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Thank you so much for the great feedback today. I worked up that track to demonstrate how easy it is to reproduce the Brotherhood of Steal theme from Fallout without actually breaking copyright law. After I accomplished the goal the production kind of died and I never went back to polish the experience. So yes, all of those instruments could have sounded much more realistic with better expression and room space. Good catch, and thanks again for taking the time! N
I´m glad to help!
thank you for your not-so-kind but accurate review of my Dark Forest Walk--my producer at the time did not have the orchestral "tools", however i wanted to get the idea down for possible future renovation, so thank you regardless of the low marks, i fully understand! all the best,Warren Hein
Hi Warren, hope I didn´t make you feel uncomfortable, That´s not my intention at all! Just want to help others improve their music and be helped to improve my own music. Wish you huge success!
Hi Ygor, heck no--i agreed with you! no discomfort for the truth, and thank you again sir! WH