Wonder Boy (KaytLynn, percussion)

Song Description

same song as Wonder Boy (alternate) but added percussion to give it a little more spunk

Song Length 3:14 Genre Folk - Alternative

well-arranged song, pleasant voice, good instrument sounds

REeally loved the happy vibe, vocals and lyrics really engaging.

Nice poppy feel. Good vocal and mix. Bit of a Jewel sound.

Very nice female voice! I like the minimalist-yet-growing instrumentation. I'm getting a subtle Burt Bacharach vibe, but overall the song has its own vibe.

Love the singers voice and inflections. Great melody and cool groove. I like the way the whole song is put together with excellent chose of instruments and a really great arrangement. Just a wonderful well written, well recorded and well performed track. I enjoyed very much.

Cute melody and vocal delivery. Fresh concept!

this is very youthful sounding...nice male harmony...very pleasant to listen to..

I love the muted acoustic guitar on the intro the way the vocal comes in and the instruments build and then pull back at certain points. Strong lyrical theme. Lovely vocal and I like the introduction of a second vocalist at 2.30 Nice instrumentation all round. Catchy in a low key way. Slightly retro in a good way that might work for fil and TV opportunities.

love your voice, very expressive, The song is interesting and has good lyrics, The performances are fine only issue is below

Lyrics Randall Mark Music Randall Mark
Producer Wolfgang Grasekamp Performance KaytLynn Skai-vocals, Randall Mark-guitar, Wolfgang Grasekamp-keyboards, Kimo Shim-percussion, Miles Swiggart-background vocals

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Frostbite Heart (light rock)
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Frostbite Heart (pop)
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Back In Time
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Wonder Girl
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Shepherd of Truth
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Wonder Girl (rock,demo)
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Desert Road
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Sweet Summertime
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