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Daniel Wolf
over 30 days ago to Randall Mark

There's a line in my new book that says, "Never trust a baby's smile" which of course is ridiculous. Then someone told me babies smile in order to get their diapers changed. So even babies are born with an angle! In other words, trust no one especially in the music business which is all part of the great American dream industry. Hey, how many parents have spent 1000's on their child's singing and dance lessons when it was probably clear that they had no talent? I'm following Mike Brown on YouTube who says the entire Beatles phenomenon was a deception. It's worth looking into. In any event how have you been? I love your summer time song and the singer is fantastic. Hope to hear from you.

1 Replies
Randall Mark
over 30 days ago

Thx Daniel. Great hearing from you. And interesting about baby's smile. Any new comedy performances? I absolutely list it when you quoted Woody Allen. 90% is just showing up and the other 10% is ......!!!!!!

Thank you for listening and the rating on "so far away"

1 Replies
Lyfe Concierge Publishing
over 30 days ago

You're welcome Randall, Great stuff!

Warren Hein
over 30 days ago to Randall Mark

Hey Randall! Thanks for the stars on No Love Lost...really appreciated!

John Walradt
over 30 days ago to Randall Mark

Hi, Randall. "Frostbite Heart" is a well deserved #1 on Radio Cafe! You're going strong with your songwriting. Thank you for listening and enjoying "Just Another Weekend." I always appreciate your stars as you're very honest and a terrific songwriter. The heat dome here is an interesting development from the global warming, as has been the shift in fires from southern to northern California, Oregon, and Canada. People here have become irritable. Lora and I have been talking about getting the hell outta Dodge! San Diego looks like it stays temperate but I see that the ocean water has warmed up some over there, too. Of course, politics is nuts and driving everyone crazy! Anyway, trying to keep myself distracted with making music as I'm guessing you are, too. John

Randall Mark
over 30 days ago to Jeana Marie Potthoff

Hi Jeana. Thx for the stars on "Between the Raindrops". I hope you enjoyed it.

1 Replies
Jeana Marie Potthoff
over 30 days ago

Hi Randall--You're welcome! Beautiful song, like all of your works. :-)

Randall Mark
over 30 days ago to Todd Touton

Hi Todd. Thanks for the kind rating of "Wonder Boy". I'm glad you like it.

Randall Mark
over 30 days ago to Glass Cabin

I sent a friend request and comment about "raindrops". I meant to also say I have a song called "Between the Raindrops". Your singer sounds remarkably similar to mine. I wonder if you think so also? Anyway, I LOVE your song!!!

Daniel Wolf
over 30 days ago to Randall Mark

Is Broadjam still in business? I haven't received any notifications for a week even though I send out a lot of music almost daily. Are you having the same experience?

Randall Mark
over 30 days ago to Craig o. Wood

Hi Craig. Thx for the stars on Frostbite Heart.

Randall Mark
over 30 days ago to Kate Carpenter

Very clever "piggy" song

John Walradt
over 30 days ago to Randall Mark

#4 on Radio Cafe, eh? Okay, I placed my vote. Let's see if we can push a good fellow BJ member up!

1 Replies
Randall Mark
over 30 days ago

Is #1 now on Radio cafe top 10. Thx for your support and votes

Randall Mark
over 30 days ago to Thierry Coupey

Hi there, thx for the stars on Frostbite Heart and putting it on your playlist. I'm flattered.

Hi there. Thanks for the 5 stars on

Magic of Music and
Frostbite Heart

1 Replies
Lyfe Concierge Publishing
over 30 days ago

You are welcome Randall, Great stuff!
LC Team

Randall Mark
over 30 days ago to Don Preach

Hi Don. Thank you for the stars on Frostbite Heart

over 30 days ago to Randall Mark

Hi Randall! My friends are Karrin and KaytLynn at St. Charles Borromeo in Point Loma. I'm so amazed and delighted to hear KaytLynn's lovely voice. Keep up the great work! ðŸ'Š

2 Replies
Randall Mark
over 30 days ago

Hi Leona, thank you for listening. She sings several others that I have here on Broadjam (and they are downloadable for free). Were you one of her friends at our live show earlier this month?

