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william r floyd
over 30 days ago to Ionut Mirel Udrea

brilliant as usual sir

1 Replies
Ionut Mirel Udrea
over 30 days ago


william r floyd
over 30 days ago to william r floyd

Just uploaded a new song

william r floyd
over 30 days ago to Ionut Mirel Udrea

Thank you for the add

william r floyd
over 30 days ago to Mr. Lindsay Mac

I've been away for a while, havin' strokes and the like , just posted a new tune , hope you have time to listen. The man you used to love. go all blacks. William R.Floyd

william r floyd
over 30 days ago to Chet Nichols

hey het, I just ordered your book.

4 Replies
Chet Nichols
over 30 days ago

Love to hear your comments....!!! It is quite the journey!!!!

william r floyd
over 30 days ago

absolutely, I'm stoked!!

Marian Budos
over 30 days ago

Hi Chet,

Thanks for the 5 stars on 'The Passing of a Black Star'! Very much appreciated.

Chet Nichols
over 30 days ago

Well deserved......!

Ionut Mirel Udrea
over 30 days ago to william r floyd

Hello William! Thank you very much for taking the time to listen and rate my new song "Shadows". Your support is much appreciated. All the best!

1 Replies
william r floyd
over 30 days ago

it was stunning ,as usual , keep them coming

Drew Hale
over 30 days ago to william r floyd

Thanks for the 5-stars on Pieces! Much appreciated.

2 Replies
william r floyd
over 30 days ago

You're welcome, I was a little ticked I didn't get selected till I played Pieces, the best tune won ðŸ'Š

Drew Hale
over 30 days ago

Well that's very gracious of you. Thank you so much!

william r floyd
over 30 days ago to Nick Berry

Thanks for the great review of "here comes the blues" Nick , I appreciate it.
William R. Floyd

over 30 days ago to william r floyd

Hi William,
Thanks for supporting Rolling On, it's much appreciated.

william r floyd
over 30 days ago to Keith Taylor

Thanks for the nice review of Caribbean Blues Keith . I appreciate it

Ionut Mirel Udrea
over 30 days ago to william r floyd

Hi! Thank you very much for taking the time to listen and rate my new song! I really appreciate your support. All the best!

Ronald Arduini
over 30 days ago to william r floyd

Well written,performed,produced and sung as well as great lyrics...
A great highway driving song...

Heck... you're the real deal !!!


1 Replies
william r floyd
over 30 days ago

thanks bro. but right now they are just demos of my lyrics and melodies. I may try doing my own soon

Helen Koniuck
over 30 days ago to william r floyd

Hi William, Thanks for 5 star rating re Lamentation.
Much appreciated. Helen Koniuck.

william r floyd
over 30 days ago to Helen Koniuck

Helen, thank you so much for the rating you gave "Caribbean Blues" God bless.
Bill Floyd

2 Replies
Helen Koniuck
over 30 days ago

Hi William, Your welcome, I really enjoyed listening
nice melody, great production. Regards, Helen Koniuck.

Roger Palmer
over 30 days ago

Helen, thank you so much for your five start rating. Warm Regards and happy new year. Roger Palmer

william r floyd
over 30 days ago to J. Hardin

I don't usually use kind of language but damn this some good shit!!!!

1 Replies
J. Hardin
over 30 days ago

Thanks, William!

william r floyd
over 30 days ago to Ronald Arduini

Darn Brother you're the real deal.

Keith Taylor
over 30 days ago to william r floyd

Hey William Thanks for the review of "Born to Dance" I appreciate it. Keith

Chet Nichols
over 30 days ago to william r floyd

Hey William,

I want to thank you so much for your kind and thoughtful review of my song, "Pennies From Parking Lots". What I REALLY liked about the review was when you said, "its too good to be commercial, sad to say". I know other might take offense of someone saying this, but I saw it and SEE it as a great compliment. I love that song as does anyone who hears it. It is a song inspired by my Grandpa who would often come over and watch the kids when mom was at work.... Anyway, you feedback was a very nice compliment as I think that great songs outside of the "commercial" label can break through easier to an audience because they are unique and heartfelt. My wife, who never cries, cried when she first heard that song. Thanks, again, William.... Best, Chet Nichols

3 Replies
william r floyd
over 30 days ago

did you ever finish the book we talked about?

Vi: 00110110
over 30 days ago

I love seeing exchanges like this.

Chet Nichols
over 30 days ago

Hey William, Yes, I did finish, "The Children Of Pentecost". We published a Kindle Copy at Amazon and the role out is beginning into iBooks and as a paperback. Check the Kindle version, if you are so inclined.....the paperback should be out in late January..... Best, Chet

Chet Nichols
over 30 days ago to william r floyd

Hey William,

I want to thank you so much for your kind and thoughtful review of my song, "Pennies From Parking Lots". What I REALLY liked about the review was when you said, "its too good to be commercial, sad to say". I know other might take offense of someone saying this, but I saw it and SEE it as a great compliment. I love that song as does anyone who hears it. It is a song inspired by my Grandpa who would often come over and watch the kids when mom was at work.... Anyway, you feedback was a very nice compliment as I think that great songs outside of the "commercial" label can break through easier to an audience because they are unique and heartfelt. My wife, who never cries, cried when she first heard that song. Thanks, again, William.... Best, Chet Nichols

william r floyd
over 30 days ago to Sam Cooper

Sam thank you for the review of "Here comes the blues" very much appreciated.

1 Replies
Sam Cooper
over 30 days ago


william r floyd
over 30 days ago to Ronald Arduini

thanks Ronald

william r floyd
over 30 days ago to BobBentley9033958

thanks Bob

william r floyd
over 30 days ago to Keith Taylor

Thanks Keith

william r floyd
over 30 days ago to william r floyd

running another one up the flagpole hope y'all like it

1 Replies
over 30 days ago

Loved it Bro. I can hear Jimmy buffet singing it soon

caribbean blues is a cool song...i need to walk out of both of my shoes is a great line...the chorus is really catchy...good job bill

1 Replies
william r floyd
over 30 days ago

Thanks bro.

Thank you so much for the stars on Laugh into the sky", reading your profile, I bet you've got some stories to tell.

1 Replies
Alan Gillis (Gulliver)
over 30 days ago

Nice to make your acquaintance and thanks for the stars on my songs. The trouble with being old and having stories to tell, is that strangers can take you for a fantasist. Fortunately my 60's band members are still my best friends and we can relive the old times together. Alan

Ronald Arduini
over 30 days ago to william r floyd

Bill... Great song, vocals, Lyrics and production...

Ronald Arduini
over 30 days ago to william r floyd

Great opening and keeps on getting better..5+ stars

2 Replies
william r floyd
over 30 days ago

I appreciate your comment so much, thank you Ronald.

Ronald Arduini
over 30 days ago

Well deserved Bill

william r floyd
over 30 days ago to BobBentley9033958

congratulations Mr. Bob, nice song.
Bill Floyd

3 Replies
over 30 days ago

Many thanks Bill. Is this to do with the opportunity and I'm In Love Tonight?

william r floyd
over 30 days ago

Yes it is. thumbs up mate

over 30 days ago

Many thanks Bill, just hoping it fits the bill for the final client.

Billy Pilgrim
over 30 days ago to william r floyd

Hi Bill, Billy here....
Thanks for the listen and all the stars on About Time. I appreciate it tons Bill.
And your tunes are still sweet to my ears. I always find myself yearning to hit the keys on Here Comes the Blues when it comes across my ear.
Take good care Bill.

Smile tons,

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