Welcome to RealVoices

People believe many things and, deep down, all of these beliefs are slightly different for each individual. At the core, Real Voices is a way to express this indivduality, in an ever-growing, evolving, compilation of human voices saying what they believe, deep inside.

Many people believe many things, and some people aren't aware that what they carry as their own, personal, life-lessons are messages that can be found in the Bible.

Many people hold beliefs based on words they heard while travelling on their own life-path, or based on words they read in another book, words which originally came from the Bible, whether those people knew that, or not.

Please enjoy the song and, should you have any interest, you can listen to the "explanation" audio too, then you can consider some things.


Fin Kneeler / Polysex
over 30 days ago to Real Voices

just a beautiful chord stricter,5 stars for the concept also, so let's see how many bite and offer their voices

Real Voices
over 30 days ago to Real Voices

to get your own voice into the project, simple record your own short message and then make oit free for download. I will then take it and add it in somewhare into the music.

Clean Clean

Clean Clean

Artist Name
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