Randall Mark
over 30 days ago

Also the music is on Spotify I tunes, etc. here is link to Spotify qpmC0eCJ8H78h4GRKiz?si=QLakN-TmQZWD RnbN0u5iBA&dd=1

John Walradt
over 30 days ago to Randall Mark

Hi, Randall...a third #1 Earth! Goes to show that melodies inspired by the 60s and 70s masters (who I think were the best to learn from) with good storytelling get the top spot every now and then. It gave me a good excuse to add you to my news for something going on. Thank you for listening to and stars on "Far From Home" and "The Most of Nothing" with Clay Collins. I'm glad he's back so I can get rid of my strained attempt at vocals on some of my songs!

1 Replies
Randall Mark
over 30 days ago

Thx John. I don't like singing my own songs either, lol

Randall Mark
over 30 days ago to John Walradt

Hey John. "The most of nothing" new song is really beautiful! I absolutely love the happy vibe that comes through on your songs!! Thx for the plug on my #1 Earth song. I notice sometimes Broadjam comes out with a blurb and announces when a new song hits #1 but they have not done it for me. I wonder why they sometimes do but not always? Anyway, I guess you made up for it, appreciate your pr and your "latest news" is always interesting and informative. Stay well.

2 Replies
John Walradt
over 30 days ago

Thank you, Randall! I've corresponded with a couple others who missed getting the blurb upon hitting the top spot. I didn't see one on "Stay Here Now" a couple years ago but got a bit of a blurb on "We Didn't Have Time Enough." I thought Warren's great story song, "Letter to the Lord," would have been worth a blurb. When I entered the Hot 100 with "Stay Here Now" in February 2020, I never was able to find out what the results were. It's like the contest disappeared for the month! It's wacky and unpredictable, just like all of the music industry. The charts and contests are something of a guage, if a loose one. Your melodies have that "something" that I really like...those lovely haunting tunes that Joni Mitchell and America were able to write; the "it" factor that publishers listen for. Like Alan Scott told me, "You just have to find the right ears to listen to your songs." We're still looking! I'm always glad to put you in my news. We're keeping ourselves well and safe, too. We mask everywhere we go, no matter what the "This here is Arizoner...ain't no one a-gonna tell us to wear no mask or get no vaccine!" crowd says to us. (No one will tell them to use grammar correctly, either.) Arizona is a minefield of every kind of virus and nuisance that travels through.

Randall Mark
over 30 days ago

Cool! Stay well.

Randall Mark
over 30 days ago to SoulSynth Beatzz

Thx for the stars on my song Frostbite Heart (pop).

Randall Mark
over 30 days ago to ActivateMe

Thx for the stars on Frostbite Heart (light rock). My son was using my phone to download a few of my songs and he accidentally gave them 5 stars. I don't like it to look like I gave myself 5 stars, my apologies!

4 Replies
over 30 days ago

Ha- no worries- I do that in error my self sometimes. I always like/appreciate your songwriting.- Thanks for listening/the 5 stars on Yellow Lights.

Randall Mark
over 30 days ago

Thx. Yellow Nights is a very beautiful song!

Daniel Wolf
over 30 days ago

Is Broadjam still in business? I haven't seen any new opportunities for a few weeks.

Randall Mark
over 30 days ago


Randall Mark
over 30 days ago to Natalee Borisenko

Hi Natalee.
Thank you for the 5 stars of "Frostbite Heart". I listened to some of yours also. Great variety! I hope you are staying safe.

Daniel Wolf
over 30 days ago to Randall Mark

Glad you liked The Snake Song. It's part of my musical, Adam and Eve-the first musical. You can listen to and see videos for all the Adam songs on Broadjam. Anyway, I've lost track of how many "Under Consideration" lists I'm presently on. Hey, so where's the contract? And where's the movie, Letters at Christmas? I'm starting to think Broadjam is a lot of foreplay with no climax. Looks like you're experiencing some success. Am I right?

