
Previous Comments

Bob Mann
over 30 days ago to Sky Bound Entertainment

IMPORTANT - incorrect IPI/CAE numbers on our Schedule A

Hi Megan,

I hope you are well and good! It appears that we both missed a significant defect on our recent Schedule A of January 12th & 13th. It turn out that two of the three IPI/CAE numbers are incorrect. The correct CAE must be #682856204 in all instances for the ASCAP PRO shown on our Schedule A.

It appears that the two CAE numbers for "Pensive Moment" and "Intriguing" were somehow serialized in error, as these are incorrectly shown as xxxxxx205 and xxxxxx206 respectively on our Schedule A. So we both missed it somehow!!

Please send me a new corrected Schedule A to reflect all of the ASCAP CAE's as #682856204 that I had provided to you, and to supersede the original Schedule A of January 12 & 13th as soon as possible. I'd like to make correction prior to any distribution of the erroneous info. If the erroneous info has already been distributed by Sky Bound Entertainment then please advise all parties affected at this time.

I'm sorry I didn't catch this sooner myself. Again, my ASCAP IPI number is:
#682856204. Please advise, thank you again for all you do!

In music,
Bob Mann

2 Replies
Dr.LaMont Flanagan
over 30 days ago

Megan has not downloaded the WE Transfer and it is about to expire

Bob Mann
over 30 days ago

Hello Dr, it's Bob Mann. I just read your recent comment, I'm unfamiliar with the term WE Transfer and I would appreciate it very much if you would enlighten me. In my instance, Megan did promptly correct the defective CAE number indicated in my instance and was reflected in a new Schedule A of their Agreement at the time. I had posted my comment that you replied to many months ago. If I may ask, what does the mentioned WE Transfer pertain to? Thank you.

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