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over 30 days ago to MATT_T

I like this....

over 30 days ago to MATT_T

I like your efforts

Abram Band
over 30 days ago to MATT_T

Thank you Matt for all your help! You Rock, and are the Best! Jacalyn

2 Replies
MT Johnson
over 30 days ago

No problem - always glad to help.

MT Johnson
over 30 days ago

PS - This is my test account. My real one is 1

Ray Brookes
over 30 days ago to Trist

G'day Trist. Been reading your comments on the reviewing process so thought I'd throw in my tuppence worth. First thing you have to remember mate that on this site, same as Fanmusic, 90% of the people listening to our songs are total bone-heads who wouldn't know a semi-quaver from a semi-trailor or a chord from a contraceptive so don't take too much notice of them. I rarely put any of my stuff out for review, mostly because I am not really interested in reading what some drip has to say. Some time ago I copped a bit of flak regarding my vocal so most of my vocal songs are well hidden these days. Secondly, you have to ask yourself the reason why you are on this site (and any others) in the first place. Only reason I am here is for the licensing opportunities, not for any pats on the arse or alternatively any kicks in the jewels. I've told you before that music is all subjective ... a guy who likes listening to Brahms for example would probably not have a lot of time for Nirvana or Marylyn Manson. So, don't be put off by some twit telling you your music is crap or giving you low scores or whatever (the scoring is nonsense and childish anyhow IMO) I told Ron Bowes (another Fanmusic refugee) the same thing.

What I have heard of your stuff sounds bloody good to me and the lyricism is engaging, gritty and true to life.

Keep writing/recording,


p/s how are ya going with the banjo?

4 Replies
over 30 days ago

Hi ray. cheers for the nice words. I'm not sure i know what a semi quaver is to be honest lol i thought it was a crisp lol.
yeah i know not to take things to seriously i just would like to see more respectful reviews. your songs are fantastic its really tragic your not posting the vocal ones cause of a few people. if you asked the critics of their top 5 songwriters it would all inlcude the likes of dylan cohen , springsteen , young and so on. none of which sing like pavarotti lol i like your vocals they are real and match the song thats songwriting at its best i dont get why anyone would no recognise that , it should never be about vocals on some of those songs. the vocals are good to me. , you should post them as they are great and will find their auidence any real songwriter should like it.
yeah i question why i'm here etc i guess its just to get my music heard , not really that interested in the placements i am but they want top class production that matches the top 40 chart which i cant and wont compete with so i'm pretty limited to what i can go for plaacement wise my plan if i have one is to just try and record as best as i can and hope i get some songs right and hopefully some people will like them and connect in some way to them. and if i can enter the odd placement now and then i will in the hope they recognise its worth.
plus i do enjoy listening to other peoples music and chatitng and maybe the odd collaboration in the future would be cool. guess thats why i'm here plus cause i'm crazy lol

funny you mention the banjo i wa splaying it yesterday. i added some heavyish rockign guitar parts ona song which i liked then i thoguht id see what it sounds with banjo. quite cool though tricky to record it as no plug in. i'm confused though which to choose. i might go with the rock and play banjo on a more lighter song.
lot of fun playing it huh! never be anywhere near as good as you though.
i was thinking of getting a electric chello or violin they are so cheap maybe i can use in some way on my music.
i did buy a mandorlin the other week , cant play it with my sausage fingers thou so i swapped it for another guitar.
cheers ray. post your songs they are so good. i want to hear that banjo one again that is so much fun

Ron D Bowes
over 30 days ago

Let's form a band "Rebels of the Web" lol. I got an assassination of a review on here for a track that made one of the top tens recently. I showed Ray a review I got from a religious psycho on fanmusic. I mean, "gates of hell" and "I will be damned" stuff. I kid you not! That was when I thought I don't need this site.

over 30 days ago

Guys, don't forget that you can always email to ask us to consider removing reviews if they seem outlandish and of little redeeming value. Also don't forget to "review the reviewer" which makes them more likely to encounter songs from other poor reviewers.


over 30 days ago

rebels of the web i like it. rock is the devils work lol. should post that review it would be funny to see.
those ones you can easily ignore as some people are a little short on sanity lol

Diana Rasmussen
over 30 days ago to Diana Rasmussen

Here is more info from my friend Steve at CCMNI, a Christian Songwriting Site. It was helpful to me so I thought I would share it:


The answer to all of this is not very clear, yet there is a good explanation. T, you might forward this to Diana and anyone else.
Unfortunately, there are two different situations happening here: the 'third party content' mess PLUS someone actually stealing Diana's music. They are not one in the same. Diana, you need to get a lawyer and have that lawyer send a CEASE AND DESIST letter to Ashton Grey. Get that song removed.