1 Replies
Randall Mark
over 30 days ago

No placement. Got contract offer "Music of the Sea" but is exclusive. I don't think I'll sign cause it ties up the song for 5 years in case anything better is offered.

Randall Mark
over 30 days ago to Warren Hein

Hi Warren. Have you dealt with or worked with "Music of the Sea"?

I like your new song a lot!

7 Replies
Warren Hein
over 30 days ago

Thanks Randall, well a year or so ago he picked a song of mine, sent me an agreement that I questioned, with a couple shaky clauses, but I was nice in my clarification question, an said something to the nature of how dare I question him-he was a total asshole for no reason. Sooo I told him thanks but I didn't want him representing my song.
I looked into him and think he's all smoke and mirrors...unfortunately, but if you can accept his "terms" he may be better than zero.. but what he sent me was BS

Randall Mark
over 30 days ago

Thx Warren. That is helpful info!!

over 30 days ago

Hi Randall,
I can add to this. Some years ago I was daft enough to sign my catalogue over to MOTS having been flattered by the prospect of having a "publisher". As Warren has said, the agreement was not the best and, in my case, was exclusive. After several weeks when none of my songs appeared among the listings on his website, I tried to contact him and eventually got a response that the website wasn't important! After several other matters and, not least of all, the difficulty of getting responses I decided his admin was way too poor for me. I approached them through Roy Elkins and we agreed to part ways.
I have one song with him at the moment but, like any library, who knows if it will ever be listened to or pitched? Perhaps I'll have a posthumous hit, hopefully in many, many, years time!!


Randall Mark
over 30 days ago

Thx Bob. Seems like there are a lot of these types of stories. Hmm

over 30 days ago

I guess you pays your money and takes your chance?! As I recall he was affiliated to Beyonce Knowles father's record company, something which made it all the more promising? Roy did say that MOTS place a lot of songs, so who knows. It wouldn't have mattered so much to me if the agreement hadn't been exclusive, that stops you pitching those songs elsewhere. Good luck whatever you do Randall.

Warren Hein
over 30 days ago

Well damn Bob, sorry HE/THEY were the ones I think you've mentioned before...
My belief is and I didn't mention in my original message here to Randall, is that he is doing what many of the "companies " do--once signed, he/they spam every site possible, with he as the "publisher " gets 50%--and yes 50% of 1000's maybe millions of plays, he/they get a chunk of change if they have 100 "clients "--or 500??
Just a theory, but I'd bet on that...
How do I suspect that hypothesis? I made $90 last quarter from audiosparx with about 40 tunes of my very earlier work, that they splatter everywhere! About $225/year for last 10 or so LOL...speaking of beer...
Cheers to you all happy Friday, time for a frosty one!!
Your friend,

Randall Mark
over 30 days ago

Thank you.

Randall Mark
over 30 days ago to Daniel Wolf

Hi Daniel. Wanted to ask if you've signed with these guys or worked with the

"Music of the Sea"

One of my songs got selected and they offered me a contract but it is an exclusive contract. Seems like it's a library so if I sign it can sit there for years and then. As I understand it since it's exclusive I can't sign the song with anyone else if I'm offered.
Just wondering If you have had any experience with them, music of the sea

1 Replies
Daniel Wolf
over 30 days ago

You would have to get permission from the co-signer to use it elsewhere. I have 2 exclusive contracts with Express Artist and they told me that. In general, I'd stay away from exclusive contracts. How long is the term? Mine are 4 years. After that, it's void.

Randall Mark
over 30 days ago to Daniel Wolf

Thx Daniel. I was selected for Frostbite Heart. However I received no email or message from the opportunity after being selected. I also messaged the other lady selected and ditto for her. I even emailed the provider to ask why nobody contacted me-no response.

