As a singer songwriter of traditional country music, and founder of the Pack River Band back in 1980, my first CD "Down at the Outlaw" was released in 2002. I'm in the process now of completing my new CD "Gettin' Bent" with Johnnie Lawson as Ol' Bent Whiskers. It should be released sometime in 2011. I recently finished "My Heart's Broken Too" and added "Pick Up Your Feeet Ol' Hoss" to the site. Check out my song "Wishing Star" dedicated to helping children with life threatening illness. I also have special buttons and merch for sale to raise monies for these causes. check out my site for what's available and PLEASE sign my Guestbook. Love Ya'll !!


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JOHNNIE, Thank you for your review of "I'M NOT RICH, BUT I DON'T OWE ANYBODY"~Honest, complete,and constructive. the midi harmonica( yuck) will be replaced by voice. gonna be a happy song about being content with what i got! TAPPIN' TOMMY

1 Replies
Jeanna Gollihur
over 30 days ago

gratitude for what you got is the way to live! right on Tommy!

Thank you for your very nice review. I will take up your suggestions. Take care

Johnnie Lawson's Pack River Band Friends

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