All of this mess is in regard to how music is being monetized in the digital realm, plus, it's easier than ever for anyone to take your music. So, for the simplest of reactions, simply pull your music if you'd like to, since there are no real clear explanations, and there is no real huge money involved. If any of you are putting your music up at any of these places and you don't have the song protected, shame on you. For the most part, people aren't stealing songs, but rather are re-posting other's songs in order to make money from their YouTube channels. That's really great news for you if your song is protected. If people are truly stealing your songs, then you had better go after them.

Check this out, below. This is what is going on with the whole 'third party content' mess.

CDBaby, Soundcloud, and Broadjam (probably more) have partnered with a few digital music companies (one of who is Rumblefish) to help with the id'ing of digital content. What CDBaby, for example, will do with their artists is to partner with Rumblefish. Rumblefish puts a digital stamp on the artist's music. Now any time that this song shows up at a third party delivery system, such as YouTube, the 'third party content' message will pop up because this is how YouTube handles this digital stamp.

As far as YouTube is concerned, you as the artist have two choices: ignore the 'third party content' message and do not dispute it (and this is what CD Baby and others recommend) because this is only telling you that the digital stamp is working. If you are the original author, then you have nothing to worry about. Rumblefish will keep counting the digital hits it receives whenever the song is played.

Here's the deal: if you plan on having a YouTube channel AND you intend on monetizing your channel, so you can take advantage of hits on YouTube, you will not be allowed to do so with any Rumblefish id'd songs, which leads to the second choice below:

The second choice you can make is to dispute the 'third party content' claim and tell them you are the original author. Now you can monetize your YouTube channel, if you desire.

Very confusing, for sure. But the simplest of all things remain: if you are going to post your songs in the internet, you had better have them copyrighted.


8 Replies
DeDe WedeKind
over 30 days ago

Yay, a great explanation. Yes, this is exactly right!

Cyndi Corkran
over 30 days ago

Yes, very succint, albeit, somewhat confusing to the novice, but clear as to first and formost.....copyright, before posint anything. Thanks Diana for posting, and again, good luck dear!

Ed Verner
over 30 days ago

I had a song I had digitally distributed and then later used part of it on one of my youtube promotional videos... youtube sent me the 3rd party email... I contacted them as to my copyright, my contract for digital distribution, and that I produced not only the song, and it's distribution under my copyright, but also produced and directed the short video clip... it was agony and I finally gave up... I just pulled the video and used other music... crazy sometimes. Sometimes communicating with youtube has been less than satisfying, but still a great promo tool.

over 30 days ago

At this point Broadjam does not send songs through Rumblefish or any similar service.

Diana Rasmussen
over 30 days ago

Thank you Matt - I really appreciate the way you protect our songs and our music!

Cyndi Corkran
over 30 days ago

Yes, thanks Matt!

over 30 days ago

I'll go look this guy up myself in a little bit--thanks for the info--joe

Diana Rasmussen
over 30 days ago

Well - talked with a lawyer...have to make a choice to pursue it or not - rates are high, and most of the time The offender may or may not take it down. She advised me that most of the time no monies will be granted. Great. Sometimes this music biz is just not right...I hate thieves!

we got selected: 1

2 Replies
over 30 days ago


First of all, congratulations. I just wanted to let you know that link is based on your account, so anyone else clicking it won't see the actual selection or the opportunity. We are looking into making successes even easier to share. I hope this helps.

Kevin Sargent
over 30 days ago

Congratulations to you as well :) Sounds good to me, this is really exciting :D

over 30 days ago to Brian McNulty

Holy crap, I loved B-I-T-C-H! Thanks for making me laugh (and cry a little).

2 Replies
Brian McNulty
over 30 days ago

Hey it made me do both too.

Brian McNulty
over 30 days ago

And thanks Matt.

over 30 days ago to Hattie Wilcox Music

You've been adding great stuff to Broadjam for so long - I just wanted to stop by and say thanks!

