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Serena Matthews
Folk - Alternative
Nashville, TN
Song Plays: 336
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Here in the Blue
Folk - Alternative
Plays: 25
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Blackbird Fly Away
Folk - Alternative
Plays: 311
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If I want people to listen to my songs then it's my opinion that I need to write songs good enough to make people want to listen to them more than once. Otherwise I figure the people who truly want to find my kind of music will eventually stumble upon it someday, as I do believe in fate and I do believe that a heart can lead someone to a song when it wants to... and of course the internet has a way of helping out a bit by lending people a map to my music.
I've been approached by a few labels looking to sign someone, but for whatever reasons I haven't signed with anyone yet and I don't really plan on doing so in the near future. I'm too happy where I am to change my ways of doing things for a record label. The money might be nice, I guess, but I don't sing for money, alot of people say that, but I really do mean it. I sing to get my feelings out, and to feel good inside, and sometimes for no other reason than just to keep myself company when I'm alone.
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