Paul Daren

Paul Daren


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over 30 days ago to Paul Daren

Always well written and beautifully played ... Very proud !

Hi Paul,
Thanks for the 5 Stars on "I Make A Difference" and "When I Believe" !!

I really appreciate you taking the time to have a listen and rate them... so glad you like them too!

I'll have a listen to more 9oif your stuff while I'm here.

Thanks again!


Paul Daren
over 30 days ago to BroGreede

Many many thanks for your stars on "Forgive Me". It's just a song from a musical I wrote and the rest are on here also. It's my first try out with Spitfire Audio's BBC Orchestra free app and the sounds really are cool. Thanks guys for all of your support. Best wishes, Paul

Jim Aitken
over 30 days ago to Paul Daren

Thanks for the five stars for "One Night Stand" Paul, but it was the other version featuring Kimberley Dunn which is in the Earth Chart!
Tim who sang the version you heard (who is in Broadjam also) sings it so well I must agree.
(I reckon it must be the song that's the common factor! Ha!
Please hear Kimberley's version!
What do you reckon about my song Link to, "Nashville Calling"?
Once I release it I will put it on here!
It is on many radios in US, England, Australia, Canada, Scotland etc....

6 Replies
Paul Daren
over 30 days ago

Jim, I have just listened to the other version of "One Night Stand". It's absolutely beautiful!!! The harmonies, the little guitar licks in there and the piano is so cool. Congratulations to you all. Love it!

Paul Daren
over 30 days ago

I tried with the link you sent Jim, but it didn't work unfortunately. I will look forward to listening to it though! Have a good Whitsun weekend!

Jim Aitken
over 30 days ago

Enjoyed "Coming on Home Again"!
Very listenable! Will hear again!
Your next song with harmonica I like! I play harmonica on the frame!
Sorry my latest, "Nashville Calling" did not play!
The link worked when I used it earlier but I have found that it only allows so many plays. Weird!
Here it is again if you have the patience! ngq9gGDA

Paul Daren
over 30 days ago

Hi Jim! Still doesn't work, unfortunately.

Thanks for having a listen to 'Coming On Home Again". I wrote it for my band and we've gigged it a few times now. It has been changed around a bit though these past few months and the version here is not how we perform it...if that makes sense. The other song, with the harmonica, I wrote a couple of months back specifically for a submission asking for folk songs in the style of Bob Dylan so I thought I would give it a go.
Go steady Jim and thanks again for your support!

Jim Aitken
over 30 days ago

Paul what is your email address and I will send my mp3!
I think Broadjam doesn't allow links!

Paul Daren
over 30 days ago

Hi Jim, no worries.

Jim Aitken
over 30 days ago to Paul Daren

Hi Paul, thanks for the stars re Reach the Sky!
It is a bit old school but it was my first Country forage!
My, "One Night Stand" is more up to date. What do you reckon?
I watched your Christmas video! It would have been a lot of fun creating it. Congratulations! Sync opportunities are always needing Christmas songs. Maybe I'll write one since it can be in vogue every year!

2 Replies
Paul Daren
over 30 days ago

Hi Jim! Hey, I've just listened to your song 'One Night Stand' and it's great, really! Love the lyrics as it tells many a persons story and musically its really cool. Well recorded as well! Many thanks for your support Jim and yeah, keep getting those songs rolling in!. Best, Paul

Jim Aitken
over 30 days ago

Thanks Paul, for your great comments!
Actually my latest song, "Nashville Calling" is possibly my best!
It's not on here yet till I release it officially but here is a Pre release Link specially for you.
It is every Country Wannabe's dream! 1bLkcTq7

My, "One Night Stand" is No.2 in Broadjam's Top Chart "Earth"!
Your 5 stars would get it back up to No.1 again probably!

Jim Aitken
over 30 days ago to Paul Daren

April skies is a lovely, classy song which progressively develops and tapers off at the end with single chinks on the keys!
Very nice indeed! Lovely strings supporting! Do you play the piano here Paul?

Jim Aitken
over 30 days ago to Paul Daren

"It's Christmas Time" is a fun number!
They say Christmas songs are always popular and in demand!
I will have to try and write one!

Many, many thanks guys for the endorsement!! Really appreciate it to get this kind of feedback as it gives me so much support to compose more music. Thanks all!

