All the musical, spiritual and material experiences of the last several decades has driven me to experiment with a new genre. Out of the intense complexities of life I have found a true need to find a way to assist in the meditative processes, to make a transition from a pressurized state to an inspired relaxation where body therapy processes can become increasingly more effective. The CD "Meditative Milieu" was created.

Pleasant, uplifting, ambient tones prepare the experience. Then with repetitive rhythms and ethereal timbre, consciousness begins to slide deeper. Seemingly familiar sounds swell with comfort as external distractions fade. The meditative state continues. Gently, the tones and rhythms awaken, slowly encouraging awareness. The pleasant process concludes with a simple melody that recurs days later as a reminder of the experience, one to look forward to again.


Being musically influenced by so many sources over my lifetime, a list of all the events that I would consider ‘significant’ would go on forever. I could begin from my childhood where memories of playing Chopin, Mozart and Czerny on the piano for my grandfather, …what torture that started out to be! Then my first 45 rpm record, “Twist and Shout” the Beatles opened so many doors for so many people. From playing a beat up badminton racket left-handed to emulate Paul McCartney to being in my first rock band where everyone played through the same amp. I still remember listening to the 8 track on the way to gigs, Yes “Close to the Edge” was some pretty cutting edge stuff, the journey was now at full speed. Ever since then, the desire to listen, learn and create became resident in me. With so many significant events in my own life, music came along as my guide. For over a decade of total creative and expressive absence, a renewed desire surfaced as technology provided new tools and a means to be self sufficient to create. The biggest significant event, for the time being, for me is the acceleration of technology and the ability to expose what I believe is from within to an infinite audience, without leaving my very own basement.


This Artist has 1 Album


over 30 days ago to Martin Dargevics

I forgot about this until I logged back in wouldn't mind some logging myself if you know what I mean wink

over 30 days ago to Martin Dargevics

Well actually Omar so it was my husband

1 Replies
over 30 days ago

Well I guess the cats outta the bag mom im gay

over 30 days ago to Martin Dargevics

Me and my wife had some amazing sensual anal activity to this album thank you

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