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The Silvers
2 weeks ago to Roy Elkins

How do I reach Lyle Concierge about one of our songs on their playlist? They have the wrong mix of "My Christmas Wish". I posed the correct one today labeled - Epps Mix.

1 Replies
Roy Elkins
2 weeks ago

Sent a note to and they can help you. I think you are referring to Lyfe Concierge, is that correct?

Thought My time was running out--then got 5 by-passes,yes 5! New Life! That sure sounds like you singing! Wonderfull stuff!

I am Broadjam member Norb Studelska. We have met at a couple of WI Singer Songwriter events where I had performed.
I have been nominated for a WAMI award in the acoustic guitar category. If you nominated me, Thank You. I have no expectation of winning, but it is very gratifying just to have been nominated.
Norb Studelska

2 Replies
Roy Elkins
over 30 days ago

Norb, Thank you for your message, and I apologize for my delayed response. Your nomination is truly deserved, and your talent is evident. I hope to see you at the show on May 19th in Green Baby. If you're able to attend, please let me know, and we can arrange to meet for coffee. Looking forward to catching up! Best, Roy

Roy, Thanks for your kind words.
I will not be in attendance because my son and his wife will be having their first baby. My wife and I will be visiting them in St. Paul, MN.
Have a good event,

We have met a couple of times at WI Singer Songwriter events, and you commented on my music. That being said, I was nominated for a WAMI award in the acoustic guitar category. If you nominated me, Thank You. I have no expectation of winning, but just being nominated is very gratifying.
Norb Studelska

Ash Black
over 30 days ago to Roy Elkins

Thanks Roy/Broadjam and VRY upon signing the Ash Black hard rock track "Quicksand". Great to work with you all and look forward to more success! Best, Johnny Black

1 Replies
Roy Elkins
over 30 days ago

You are welcome my friend!

Ash Black
over 30 days ago to Roy Elkins

Cheers Roy🎉 Great to work with you. Thanks for all of the opportunities and support! Best, Johnny Black 🎶â' ï¸ðŸŽ¶

1 Replies
Roy Elkins
over 30 days ago

Keep rockin' Johnny. You guys have something good goin' on!

Vessy Mink
over 30 days ago to Roy Elkins


Greetings from Sunny Florida Roy! I hope you're doing better with "Long Covid" now as am I! Thank You all the updates and the new format! I've signed 3 songs with Eddie Caldwell "Music of the Sea" and wish to Thank ALL involved! At the same time, I've recently done over 150 reviews, but only had 5 reviews of my songs. This seems off to me---could you please check if something is not right? All the Best To You and Everyone at Broadjam! Patrick "Catnip Pat" Muth

1 Replies
Roy Elkins
over 30 days ago

Pat, Thanks for the note and glad you are doing better. I am still fighting it, some good days, some bad......Glad you are working with Eddie. He is very aggressive in placing music. Hopefully, he will find success with your songs.....I'll look into the review mechanism and get back to you. Thanks for the heads up on this. Stay safe, Roy

David Banks
over 30 days ago to Roy Elkins

Hi Roy, I had covid over a year ago and was in hospital on oxygen for 2 weeks. While I was laying there with tubes/drips coming out of me, thinking that I might not make it, I got a phone call saying I had lost my job (after 22 years which came with a penthouse in London where my lovely state-of-the-art studio was) they gave me 6 weeks to get out if I want a decent payout! What a year! I'm almost at retiring age so I decided to go and look after mum (take over from my brother who's been looking after her) I quickly set up a small studio and after 6 months of writing new hybrid material I got a call from the biggest Trailer Library (Post Haste Music who did Star Wars/Terminator etc.) asking if I would do an album for them! I told them that I don't think I'm quite on that level (Star Wars lol). They said "we've heard some of your recent tracks and we think you are!" They were very impressed with "Above and Beyond" So from the worst year of my life to what could be the best! Something good always comes out of something they say....All the best to you too Roy! David. P.S. Thank you for this wonderful site!

