Kevin Augustin, known to us as
“Klassic” is the best writer in the game.
This young man graduated from Pemberton
High School and went straight into the Army
to steer away from the troubled streets of New
Jersey. After 6 years of service and just recently
returning from the fight against terrorists overseas,
Kevin is ready to achieve his goal at becoming the
best rapper alive. The military helped mold this
Non-smoker/non-drinker into a well disciplined
young man. He’s always on time, ready to work,
and can handle constructive criticism. I’ve recorded
over 40 songs for “Klassic” over the years on various
topics and none of them sound alike. His sound is
unique and no one in the business today
can touch his writing ability. To me, Jay-Z is the best
rapper of all times and this young man has Jay-Z
tendencies. It’s like Jordan and Lebron, we know
Jordan’s better but Lebron has the skill to achieve
much more.

Clean Clean

Clean Clean

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