4 Replies
Hattie Wilcox Music
over 30 days ago

Thanks so much, Matt. I see you're from Wisconsin. This terrific violinist I've been working with is from Marshfield. Anyway, I've found such wonderful resources at Broadjam, starting with my first CD arranged by Johnny Neel and recorded at his studio in Nashville. He and Doug and Dennis recorded a lot of great tracks for me over the last 6-7 years, and if it wasn't for Broadjam, we would never have connected. Now I'm hoping to license something soon! Thanks for the note. All best, Hattie

over 30 days ago

Yeah, I've actually worked at Broadjam even longer than you've been a member. It's great that the connections you've made here have been so helpful. Marshfield is a great town, especially considering its location. I hope the violinist is working out for you.

Hattie Wilcox Music
over 30 days ago

Yikes, Matt, I should have said recording with Johnny and his team for last 8-9 years!

over 30 days ago

Time flies, that's for sure. Of course I'm not sure the alternative is better!

over 30 days ago to Emily Gatzke

Hey, Emily. Hope things are going well for you. Just dropping in to say hi.

1 Replies
Emily Gatzke
over 30 days ago

Matt! Thank you so much. I hope you are well too! I miss the whole team :)

what a loving tribute to your wife, to your marriage and to your life together - may each word and note only make you both stronger in that promise of 'eternity'

8 Replies
Crosseyed Miles
over 30 days ago

Thanks was a labor of love, but a little nerve-wracking cuz I wanted it perfect. Musta worked...she's played it about 30 times since last night lol

over 30 days ago

That's great. It's a nice change of pace for you and adds some variety to your repertoire.

Crosseyed Miles
over 30 days ago

Thanks Matt. My producer says it has "wedding song all over it" if I can just get it in front of the right person

Creative InRoads, LLC
over 30 days ago

can you say "HALLMARK" (they even have a cable channel) hint/hint

Crosseyed Miles
over 30 days ago

I THINK ive heard of them ;). The near impossible feat is getting it to someone there who matters ;)

Creative InRoads, LLC
over 30 days ago

start with a simple hello. then request their submission protocol. if they say "no thank you" you reply with a "thank you" and try again. other back doors might be thru customer service.

call me if want some "other" suggestions.
as always, your friend in music - pgo

Crosseyed Miles
over 30 days ago

I shall... & ty muchly

Crosseyed Miles
over 30 days ago

Emailed the VP this AM ;)

Crosseyed Miles
over 30 days ago to MATT_T

What did you think of "Love Me/Het Me- (Decide)"? I'm hoping it gets picked that tune.

4 Replies
over 30 days ago

Pretty good song with a message I think most people can relate to. There is a little guitar segment in the intro that reminds me slightly of Nugent's "Fred Bear."

Crosseyed Miles
over 30 days ago


over 30 days ago

Take "pretty good" as midwestern understatement, btw. It's really better than that.

Crosseyed Miles
over 30 days ago

LOL...I'm an Eastern thanks for clarifying! That's my fave. track...prob. because its my cousin on guitar :)

over 30 days ago to ElanLea2886212

Great stuff, Elan, especially "Space for the Lonely," but I have to admit your songs make me want to dig out some anti-depressants.

4 Replies
over 30 days ago

Hey Matt, thanks man! Lol... yeah I called this my blue phase.. I joke on stage about it.. soon as that "phase" of the set comes out i remind people to grab the kleenex and razor blade. haha.

over 30 days ago

Bah, I love depressing music!! :)

over 30 days ago

Yeah, the songs made it sound pretty rough. I hope things are a lot better now.

over 30 days ago

lol :) Antho and Matt yeah.. truly the best part is its always sung with a full heart and a smile. :) All the emotion just comes out the way its going to.. but the second running joke is always "you're way to happy to be singing such sad songs" that one always cracks me up.. but i think its important for people going through those things in life to know they're not alone and as singers and songwriters we're privileged to help them through it all

over 30 days ago to MATT_T

Hi Matt, ThanX for the support! Glad you like MykoMan tunes.

1 Replies
over 30 days ago

No problem. I hope you find great success with your songs!

Lindsay Hamminga
over 30 days ago to MATT_T

Cheers for adding me man. Over 13 years hey!, Broadjam must be some kinda sweet place to work at. Have a good one:)

1 Replies
over 30 days ago

Either it's really sweet or I'm really crazy! ;)

Cyndi Corkran
over 30 days ago to MATT_T

Hi Matt,
Thank you so much for downloading "Necessary Detour". I appreciate your support!

