Dellie Hoskie, a CT artist, is considered a legend in New Haven. Dellie has over 40 years of experience as an iconed Rhythm and Blues artist. Dellie's credits include The Clown and How Much Can A Man Take.
Dellie has performed with some of the best entertainers in the gospel and jazz industry, including The Five Blind Boys, Shirley Ceasar and The Five Satins for a short time. Both were Gold records and sold millions world wide in 1971 and made Billboard top 10 for two weeks.
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All I need is a second chance, I did it before I no I can do it again. I am just trying to keep Old school music alive with your suport it can be done.
The Legand is back Dellie Hoskie
Dellie Hoskie, a CT artist, is considered a legend in New Haven. Dellie has over 40 years of experience as an iconed Rhythm and Blues Country and funk artist.
Dellie’s credits include The Clown and How Much Can A Man Take. Dellie has performed with some of the best entertainers in the gospel and jazz industry, including The Five Blind Boys, Shirley Ceasar and on the road with The Five Satins for a short time.
Both were Gold records and sold millions world wide in 1971 and made Billboard top 20 for two weeks.
In 2004, Dellie released a new album with the hit single, I’m Back, But My Love Is Gone”.
Dellie had released his album under a new management company, and they released his album world wide. The album with my understanding was a hit across seas, with Dellie being called for personal appearances. His album sold thousands.
Just as his career was about to soar, the management company took off with Dellies revenue, never to be heard of again. Dellie has endured his loss of revenue stating, “That’s ok. They may take my music, but they can’t take my soul”. And he is so right!!!
Delllie’s insistence to produce more great music is what makes him the great artist that he is. His soul is in his music.
Dellie is doing it again! At the tender age of 60, Dellie is trying to make a comeback.
Dellie composes all his beats and writes his own lyrics and
playing all of his tunes.
Dellie’s style is strictly Old School with that vintage Rhythm and Blues flair you love to listen to while taking in a jazz session to chill out and have fun.
My opinion?? Dellie can very easily make it in the St Louis and/or New Orleans jazz industry. All of Dellie’s singles are still selling today as classic "The Clown & How Much Can A Man Take"