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Hi - thanks for reviewing Come Rain, Come Shine. A lot of my vocals got put down in a hurry; hopefully when I've re-recorded them you'll be able to fully appreciate the song :) Regards Greg
Thanks for your review of Goin' Down The Drain. We agree about the brightness of the guitar. Sounded okay in mixing and then the final mastering brightened it up a bit too much in hindsight.
Thanks for your review of Gotta Tell U.
Hi, Thanks for the reviewing my track "Celebrate" and for the kind comments. Very glad to get your input as looking at your page here we have similar musical influences. I listened to several of your tracks and you guys have a great sound. I'm just a hobbyist doing it for fun but you guys have something going on so best of luck in getting something happening in the biz!
Thanks for taking the time to review my song. Cheers.
Thanks for reviewing "The Other Side" and "Sacrificial March" Your comments are appreciated.
Here's an idea. If you don't like country, don't review it.
I apologize and certainly mean no disrespect. I simply review the songs the random button puts in front of me, as I like music of all types, including a lot of country music. I simply feel that expressing my honest opinion is what's expected of me here. Believe me, I'm supportive of anyone who makes music of any kind and I thought I reviewed your song as being recorded and performed very well.
Let's see, you said "Admittedly, this isn't really my style of music. Seems a bit schmaltzy to me but, again, that's just my personal taste. This seems like a good representation of the style." That got under my skin a little. I didn't write this song to be a hit. I wrote it for my daughters whose mom died. This song was about art and love. You are entitled to your opinion. And I didn't have your review removed, although I felt it was somewhat unfair. No hard feelings. Just needed to vent a little. You might consider being a little more tactful in your constructive criticism.
Although, I will have your review of Country Alright removed.
thank you for your helpful and kind review... :)
Thanks for reviewing "The Other Side". Your comments were appreciated. Greg
Hi, Thanks for your kind review of "What You Do." Man a Big Star comparison is worth a month on cloud nine. =) I'm checking out the Ramones-like energy of "Haven't Seen U Lately" Nice work!!
Thanks for your review of Crazy Lady.
Hi The Drain, thanks for your review of Zoe's Tune,it's much appreciated, I like the energy you guys get into your music especially in 'Jack', keep up the good work, cheers
Thanks a ton. We like 'Jack' a lot, too.
Thanks for reviewing my song "Imagination". Helpful feed back, especially re compression.
I took a listen to your stuff and know I know why I suggest you don't give 1/5 you might make some enemies not the way to live your life!
not sure how to take your review of the rain fell down! you give 3 5/5 and 1/5 and a overall 2/5 does not add up oh well best of luck to you I guess