2 Replies
Daniel Wolf
over 30 days ago

Randall, at present I'm on 3 or 4 Under Considers and I also haven't received any correspondence. After the never released movie, "Letters at Christmas," I'm getting a bit jaded vis a-vis Broadjam. Of course, I hope I'm wrong but I'm certainly not getting excited when I'm Under Consideration. Nevertheless, I hope Frostbite works out.

Randall Mark
over 30 days ago

Thx Daniel. I hear you. It makes me wonder about BJ providers and what's going on. I was so happy to hear yours getting on that movie- happy for you and happy that it means it is possible to have that happen from BJ. But now I just don't know. I did get on a radio rotation on KPEO radio. It's online radio but international. They played 3 of my songs today and they say I remain in the rotation for random plays. That was not from BJ though. From another Avenue.

Randall Mark
over 30 days ago to Fletcher Christian

Hi Fletcher
Thx for your comment. So are you saying the opportunities are fake? And all the song pitches are just scams?

2 Replies
Fletcher Christian
over 30 days ago

I'm just saying that every time I was selected absolutely Nothing happened. There is no accountability to the curators.

Randall Mark
over 30 days ago

I'm starting to think that myself. Once I was selected and it was some Christian tv network online. They played my song with a video. They asked me if I had a video for it and I did not. They offered to make one for $100. They said there was no money for it but the exposure would reach millions of people. It played but for all I know nobody saw it. Who knows. Other than that I've been selected for a couple podcasts a few times that it played on
But the times it has been for something in TV or film with a contract to sign nothing has come of it even after I signed a couple contracts

Randall Mark
over 30 days ago to Derrick Procell

Thx Derrick for the stars on "Magic of Music". And thx for the listening.

2 Replies
Daniel Wolf
over 30 days ago

Apparently, the movie was never released. The song was sent to ASCAP but to date, I haven't received any royalties. I can't understand it. The movie costs 3 million $ but it wasn't distributed. I'm hoping it will be released next Christmas season. How have you been? Any musical success?

Randall Mark
over 30 days ago

I am sorry to hear. Me- Frostbite Heart was on podcast and also won song contest. Other then that, no luck.

Jeana Marie Potthoff
over 30 days ago to Randall Mark

Hi Randall--Thanks for listening to and the stars for "Wishes" and "Was It a Dream". I appreciate it!

John Walradt
over 30 days ago to Randall Mark

Hi, Randall. Congratulations on winning the Love Song category. I saw that you said it was the pop version so I listened to that one. It has the very pained assertive lyrics written very well and your magical way with a melody, especially in that chorus with those unusual haunting chords that set your songs apart!

2 Replies
Randall Mark
over 30 days ago

Thx John and congrats to you on being semifinalist. I think they drew winners out of a hat, I was just lucky

John Walradt
over 30 days ago

Oh my gosh, thank you. They may well have threw up their hands and said, "Okay, bring out the hat and put these three or four in there!"

Warren Hein
over 30 days ago to Randall Mark

Hey Randall! Major kudos for your Dallas win for Frostbite Heart! Well done sir!

5 Replies
Randall Mark
over 30 days ago

Thank you Warren. I heard you had a surgery. Best wishes for a full and speedy recovery.

Randall Mark
over 30 days ago

I think I saw you listened to the song. The one that won was actually the (pop) version. It's the exact same vocal tracts but a little different instrumentation to sound more pop, at least that was my idea that I told my producer.

Warren Hein
over 30 days ago

Good info, I'll listen to the pop version!
Yeah, new knee 4 years ago, new hip 15 months ago, a L2/3 and 4 clean out a couple days ago--either I'm falling apart or being rebuilt!
Cheers to you!

Randall Mark
over 30 days ago

I hope the back is gonna go much better now!

Warren Hein
over 30 days ago

Yep, that's the plan, thanks Randall!

Hi thx for the stars on Magic of Music. Glad you liked it

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