1 Replies
Lyfe Concierge Publishing
over 30 days ago

Definitely keep composing Paul! You are most assuredly talented!
LC Team

over 30 days ago to Paul Daren

Love this Paul ... Very moving ... Nice one ?

1 Replies
Paul Daren
over 30 days ago

Many thanks, Steve! Really appreciate that. Best wishes, Bro!

Paul Daren
over 30 days ago to BroGreede

Hi Lads! Firstly, thanks for the 5 star rating for 'Abe's Song'! Many thanks for your continuing support! Your song "Strange World" is absolutely brilliant and that piano in the intro is immense let alone the e guitar break later in the song. Cool number!! Take care lads and keep rockin'! Paul

Thanks again all for your continued support of my songs. Appreciate it so, so much! Thanks guys!! Best, Paul

1 Replies
Lyfe Concierge Publishing
over 30 days ago

You are very welcome Paul!
LC Team

Many thanks for the 5 stars, guys! Very much appreciated.

1 Replies
Lyfe Concierge Publishing
over 30 days ago

You are welcome Paul! Thanks for sharing your music!
LC Team

Many thanks for the endorsements ! Very much appreciated. Paul Daren

1 Replies
Lyfe Concierge Publishing
over 30 days ago

You have interesting music Paul! Thanks for sharing...
LC Team

Paul Daren
over 30 days ago to Kate Carpenter

Hi Kate, Paul here!

Many many thanks Kate for reviewing 'Peace And Harmony and giving me a full score! I wrote the song especially for an opportunity which requested folk songs in this style. I have always liked Bob Dylan's works and I know he was a great influence on 'The Beatles' , my favourite band. I was trying to get my daughter to play violin on it but instead of that, she helped me with the arrangement of it. Hope you are all well Kate and having continuing success with your lovely songs. Enjoy the Easter hols and God Bless!

1 Replies
Kate Carpenter
over 30 days ago

Thanks Paul!

Paul Daren
over 30 days ago to BroGreede

Hey lads! Many many thanks again for your 5 star ratings! Thanks for your support as it's nice to know that the hours which get put into all these songs, some appreciation for all that hard work comes back. Thanks all, much appreciated!! Best wishes, Paul

over 30 days ago to Paul Daren

Hey Paul....loved listening to "APRIL SKIES"...a beautiful this stuff!!!...and you do it so very well!!!.5/5...because there isn't any higher!!
I hope all good with you! Believe it or not...we share the Yamaha is a great keyboard!!!
Be well my friend!

Paul Daren
over 30 days ago to BroGreede

Hey Guys! Many, many thanks for your endorsement! I appreciate that very much! I have been meaning to do the same for you lads for a while as your music is really unique as well as your musicianship together as a band. Always great lyrics as well! Go steady lads and best wishes from us all in Bavaria!

over 30 days ago to Paul Daren

Hey Paul...I want to thank you for the high rating of "LADY AVARICE"..I really appreciate it....and you should know that I really appreciate the work you put out there...outstanding!!!... Again... thank you for taking the time to give a listen!!
TK- BroGreede

1 Replies
Paul Daren
over 30 days ago

No worries, guys! Take care and keep rockin!

Kate Carpenter
over 30 days ago to Paul Daren

Hey Paul, Thanks for the review of When Mama Says No. Obviously that song was inspired by my experience as a mother. Sometimes I call it the Walmart song, ha ha. Have a great day in Germany. Our daughter is flying there for a conference this month!
Your friend in music, Mrs Kate

Paul Daren
over 30 days ago to Diane RIDAEUS

Hi Diane! Many thanks for the 5 stars for "November Rain". I appreciate it very much and glad you liked it. Best wishes, Paul Daren

1 Replies
over 30 days ago

You are most welcome, Paul, I absolutely loved it! I'm sure you'll eep 'em comin!!

Paul Daren
over 30 days ago to SKY HIGH MUSIC LABS

Hi all! Many thanks for taking time out to review "Soulmate". I have taken your advice and have checked out the backing vocals and I think it's ok now. Best wishes all, Paul.

Paul Daren
over 30 days ago to BroGreede

Many thanks guys for the 5 Star rating on my song " Soulmate"! Really, really appreciate that! Best wishes, Paul

1 Replies
over 30 days ago

Hey have exceptional talent and I've become a fan!!!..Rock on!!!

