the music business. Justice does not always win. Their contest - their choice. I don't like it either. Buyer beware. We'll take your money but...

Crosseyed Miles
over 30 days ago

IMHO 95% of these "contests" are a sham...hence why I don't enter them anymore. I'd rather spent my hard earned $$ on perfecting my tracks in the studio & making them radio-ready. Just my 2 cents...

Julia Schmidt
over 30 days ago

I listened as well..... Appalled!!:(((........

over 30 days ago

Just on that..I too looked at the finalists whom we hear on broadjam and those I know are outstanding writers with winner songs!! I don't understand either Brian.. I'm feeling a bit lost!

Brian McNulty
over 30 days ago

Thanks everyone. I just needed to vent. Milly, don't give up. You are a fine writer and you improve with every song. Keep writing for the love of it. Sometimes, we just need to recharge our batteries.

over 30 days ago

I'm working on a response but there's a lot to say - and I want to get it right.

Bill Dake
over 30 days ago

It's a strange and often frustrating business. Over the years I've become friends with some of the folks who run a few of the songwriting contests. Most of them don't have any input as to what the "Judges" decide. Often it's just one person per category, so their opinion, biases, and preferences are the soul determinant as to how far a song will progress in the contest. Realize that some of these contests receive tens to hundreds of thousands of entries.

Writing, singing, playing and producing music are all very personal endeavors, even if your doing a collaboration. I've personally had hundreds of negative reviews; as singer, lyricist, composer, musician and (less than polished) producer. Had a few successes, too.

It's easy to get pissed at what we see as injustice and unfair criticism or praise, but I hope that those of us who have become part of this BJam community will continue to rise above the momentary disappointments and continue to do what most of us were meant to Do it for yourself, share it. You may never know how something you wrote, a simple phrase, a hook, a melody, will touch someone you may never meet, and lift them up or get them to think.........


Brian McNulty
over 30 days ago

Well said, Bill. :)

Mr. Lindsay Mac
over 30 days ago to Milly

WOW Milly, "Groundhog Day ".
Gle mhaith !

Castle-Eye (Michael Casali)
over 30 days ago to Milly

Congrats on Groundhog Day, Sounds Great!

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