Jazz, Funk, R&B, Go Go etc...Currently putting the finishing touches on debut Mature Nature CD and worknig on Cd release #2, so stay tuned for the ride of your life. Music is a Journey, welcome aboard and enjoy the ride!!!
Mature Nature Band
Product Production By:
James Calvin Cox 240-432-5890
Sultan Warner 571-259-8122
The Making of a DC Band
Welcome to our online portfolio filled with our trials and tribulations..
We are CREATING A LIVE DC BAND and just like on MTV we will air all the dirty laundry, trials and tribulations that will come with bringing this project to life.
You will be able to hear Audio interviews, see pictures, and video clips of all our experiences.
Come experience this with us.!
BLOCK- Drums
CALVIN - Guitar
MADD CHUCK - Keyboards/congos/sax
Female Vocalist:
Male Vocalist:
5/30/04 - The band auditioned 4 female singers this weekend and one last weekend. We are very excited about the choices we now have to make. All singers were great but we can only choose 2. We are also performing on Friday June 4th at a Club Cada Vez. We will be doing an all jazz/instrumental set.
6/14/04 - MATURE NATURE did the Cada vez show with great success. The band did a short 30 minute set to open for a Spoken word/African Jazz band called UNION STREET. Both bands did well. The band is now gearing up to go into the studio and finish the CD on July 17th. We have 3 more songs to record including 2 instrumentals. We are also going to be practicing with 2 of the singers that auditioned to see how they sound live, with the band.
6/30/04 - THe band auditioned 2 more singers last night at practice and we believe we have found one that we like. She is very soulful, she writes, she has a strong voice, and she has a good presence. We believe she will be the last piece to our puzzle. Last night at practice we also went over 2 songs that we will be recording in the studio on the 17th.
7/06/04 - There will be no practice tonight because Block is out of town but we will resume next Tuesday to finalize the music for the studio.
7/15/04 - The band had a meeting this past weekend at Jaspers to air out a few problems and get back on the right track. The meeting was very succesful. Practice went like clock work last night being very effecient and productive. We are going into the studio this saturday July 17th to complete our freshman CD
7/19/04 - The bass drum pad for the Roland Vdrums was malfunctioning on Saturday so the band has to record this coming friday.
7/26/04 - Well the band went into the studio and finally COMPLETED its long awaited freshman CD this past Friday. Now all thats left is to Mix it, (which will be done this week) and press it (which we are doing in house). Now all practices are geared to performing live and we are very excited.
8/23/04 - The band listened to the mix on 2 of the songs and decided that we could record it better in house using our facilities and equipment. So this past saturday we did just that. We re recorded the music to the song MATURE NATURE and it sounds great. We will ad the vocals this week and the guitar solo and then re record the Jazz song. Chuck has taken on the responsibilty of recording the band and taking pictures of the band so that we can promote via internet.