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I'm just stepping out into the big wide world of music! I write lyrics mainly. i would describe my style as unique, well i guess everyone wants to be unique but alot of people are afraid to go over boundaries and explore! I guess am fearless in that sense and like to take a chance! Lyrically i like to dig deep, i want my story to hit you hard, so it makes you think about what i'm saying.
I sing a little, ideally i want to start/form my own rnb/hiphop girl group, looking for people who are seriouse about making it into a success, so if you got what i'm looking for or if i'm what your looking for? who knows maybe we can get together and start something?
My first love for music is R&B/HIPHOP... but i like to explore other sounds, other artists, i don't limit myself to one type
thats all i got to say for now...
but thankyou for stopping by to read this...
i hope y'all achieve all that you aspire to be...
Love ~M~
mena Friends
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