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Thanks for the thorough review. All my music is recorded in Nashville with some of the hottest players in the biz. The bass on "Island Blues" was played by Garry Lunn. He is my favorite electric bass player. The drummer was John Hammond. The sax was recorded in my studio in Baltimore. I am trying to bring a real live sound to all my music. This is the label I am on. Thanks again, Drew
Thank you for the comprehensive review of my song "Do It". I appreciate your glowing praise as well as your constructive thoughts. Cheers!
Hi Richard! I got both of your messages...Thanks...I'm not quite sure where the best place to leave them is either so I either go to the artists site or do both! Again I thought your vocals were quite good on that song...Char would love any song about herself immensely! Trust me I know how busy teachers are because 2 of the guys in my band are teachers for their day job....It's demanding work but satisfying when going well I'm sure..Thanks for the messages and Happy Spring! Penny and Char