4 Replies
Roy Elkins
over 30 days ago

David, Thank for the nice uplifting note. I had a tough run with this as well and still fighting "long covid." There were a few nights that I thought this might be the end-of-the-line for me, but somehow I made it one more day. In an odd way, the experience has helped me refocus on the important things. Hearing your story is motivating, thanks for this and hopefully you are beyond the remnants of this killer virus. Please stay in touch and keep me posted on your musical success as well.
Peace, Roy

David Banks
over 30 days ago

Great to hear you are doing well and yes you are right about refocusing after that nightmare experience! I left all my furniture and cupboards full of clothes back in London (22 years worth) but I did pack (what I could) of my studio (I even left a piano lol) I was feeling very humbled knowing there are people ready to help in a time of crisis (I will never complain about the hospitals here again after seeing how hard the nurses work). After moving back to my home town at the other side of the UK (Morecambe Bay) The local paper did a story on me and wrote about my successful 40 year career (well part of it was successful). I know you are a very busy man but I will give you a link to 2 things for when (if) you find time to check them out, the first link is to my recently completed album for Post Haste Music called "TALOS" lbum/9111064 and the second link is to my story in the local paper /news/people/the-little-lad-from-mo recambe-who-became-a-successful-mus ician-3820036 enjoy! David (note that I am also writing music for another big company called Spider Cues so things are really looking up again!)

Roy Elkins
over 30 days ago

Thanks David. I will check out the links. Glad you are writing and doing well!

Inches From Sin
over 30 days ago

We are back and glad to back. Hope your feeling well. Much love from Inches From Sin.

over 30 days ago to Roy Elkins

Wishing you a speedy recovery from Covid, Roy. Glad to read that you're covered with the vaccine.

2 Replies
Roy Elkins
over 30 days ago

Thank you Yuri! Your note made me smile. Thanks for the lift.

Neil Fergus
over 30 days ago

Hey Roy, I heard you has the Covid pretty good. I hope you RE FEELING BETTER AND i HOPE ALL IS WELL.


Emily Zimmer
over 30 days ago to Roy Elkins

Hi, Roy.

Thanks so much for starting Broadjam, and allowing independent musicians like myself access premium opportunities. I am so happy to be able to get my music heard, and to submit to opportunities I never would have otherwise had.

Since joining recently, I've gotten my single into a podcast I really love, and I got my first sync placement, which is a dream come true. I've been trying to get my instrumentals placed for years, and will continue building that part of my career. I am also a proud Wisconsinite like yourself.

Thanks again, take care.
Emily Zimmer

5 Replies
Roy Elkins
over 30 days ago

Emily, Thanks for the nice note and congrats on your success! I'm glad Shaq liked it! Sometimes we don't know when and where the songs are placed after their signed, so it's good to hear. Also, I checked out your video that was forwarded and great work. All the best, Roy

Emily Zimmer
over 30 days ago

Thanks for your kind response, and for checking out my material (WOW, Shaq!!!).
Keep up the good work.

Frankfurt 11
over 30 days ago

Emily, so awesome to hear of your successes man!!! That's amazing!!! Your accomplishments are well deserved.

Roy, i Echo what Emily said. Without Broadjam I would have never had the successes I have had and thousands of other musicians. To date, I have had 5 songs in different top 10 list (3 this past week) and all our music signed to MOTS for global distribution. Amazing, thank you.

Keep making that incredible music!


Frankie Leets

Emily Zimmer
over 30 days ago

Hi, Frankie.
Thanks for the kind words. Congrats on your successes as well! Keep up the good work, and I'll see ya around the Broadjam scene :)

Frankfurt 11
over 30 days ago

Sounds great! Have an excellent month!

Hi Roy, I don't know if you remember me or not but I was one of the early members You gave me a very nice review back in the day and I'm wondering if you could take a couple minutes to Listen to my song Kiss The Kids Goodnight (Just Not Fair) It's on two Top Ten Lists - Folk Rock & Colorado and is currently making some good headway from Nashville, thanks to Chris Keaton, A Nashville song-plugger. As of last week it's been accepted by 2 A-list singers. I don't know if you know Chris Keaton but here's his review. A review from you would really go far and I would be forever grateful.
Thank you for your time, Roy.

I have known Sam Fasano and his songwriting work for years and I must say "Kiss The Kids Goodnight (It's Just Not Fair) is his best work to date. The message is timely and pulls the heartstrings of the listener. This song has the potential to soften attitudes and maybe even change the world one heart at a time.

