
Previous Comments

Ionut Mirel Udrea
over 30 days ago to Pally

Hi Pally! Thank you very much for taking the time to listen and rate my new song! I really appreciate it! All the best!

over 30 days ago to Ionut Mirel Udrea

Hi Ionut, Many thanks for adding "Sara Cali" and "Doggie Lullaby" to your playlist (and for the 5 stars too)! :o) Best wishes, Pally

1 Replies
Ionut Mirel Udrea
over 30 days ago

You're very welcome!

Ionut Mirel Udrea
over 30 days ago to Pally

Hi! Thank you very much for taking the time to listen, rate and add my song "Dimensions" to your playlist! I really appreciate it! All the best!

1 Replies
over 30 days ago

Hi Ionut! You are welcome! "Dimensions" is so expressive. (I feel as if I am in eastern Europe in the 1940s when I listen to it.) Beautiful and melancholic...

over 30 days ago to Radiation Mountain

10.......New Morning Sun...Jeff, your voice, the guitar....10...Absolutely a 10!!!

4 Replies
Radiation Mountain
over 30 days ago

Why thank you Pally!!! Good to hear from you again.

Elise Wiener5420030
over 30 days ago

Hi Jeff: Thanks so much for your well thought out review of "The Letter". I appreciate your comments and fresh eyes! Best, Elise

Radiation Mountain
over 30 days ago

A pleasure Elise. Like I said there's magic lurking in that tune.

amy abernathy Montgomery
over 30 days ago

Hi Jeff,
Thank you so much of your very kind and helpful review of Our song heart ache and desire. I am not a music person, just write lyrics. So I am thankful for the feedback to give my co-writers. Thanks for the suggestions.

over 30 days ago to The Sketchballs

"Event Security" is awesome!

The Sketchballs
over 30 days ago to Pally

"Janie" has a great catchy hook...thanks for checking our songs out Pally

1 Replies
over 30 days ago

Many thanks for your kind comment! :o)

over 30 days ago to The Sketchballs

I love "Beehive Lounge!" What a great, cool, smooth groove and male lead vocal! Best wishes, Pally

over 30 days ago to Ionut Mirel Udrea

Hi Ionut! I really enjoyed listening to "Love's Temptations." I love the female background vocals. (They remind me of Vangelis' "Glorianna (Hymn A La Femme)." Also, I really love how the song builds, especially starting at (0:34). A truly, beautiful song! Best, Pally

1 Replies
Ionut Mirel Udrea
over 30 days ago

Thank you very much! I really appreciate the support!

The Sketchballs
over 30 days ago to Pally

"Wontcha Be Mine" has a great vocal track....really rocks

1 Replies
over 30 days ago

Thank you for your kind comment!

over 30 days ago to Pally

nice sound

1 Replies
over 30 days ago

Thanks for your kind comment!

over 30 days ago to Ionut Mirel Udrea

Dear Ionut, Firstly, many thanks for your endorsements! Secondly, "Song from Banat," feels so familiar, so reminiscent, it speaks to my soul----so beautiful, thank you! :o) And "Dor," please forgive me, I am not familiar with popular Romanian artists, however, I do remember in the 1990s, I had the great fortune of being introduced to Gheorge Zamfir. Great music! "Dor" (Nostalgia) is reminiscent of this! Your song is so beautiful!

1 Replies
Ionut Mirel Udrea
over 30 days ago

Thanks a lot for listening and rating! Yes Zamfir is one of Romania's great artists.

Hi Ionut, Thank You very much(!) for listening, the the 5* and all the PL adds of "Finalmente".

3 Replies
over 30 days ago

Hi Ionut! Firstly, thank you for the adds to your "Best Rock" playlist and secondly, for the 5-star reviews! I absolutely love "Song from Transylvania." The delicate female operatic vocal along with the gentle piano sound in the first couple of seconds is so beautiful and hooks me instantly! It's hard to describe in words, but I feel like I am able to connect with relatives that I never had the opportunity to meet and get to know because of war.

Ionut Mirel Udrea
over 30 days ago

Hi! You're very welcome! Was a real pleasure! Thank you very much Pally!!!

Ionut Mirel Udrea
over 30 days ago

Hi Chris!!! You're very welcome! "Finalmente" it is wonderful and you a great artist!!! I wish you good luck!!! You deserve it!

over 30 days ago to Pally


Deepak Juneja
over 30 days ago to Pally

hi pally

over 30 days ago to Pally

hello pally

over 30 days ago to Julia Schmidt

Hi Julia,

I love your cover of "Landslide!" Your vocals/interpretation are heavenly/hypnotic, especially from 1:02 - 1:30. (Your vox/storytelling in that section is outta this world!)


1 Replies
Julia Schmidt
over 30 days ago

Wow! Thank you so much!! I truly appreciate such detail in your comments !! So sweet of you!!

over 30 days ago to Radiation Mountain

Hi Jeff,

Thank you for your 5-star rating on "Wontcha Be Mine (Remixed)" and for adding it to your "My Top Songs" playlist!!! :o) :o)

Wishing you the very best,

3 Replies
Radiation Mountain
over 30 days ago

Would I give it anything else but a 5? ; )

Hope it burns up the charts!!

