
Previous Comments

over 30 days ago to Spicy Folk

Had a quick scan around some of your songs, I love the originality of your performances. Great singing, great guitar playing. Lots of luck with your excellent songs. Bob

over 30 days ago to Spicy Folk

Hi Spicy Folk,
Thanks for a great review of Knock 'em Dead. I'm glad you enjoyed it. Much appreciated,

Brian McNulty
over 30 days ago to Spicy Folk

A Sailor's Tragedy... sweet track.

Spicy Folk
over 30 days ago to Birthe Noer Myers

Hey Birthe, a million thanks for the wonderful review of 'Your Guide'. We are beaming over here & so appreciative, thanks again. :)

Warmest regards,
Spicy Folk

Birthe Noer Myers
over 30 days ago to Spicy Folk

Well well. I might have known - another beautiful song by you. You really are very, very good.

1 Replies
Spicy Folk
over 30 days ago

Awww, you are so sweet, Birthe. Thank you again! :)

Hi there, thank you so very much for such a wonderful review of 'Fading'. We have a version that is 'Rock', just never uploaded it here, so we completely agree with your idea about beefing it up. Thanks again, it's so appreciated. :)

Warmest regards,
Spicy Folk

1 Replies
over 30 days ago

All good mate. Thanks for allowing me to critique it. Good stuff.

Spicy Folk
over 30 days ago to Brian McNulty

Hi Brian, thank you so much for your terrific feedback on 'Something 'Bout You' - it's greatly appreciated.

Warmest regards,
Spicy Folk

2 Replies
Brian McNulty
over 30 days ago

Great stuff Lee

Brian McNulty
over 30 days ago

and Raven. I like spicy.

Spicy Folk
over 30 days ago to Birthe Noer Myers

Hey Birthe, thank you so very much for such a wonderful review of 'Fading'. So sweet of you. I'm listening to 'The Crow' now. What a heartfelt tune, so lovely.

Warmest regards,
Spicy Folk

over 30 days ago to Spicy Folk

Hi Spicy, thanks for the really positive review of One More Day. I have to say I do like your vocals - they're spot on :) Lovely songs.


4 Replies
Spicy Folk
over 30 days ago

Hey Katy, you're so very welcome. And thank you kindly for your lovely comment. Take care! :)

Birthe Noer Myers
over 30 days ago

Aha, I just raved about another song of yours, it is beautiful. I reviewed FADING. You've done it again.

Spicy Folk
over 30 days ago

You're so kind, Birthe. We appreciate it so much, thank you! :)

Birthe Noer Myers
over 30 days ago

Many many thanks for the stars for The Crow - very happy-making.

Spicy Folk
over 30 days ago to jamesnatherson

Hey James, thank you so much for your terrific review of 'Stars Aligned'. We truly appreciate it. Listening to 'I'll Be Damned', what a great song!! :)

Warmest regards,
Spicy Folk

Birthe Noer Myers
over 30 days ago to Spicy Folk

Aha, the lovely love song I just reviewed is yours. I really like it.

1 Replies
Spicy Folk
over 30 days ago

Hi Birthe, awww thanks a million for your lovely feedback. We truly appreciate it. :)

Spicy Folk
over 30 days ago to DENNIS MAKEPEACE

Hey Dennis, thank you so much for taking the time to review 'Fading', we truly appreciate it. Listening to 'Castles and Kings' now - so lovely. :)

Warmest regards,
Spicy Folk

Kate Carpenter
over 30 days ago to Spicy Folk

Hello again, Spicy! Glad you liked the Smile Song. That song has actually been licensed a few times :). Hope you guys are having a good weekend. I got back into gigging this week and it sure felt good to be back in the musical saddle. Your friend in FL, Mrs. Kate

4 Replies
Spicy Folk
over 30 days ago

That is so cool! Oh gigging in FL sounds wonderful, so glad you're doing what you love. Keep up the awesome work! :)

Kate Carpenter
over 30 days ago

Yep, I love my job! Do you guys play out much?

Spicy Folk
over 30 days ago

Not at the moment, we're focusing more on licensing. Hopefully in the near future we can gig, really looking forward to it. :)

Kate Carpenter
over 30 days ago

Licensing is a tough gig in itself. Mine has really tapered off recently. NOTHING through BJ. You might try Audiosparx. They are pretty good.

Kate Carpenter
over 30 days ago to Spicy Folk

Hi Spicy! Glad you liked Don't Push in Line. It's one of the songs I use in my Stamp Out Bullying assembly program for the schools. Hope to hear your music soon! Mrs Kate

2 Replies
Spicy Folk
over 30 days ago

You're very welcome, Kate. That's awesome! Sounds like a wonderful program, best of luck! :)

Kate Carpenter
over 30 days ago

thanks! It's tougher these days w/ funding WAY down to get the public school gigs...but I'm still workin' by the grace of God.

Spicy Folk
over 30 days ago to Julia Schmidt

Hi Julia,

I listened to 'Breath of Heaven' it's so beautiful, how inspiring. Listening to 'I'll Bring you Coffee' now, it's so great. Really made my day! Best of luck! :)

Warmest regards,
Spicy Folk

1 Replies
Julia Schmidt
over 30 days ago

Hey! You two are soo sweet!! Thanks soo much!! :) your songs brightened up mine too!!!

Julia Schmidt
over 30 days ago to Spicy Folk

Hi " fading" and " the one I want" great songs and vocals!!:) it's nice to hear some songs with female vocals some with male vocals and some with duets!! Great" Spice" in your songs:)... Lol.. Blessings.. Julia

2 Replies
Spicy Folk
over 30 days ago

Hi Julia, awww thanks a million for such a wonderful comment. We truly appreciate it, really means a lot. :)

Julia Schmidt
over 30 days ago

I truly appreciate the 5 stars on " Breath of heaven" and " I'll bring you coffee"!:))

Spicy Folk
over 30 days ago to Birthe Noer Myers

Hi Birthe, 'The Shortest Day' is so beautiful. It's freezing in Brooklyn this evening, so this song is perfect to listen to. :)

1 Replies
Birthe Noer Myers
over 30 days ago

Hallo Spicy Folk, how very happy-making that you think 'The Shortest Day is beautiful... Thank you for looking up my songs and listening. Cold or warm - Brooklyn is great - bundle up and hear more songs.
I like your songs a lot.

Spicy Folk
over 30 days ago to Birthe Noer Myers

PS - oh, and also - many thank yous for a lovely review of our song 'A Sailor's Tragedy', you are very sweet. :)

Spicy Folk
over 30 days ago to Birthe Noer Myers

Hiya Birthe,

We want to thank you so very much for reviewing our song 'Something 'Bout You'. Your feedback and suggestions were extremely appreciated & helpful, and we will certainly take notes and apply them to our future songs as well.

Warmest regards,
Spicy Folk. :)

David James
over 30 days ago to Spicy Folk

Hello. Thank you for your review of ' Trivial Questions'. I'm glad you like the song and I welcome your useful comments about the quality of the recording. Regards. David

1 Replies
Spicy Folk
over 30 days ago

You're very welcome, was a pleasure to listen to. Just heard Arabian Dream - awesome! Keep up the great work! :)

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