2 Replies
over 30 days ago

I found the found the vocals and music as haunting as the subject matter. All in all very well done.

Cyndi Corkran
over 30 days ago

Wow! Well I am so happy that you found it pleasing to your senses :-)

Crosseyed Miles
over 30 days ago to MATT_T

Thanks for dl'ing "Made Me A Better Man"! Hope you love listening to it as much as I did writing/recording it! ~GP

6 Replies
over 30 days ago

No problem, Greg. Good luck on the new song.

Crosseyed Miles
over 30 days ago

Check out "Love Me/Hate Me- (Decide)" as will melt your face a GOOD way ;)

over 30 days ago

Awesome. Thanks for the recommendation.

Crosseyed Miles
over 30 days ago

Thank YOU for your support! How did you hear about Crosseyed Miles...just curious..

over 30 days ago

Broadjam, actually. I work here. You've been around on the charts for a while and figured I'd take a closer listen.

Crosseyed Miles
over 30 days ago

Im honored ;)

over 30 days ago to Catch kid

I'm glad to have wandered across you guys - it's always great to see good music coming out of Madison.

Megan McDuffee
over 30 days ago to MATT_T

Thanks for the add :)

2 Replies
over 30 days ago

No problem. Great stuff there for film and TV.

Megan McDuffee
over 30 days ago

Thank you!

over 30 days ago to Joey Hatcher

Really great sounding stuff! Good luck to you

1 Replies
over 30 days ago

Indeed. All We Need is a really sweet song.

over 30 days ago to Out of Ether

You know that "Drinking Her Beautiful" is an archetypal country song - but I don't think it can be said too often. Great job.

3 Replies
Out of Ether
over 30 days ago

Hey Matt, Thanks so much for listening and for the kind words!! We laughed when we wrote the song Drinking Her Beautiful, the session guys couldn't stop laughing when we recorded it in Nashville. We are honored that you think it is potentially an 'Archetypal' Country Song- In the end, if it brought a grin to your face we like to think we succeeded as Writers! PS. Thanks also for the endorsement! PSS. Go Badgers!! ;-)

over 30 days ago

Go Pack, eh! Da dird preseason game is on tonight, dontchya know?

Out of Ether
over 30 days ago

Ya hey- dem der Pyackers ar lookin purty good der hey, dontchya know hey!! LOL ;-) Go Pyack Go!

Dianne MacAdam
over 30 days ago to MATT_T

Hi Matt, thanks so much for the download and endorsement! Much appreciated! :)

1 Replies
over 30 days ago

Hey, no problem. It's always great to find such talented people on Broadjam.

over 30 days ago to MATT_T


3 Replies
over 30 days ago


Vi: 00110110
over 30 days ago


over 30 days ago

I agree

over 30 days ago to Bonefish

Digging Lion's Heart Blues. Good jam!

over 30 days ago to Tania Rose & Artscope Music

Great version of Hallelujah!

1 Replies
over 30 days ago

Just found that. Indeed it is. Tough to cover something so oft-covered, but you managed to live up to the challenge.

Kate Carpenter
over 30 days ago to MATT_T

Hi Matt, Thanks for d/l the Armor of God song. Walk in those gospel socks and shoes! Mrs Kate

over 30 days ago to Ciara Elizabeth

Congratulations on your rapid ascent up the Top 10 charts! It sure sounds well-earned.

over 30 days ago to Ben Kopec


Just came across "Inside My Depression" and had one huge 90s flashback. Thanks for that!

over 30 days ago to MATT_T

Hiya Matt_T!
Glad ya like "Halo" and VERY MUCH appreciate your download. Enjoy and hope all is well in your world!!
ThanX again,

1 Replies
over 30 days ago

Keep up the great work!

over 30 days ago to Lee Perreira

Congrats on reaching number one on the Top 10 Charts. I know your song had been hanging out at number 2 for a while.

1 Replies
Lee Perreira
over 30 days ago

Thank you sir!!!

over 30 days ago to SkulasticSee5430484

Nice golden age sound with a modern twist - but after listening to "The Bridge" I'm pretty sure you already knew that.

1 Replies
over 30 days ago

thank you for listening friend :)

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