STELLAKOWALSKY’s story begins in 1999, when Alex Malgioglio came to Italy from Detroit. Alex joins in with Fabrizio Caligiuri, Damiano Raimondi and his brother Francesco and starts up a band called Flame. After having signed a record deal with an independent label, the four of them changed their name in stellakowalsky and started touring around Italy, supporting artists such as Sweden's The Ark. Fabrizio Simoncioni, one of Italy’s leading engineers and producers, decides to take his chances into producing the band’s first album. stellakowalsky signed up a deal with Alari Park Group, a new independent label based around one of Italy’s top recording facilities, Alari Park Recording. The MG Rover car group has recently used the bands first single as the score for their TV commercial, on air in Italy and soon in Europe. Italian press has “admired venus” and promoted the band one of the revelations of 2005, believing in the band’s capabilities of doing well on a world market basis.


This Artist has 1 Album
Clean Clean

Clean Clean

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