Robert Adams
over 30 days ago

Hey Jeff - Thanks for the straightforward review of my song "The Aerialist." I really beamed at the Steve Stevens meets Jeff Beck comment, as I'm a big fan of both, particularly SS. I'm kind of pleased with myself for feeling neutral about you saying my guitar is overblown. If I were younger and working on making a career out of it, before the digital age and file sharing removed most money from music, I might be reactive, but hey... I kind of agree with you. No question, there are lots of players who are technically superior, with better articulation, faster, more melodic, etc., but the way I see it - I do what I like (play flashy with a lot of soloing) and cherish the freedom on that. All that said, I'll mention that that song did get a lot of attention from one of the larger licensing opportunities, made it to the "consideration" round, got played something like 15 times, but who knows what that really means. Anyway, I liked that you gave me your true thoughts on it, which I agree with.

Radiation Mountain
over 30 days ago

Blind reviews are good that way. I still like heavy guitar --it's funny there's a distinct border of tone and style that separates the shred monsters, at least in my mind. But shoot it's just personal taste. I think Jeff Beck and Eric Johnson are the best shred/taste blend, although there are bound to be others I'm not thinking of. It's good to see you back in action --I checked on your page to see when your last log in was because I hadn't see any activity from you in quite a while.

Keep up the good work --plenty of your stuff is on my best-of lists, and that's because I want them there!!! :)

over 30 days ago to Radiation Mountain

Jeff, I love the lyrics to "Blue Morning"; very poignant. And I love "Sarah" also. I'm normally a stoic person, but your lyrics are extremely powerful. Thank you for such a beautiful, heartfelt song.

1 Replies
Radiation Mountain
over 30 days ago

Wow thank you for such a wonderful comment Pally! =)

Greg Lambert
over 30 days ago to Radiation Mountain

Blue Morning! Great job, Jeff! I heard a little Trogg- like groove...very cool!

4 Replies
over 30 days ago

Jeff, for a demo: clean, clear, and beautiful! Love your lead vox and the banjo!

Radiation Mountain
over 30 days ago

That groove is a total study of Neil Young

Greg Lambert
over 30 days ago

It's the love child of Jeart Of Gold and Wild Thing!

Greg Lambert
over 30 days ago

Make that Heart of Gold

Frederick Houde
over 30 days ago to Pally

Pally, thanks so much for your nice review of 'Watching Clouds'. It's from nine years ago and all but forgotten save for bj. Thanks again, Fred Houde

1 Replies
over 30 days ago

Hi Fred! You are welcome! It was an absolute pleasure listening to! :o) --Wishing you the very best! --Pally

over 30 days ago to Radiation Mountain

Jeff, I love your song "Sarah." My heart goes out to you. What a beautiful song; the way the lead guitar compliments your voice is totally awesome. (I consider myself a lead guitarist--on a scale of 1 to 10 though, I'm probably a 2.... ;0) But in this song the lead guitar speaks volumes throughout, especially from 2:00 - 2:29. I can relate, I had a family member who died of chronic alcoholism at a young age. Thank u for your beautiful song! --Pally

2 Replies
Radiation Mountain
over 30 days ago

Wow Pally it's so nice to hear from you, and thank you so much for taking the time to listen and offer the kind words. Once I get some mixes sorted out I'm going to put all the songs up on another site for free. I'd love to get a copy to you if you like the tune.

Thanks again!! =)

over 30 days ago

Jeff, that would be great! For me, probably in digital format would be best...only because I'm a a border line pack rat, hoarder (probably shouldn't be declaring that publicly, LOL! ;0) Also, please upload "Still the Same"; definitely a going westward, long-distance cool, road trip song!
-Best, Pally

over 30 days ago to Abigail Riccards

Hi Abigail! You are always on the main page after I log in. You are always gigging! :0) That is so cool! I totally admire that!!! You are very inspiring!!! --Best, Pally

over 30 days ago to Numinous Owl

Hi Numinous Owl! :-) Thank you for your review. I appreciate your honesty. You compel me to improve my craft and become a better writer! --Pally

Radiation Mountain
over 30 days ago to Pally

Hi Pally -- Thanks so much for that really interesting and thoughtful review. That was so cool Spasiba !! I like your tunes particularly "All I want is You" and "Gotta Move On". I totally relate to the story in Gotta Move On.

Good luck with your music!!


1 Replies
over 30 days ago

Hi Jeff, Thank you for listening to "All I Want is You" and "Gotta Move On." I appreciate your feedback!! Вы говорите по-русcки? Молодец! :o) (Do you speak Russian? Awesome!) I would just like to clarify my Steve Carell comment; Your song made me think of "Little Miss Sunshine" and when they were taking Abigail Breslin's character to the pageant in their VW bus. (I loved that movie!)

Wishing you the very best! -Pally

Vittorio Bianchi
over 30 days ago to Pally

Thank you so much for your review!!!! Actually, the singer is Italian....:)

1 Replies
over 30 days ago

Wow, Italian! I am a huge Eros Ramazzotti fan; I love "Cose Della Vita," "Stella Gemella," and "Piu' Che Puoi," to name a few.

You created a beautiful cover of "Maniac." Wishing you the best! --Pally

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