I am a singer, songwriter recently retired from the day job. Currently writing and doing home recordings plus playin solo gigs. I don't write in a specific genre but for live I prefer an acoustic set up with a band rather than the rock thang!
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Constant practice and preparing originals and covers prior to finally putting a band together. Been busy over the last year living the life and now its time to harvest the experience.
A brief history!
I started writing songs when I was about 15 but didn't write anything interesting till I was about 21. I have lived a fairly nomadic existance which involved dancing on the edge of chaos and frequently falling off! Too busy living the life and dealing with my own insanity to organise or complete anything, although I am working on that at the moment. The songs on my site are part of an unfinished album (Now theres a surprise!) recorded in a friends studio. I am currently playing solo and trying to divine the next move! I plan to finish the album on a Roland VS 2000 CD once I have finalised song choice and selected musicians, engineer etc. Watch this space!