Chris J. Keaton
Keaton Music Ventures
Macy's Celebration Consultant
2016 Inductee North Carolina Music Hall of Fame

1 Replies
Roy Elkins
over 30 days ago

Thanks for the note and my apologies for the delay in my response. I do remember you and it's been a while. Great to hear from you.
Chris Keaton is not only a friend, but one of our Pro Reviewers as well. He has placed a lot of music in Nashville. He works extremely hard and delivers on his word. I have not spoken with him since I got sick earlier this year, but please tell him I said hello.
Kiss The Kids Goodnight (Just Not Fair)
Very good heartfelt lyric. Strong sentiment and makes one think about how war wounds aren't only inflicted upon those on the front lines. The families suffer as well. Great job of framing this. Excellent. Good backing tracks and arrangement as well.
If it was my song, I would try another mix. I listened on small speakers and the lead vocal got lost in the mix. Although I do like the backing tracks, a little more time on the mix might bring the lead vocal more up front.
With that said, if Chris Keaton likes this and is pitching it, no need for my input. I have always liked your lyric writing. Very strong.
Congrats and hopefully you will find success.


Hattie Wilcox Music
over 30 days ago to Roy Elkins

Hi Roy. I wanted to tell you how much Broadjam has helped me move forward in my career. If it wasn't for my membership, I would never have had the pleasure of working with Johnny Neel and his crew in Nashville. They are the reason I released my first CD, after Doug called me and said, "Johnny wanted me to call you and tell you we think you have something here." I have a number of songs inspired by the 6-pack and other writing contests, one of which I recently produced and recorded in LA as a gnarly blues rock guitar instrumental. I treasure at least a dozen songs that would never have been written without the Broadjam songwriting challenges. Being a member has been the most fun way to learn about the business side of music (if there is such a thing); and I have found Broadjam--and its community--to be a resource like no other. Have a great 2022 and thanks for all you do for songwriters.
Hattie Wilcox

2 Replies
Roy Elkins
over 30 days ago


Thanks so much for the thoughtful comments. But more importantly, thank you for all of the music and the contributions you have made to the Broadjam community. Listening to your music over the years has been nothing less than joyful. Watching you grow and stretch as a writer into different genres is inspiring. After receiving your note, I have been listening to your playlist and realized one more time how wide-ranging and remarkable your songlist is. I just love Cholcolate Buttercream, Miss Hattie Moran's Georgia Rag, Hospital and Rush On the Savannah may be one of the most interesting and captivating pieces of music I have heard in a while. Certainly, I have my favorites from your list and I'm only half-way through, but I haven't heard one yet that isn't well written/produced. Congrats, you just keep getting better and more advanced as a songwriter. Thanks for putting it on Broadjam.

I am so glad you connected with Johnny Neel and Doug Jones as they are two of my favorite people on the planet. I spent a lot of time with Johnny when he was on the road with Allman Brothers and wrote a song with him as well. He may be the most versatile and talented musician I have ever worked with. Doug is truly one-of-a-kind as well. A killer guitar player and a great friend. If I lived next door them, I am sure we would find all kinds of ways to get in trouble with loud music LOL.

I am also thrilled to know the 6-Pack and other songwriting challenges are helping you stretch outside of your comfort zone. Stay tuned for more good stuff coming down the road as we plan on expanding the songwriting competitions and relaunching the new 6-Pack as well.
Thanks again for the wonderful note. You made my day!


PS - Just as I was finishing this up, Hit and Run came up in your playlist and I'm smiling from ear-to-ear.

Hattie Wilcox Music
over 30 days ago

Hi Roy. Johnny and Doug, and Dennis and Daryl (and Johnny's wife Christine on backing vox) arranged and recorded at least 40 songs for me from 2007 to present, not to mention all the great info and advice over the years. Hit and Run is a Broadjam-born song. I wrote it for a challenge BJ offered years ago with a selection of music beds for participants to write to. I loved the rock track, and dark lyrics streamed out pronto from I-don't-know-where! It's a song that requires much more vocal power and attitude than I've developed, and since lyrics are heavy-metal dark, I sang a scratch vocal years ago and just last fall decided to finish it as an instrumental, to license as backing for sports media.

