Shelly Lee

Shelly Lee

Hand Holds The Future

Story Behind The Song

The heart ache of someone you love who loves drinking more than you.

Song Length 3:27 Genre Country - Rock, Country - General


Vs 1
At the Korner Keg sits Justin Craig
Bellied to the bar
Unsettled soul whose thirst is quenched
from a whisky bottle
Comes every night starts out slow
All the locals know
After 3 the mean in him
Erupts then explodes
Hand Holds The Future
Poured in a glass
Comes from s bottle
Stronger than him
Drenched in self pity
Fate in his hand
Walk away
Order another glass

The bartend is his new best friend
Never let's the glass go dry
More he drinks
More he thinks
Of the girl who said goodbye
Claims the blame
Wears the shame
Of her black and blue bruised heart
Life roughed her up
Knocked him down
World came crashing down
Like a man in the desert sun
Went too far and got thirsty
Drank away everyone he loved
Now he's broken and empty
At the Korner Keg stands Justin Craig
Pushes away the glass

Music and Lyrics written by Shelly Lee
Performed by Shelly Lee

Music arrangement is good.

strong song. love it

Wow, I have heard songs about alcoholism and problem drinkers, but this one tops the list. This writer knows how to paint a picture and tell a musical story. From her "belly to the bar" "erupts/explodes" "black and blue bruised heart." Yes alcoholism hurts EVERYONE not just the addicted. Well done, Shelly! I hope this song will motivate people entrapped in this addiction/disease/whatever you want to call it to get sober.

A unique sounding vocal that really sells the song well !

Lyrics Shelly Lee Music Shelly Lee
Performance Shelly Lee
This track is on 2 Member Playlists
Playlist Creator Playlist Name Date Added
Craig o. Wood top 3 8/30/2024
Craig o. Wood BEST 8/30/2024

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