Paul Daren
over 30 days ago to Ilse Morriss

Beautiful songs here, guys!!

Paul Daren
over 30 days ago to Jon Babb

Hey Jon, many many thanks for the 5 stars yesterday with 'April Skies'. Very much appreciated. I have just listened to some more of your pieces and they are simply awe inspiring!! "Close To Her" has to be in the next 'Hobbit' movie for a theme for the Elves and "Christmas Morning", well, for the next 'Scrooge' re-make. AMAZING STUFF!!

Pete Hansen
over 30 days ago to Paul Daren

Hi Mr. Paul Daren. Thank you for listening to my song "Key 2 Trilogy". Just taking the time to listen is very appreciated and your generous rating is a huge bonus for sure. I listened to one of your songs "In The Light Of The Moon". Your music arrangement is over the top beautiful! The flow is raw and natural sounding which is more rare in these days of AI technology. I wish you the best success in your musical journey. By the way, My family on my dads side is straight from Denmark, which I am proud of. May I say howdy neighbor. Thanks again
Pete Hansen

1 Replies
Paul Daren
over 30 days ago

Many many thanks, Pete! I enjoyed listening to your music, too. I'm actually an Englishman living with my German wife and family here in southeast Bavaria near the Austrian border. I've been here for nearly half my life though and still love it down here. Best wishes, Pete and good luck with your songs. I will listen in again soon. Many thanks, Paul

Hi Frank, Paul here. You have a real great mix of songs and styles here with some really great arrangements! Love the piano on 'Mom's Journey Home'!! Thanks also for your recent support! Stay safe all and happy music making!

Hi Paul,
Thanks for the review of my song "Spring Time". Yeah that's a short one that I wrote for a licensing opportunity that alas, I didn't get. Oh well, I still think it's a fun piece to have out there.

I really appreciate you taking the time to listen and provide considerate and meaningful comments/perspectives. It's really fulfilling to know when someone truly has listened, and it's reflected in their comments.

While I'm here I'll have a listen to some of your music.

Thanks again... be safe and well,

2 Replies
Paul Daren
over 30 days ago

Many thanks, Frank! Will check out some more of your work as well. Best wishes, Paul

Paul Daren
over 30 days ago

Many thanks for the 5 star ratings as well, Frank! Very much appreciated!

Jim Rezac
over 30 days ago to Paul Daren

Just heard the new one...Coming Home Again.... Makes me want to ask what (who) was the inspiration for this? Nicely done. I know it is listed as a type of country song, but I also hear a slight 'pop' sound in it.... for what that is worth

1 Replies
Paul Daren
over 30 days ago

Hi Jim,

Many thanks to you! Glad that you like the song 'Coming On Home Again'. I don't really know for sure to be honest. I have listened to Bob Seger and The Eagles in the past so maybe from there perhaps. I've absolutely no idea on the listing so perhaps you're right and I should change that. Hope all is well with you, Jim. I managed to listen to some more of your songs during the hols and have included one or two in my play list. Go steady and many thanks again. Best, Paul

Paul Daren
over 30 days ago to David ADAM

Hi David! Many many thanks for giving your review and thoughts of my piece 'November Rain' the other day as I appreciate it very much. I have now remixed it and sorted the levels out and I hope it's better now. Have listened to some of your work and it's really really cool! Best wishes, Paul

2 Replies
David ADAM
over 30 days ago

Hey Paul,
Way better !

Paul Daren
over 30 days ago

Thanks again, Dave!

Paul Daren
over 30 days ago to Jon Babb

Hi Jon! Firstly a big big thank you for giving a 5 star review of my piece 'Wings Of Hope". It gives me a lot of confidence, thanks man! I've just listened to some of your pieces and literally my heart is in my mouth at the moment. Absolutely AMAZING compositions there and the sounds are immense! Have you got a real full live orchestra at home, or what? Well done, Jon and best wishes for the new year!

1 Replies
Jon Babb
over 30 days ago

Thank you so much for the comment, Paul -- I REALLY appreciate it! If I could fit an orchestra in my house, I certainly would haha! I hope you have a great New Year and thank you again for the kind words!

Take care,

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