Another of my favorites was from a BJ challenge to write a birthday song. I was so irritated and remember thinking: "Well, there's the standard, and then the Beatles wrote one. What more can there be?!?! I ended up writing two! The first was a goofy novelty tune that has stood the test of time; the drums and bass (bass solo sounding a bit like a tuba) constituted the first production track I licensed. The second song landed on my debut CD, arranged and played by Johnny. I was sitting at the piano one day, still in my frowny mood about the likelihood of a decent birthday song, and the opener popped into my head: "Well, I'm too old for toys / but I still eat cake / so come by my house later / and help me celebrate... and continued into a playful, sexy mood: Will you be my present / will you keep me up late / blow out all of my candles / and untie this bow...

BJ challenges can function as a songwriting class with effective and intriguing writing prompts, in a format that's pure fun, much more so than a typical lyric-writing class. I'm always interested in listeners picks and song-specific comments.


Ingvi Þór Kormáksson
over 30 days ago to Roy Elkins

Thanks for the endorsements, Roy. I couldn't see for what they were. A bit lost there.
- Ingvi Thor K.

1 Replies
Roy Elkins
over 30 days ago

Ingvi Thor, Thanks for the note and all the music over the years.....I will look into the endorsement comment. There a few features we are still working on and we'll keep you posted. All the best, Roy

Randall Mark
over 30 days ago to Roy Elkins

Hi Roy, thank you so much for the kind words on "Wonder Boy" I am honored. So is the singer. I appreciate all you do!

1 Replies
Roy Elkins
over 30 days ago

Randall, Thanks for the note. Great song, great singer, I just loved everything about it. All the best, Roy

over 30 days ago to Roy Elkins

Hi Roy. I live far away in Ghana. During the lockdown I got my producer Stephen Wrench to record my new single SignOut66 remotely. I would be pleased if you could listen to it and tell me your opinion. Thanks for your time.

4 Replies
Roy Elkins
over 30 days ago

Hey Funkmata, Hope all is well in your world. Here are my thoughts.

Love the feel of the this. At first, it reminded a little of Curtis Mayfield, then it got a little heavier. Great opening groove that captures the listener immediately and has a good melody throughout the song. When the lead guitar came in at 19 seconds, I thought of The Munsters theme song. This is a compliment as I loved this as a kid and still do as it is one of the greatest tv theme songs ever. I am not sure why I went there, but it might be the first couple of notes of the guitar part....Being a synth geek, I love the part and player as well. Kudos to him/her and all the players and producer on this. Good sound choices and performances by the everyone. It is clear this band really connects and plays well together.

Sign Out 66 is a quality piece of music and could find it's way to success in film and tv with some edits. Please read on.

Some noise throughout the song coming from the electric guitar, examples at 55 seconds and 1:01. While it's probably the style of the player who is simply grooving and scratching, it jumps out on small speakers. On larger speakers it is not as obvious as it is more divorced from the rest of the instruments. However, I think because of this, it would probably get passed quickly in the tv world. If I was producing, I would surgically pull this part down in the mix or have the guitar player recut and back off a little at these moments. (I am reluctant to suggest this as it is certainly part of his/her groove.)

In summary, great groove, good players, good production. If it was my song, I would tweak the mix just a little.

Hope this helps.
Stay safe.


over 30 days ago

Thanks Roy. Your input was exceptionally helpful. The track was recorded during the lockdown with pro session men in Nashville. It was produced by Stephen Wrench of fame. Cheers.

over 30 days ago

Just love this song

over 30 days ago

I love this song, all the time I hear iy,

Juneboy Music
over 30 days ago to Roy Elkins

How is the man, the myth, the legend during these corona virus times? Hope you are well

1 Replies
Roy Elkins
over 30 days ago

I am doing well, healthy and safe. I hope the same for you. As a precaution, I was tested a few days ago and everything is ok. Keep producing and we're all coming out on the other side of this much stronger. Peace.

B Rob Productions
over 30 days ago to Roy Elkins

Hi Roy - Been meaning to reach out and say Thanks for the 5-star rating of my song Step Off. Really means a lot! Also, I appreciate for your vision and facilitating such a wonderful journey with Broadjam over the years!
- B Rob

1 Replies
Roy Elkins
over 30 days ago

B Rob, Thanks for nice note and being on Broadjam. You have always been one of my favs on the site. Stay safe and keep making great music. Peace, Roy

over 30 days ago to Roy Elkins

Thank you so much for your endorsement, Roy. I sincerely appreciate it.

1 Replies
Luna Keller
over 30 days ago

Thank you very very much for the endorsement, it made our day! A big hug from the whole family on sunny Tenerife!

