Combine the creative songwriting of 18 year old Adam Jensen with the intense drumming of Jeff Cannon (21) and what do you get? The unique, fresh sound of Five Central. Jensen (vocals, guitar, piano, bass) plays the acoustic guitar like no other, giving new meaning to the term "acoustic rock". Cannon's drumming is truly inspiring and really lifts the music to another level. The band is very diverse and goes from rocking out on "Blue" to passionate wailing on the piano driven "Anywhere But Here". Jensen's unique voice has been noticed by many including Dale Turner, a writer for Guitar One Magazine, who says "He's got a really good voice, a la Incubus' Brandon Boyd and others." Their live performance features Jensen, Cannon, and a session bass player and packs a bigger punch than you would think an acoustic guitar and drum set could do. Five Central is gaining a following all over the east coast and is sure to take the music industry by storm. Watch out for Five Central.

Five Central Friends

Clean Clean

Clean Clean

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