
Previous Comments

Steve Fields
over 30 days ago to EllenShipley2407850

I. Wrote you a. Long comment but it might have been deleted. If you e maiil me at I'll e mail my phone number so we can chat if you like.
God bless

1 Replies
Steve Fields
over 30 days ago

Hi Ellen,
Unable to respond to last e mail due to illness. Will be receiving treatment I need for my R.S.D. in March. Am looking for artists to cover my songs. Any help appreciated.
Best to you and Ralph

over 30 days ago to Steve Fields

Hello Steve---I came across your website, listened to some of your music and decided to get in touch.
It's been many years---another lifetime, I think since we last saw each other. I hope that your life is filled with blessings and much love. I am so grateful for my blessed life. All the albums I made, all the hit songs I've written, --all the people my music has touched-- is secondary only to my kids and to Ralph, my husband of 35 years.... I hope that your daughter gets everything she needs. My heart goes out to you ..... Anyway, here's a "hello" to you.....
All my best

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