Mike L Scott
over 30 days ago to Roy Elkins

Many thanks for adding my track to Founder CLASSICAL, Mike.

4 Replies
Roy Elkins
over 30 days ago

No problem Michael. Excellent work!

Mike L Scott
over 30 days ago

Wonderful site Roy, really helping my music career. (I'm actually a full time farmer and fit this in around 12 hour days! So it's nice to have a site that works efficiently compared with others I've used.) Mike.

Roy Elkins
over 30 days ago

Michael, I just moved closer to town recently after living on a farm for 17 years. I miss the planting season and watching the corn come in. Two of our former neighbors still farm our land and I miss them as well. In fact, I am heading out there today to 'walk the land'.....Thank you not only for your great music, but for being a farmer. I have great respect for everyone who works the land....I am going to send a private email and introduce you to a very good friend of mine who is an amazing musician and farmer like you....All the best to you, Roy

Mike L Scott
over 30 days ago

Hi Roy, message received! I'll give him a shout, very thoughtful of you, thanks. Glad to hear you have a connection with the land, as a farmer I can see most of the world has lost this important 'connection', everybody should at least get the chance to stand in a field very early in the morning and take it all in, bird song, animals going about their business etc, very powerful. I think in the present climate we are getting more thanks usual, around here everyone is stuck in doors whilst we work in the fields around them, they are seeing how much effort is required, but we're just doing our job we were born for. Music keeps me sane to be honest, thanks again for you time, stay safe. Mike.

over 30 days ago to Roy Elkins

thanks so much Roy for awarding stars to each of gave JPZI 7. Sunrise Explosion, JPZI 10. Uplifting Mountain Ridges and JPZII 1. Mystery Toyshop! This collaboration between Starburst Records & Jean Paul Zoghbi has now spanned 11+ years and has been very exciting. best wishes, jay

1 Replies
Roy Elkins
over 30 days ago

Congrats! I love his work and yours as well. Keep it up. Best, Roy

Benjamin Scully
over 30 days ago to Roy Elkins

Hi Roy!
Met you briefly after your event in the Dream Bank last month. Thanks for doing those events and sharing your platform there! I've had 2 opportunities selected since joining which is very exciting!
Much appreciated!

Greg Lambert
over 30 days ago to Roy Elkins

Thanks, Roy for your critique of "North of the Rio Grand"...very constructive and objective!

1 Replies
over 30 days ago

Hello Ray! Thanks for this site. I grew up in north Detroit... where sould and rock were born. When you get a chance check out my newest tune Deepest Garden I posted Dec 2019. THANK YOU!

over 30 days ago to Roy Elkins

Hi Roy,
Many thanks for the endorsements they are much appreciated.

Cyclops Cow
over 30 days ago to Roy Elkins

Hello Roy,
I want to thank you for the five star rating you did for my song "Melting Crayons" (band name: Cyclops Cow).

Lindsay Feuling

Also Roy, the MAMA awards Blew Me Away! I'm Taking this back to Panama City Right Now! What A Gift to My City! Catnip

1 Replies
Roy Elkins
over 30 days ago

Thanks for this as well. It is now 16 years old and we're getting the hang of it. If you need input, let me know as I would be happy to help.

Roy! That was just about the best time ever! Your everything was on fire! Will never forget it!

1 Replies
Roy Elkins
over 30 days ago

Catnip I am so glad you could make it. We love what we do and we live in a great environment to do it. I hope to see you next year. You rock!

Roy! You have created the Most Beautiful Musical Happy Land! Thank You So Much and See You in June! Catnip Pat

Mitch Siegal
over 30 days ago to Roy Elkins

Hey Roy, didn't know you knew Gregg Allman. I just read his book, My cross to bear. probably one of the better autobiographies I've read. Years ago I had a long spiritual conversation with Jaimo. There is a story with that one :) have a great weekend bud.

1 Replies
Roy Elkins
over 30 days ago

Hey Mitch, Sorry for the delay. I was very fortunate years when our paths crossed. I was at Ensoniq and spent a little time them. Hope you are well. Roy

Diana Rasmussen
over 30 days ago to Roy Elkins

Thanks for the playlist add Roy on your POP 2019 with Raindrops are Tears. Hope your 2019 is amazing! Diana

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