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Thanks for the honest review of "You Gotta Trust Somebody" I'm surprised that this song was up for review because it is still a work in progress and I thought I made it unavailable for review. Anyway, I intended it to be a rap but people who heard the song said it had a Jazz groove so I labeled it R&B. Anyway, I plan to rework the song for 2011. Thanks again!
Thank You Pablo for the review on ENCHANTED SHORE", You are correct, it is not salsa, but no category for slow PORTO RICAN SEIS! WISHYOU THE BEST IN 2011. TAPPIN' TOMMY
Thanks for your kind review of our song, 'Desperately'. I agree there needs to be better brass parts, but I'm not sure the 'I'm a hip cool' horns it sounds like you are suggesting is the way to go.Thanks for the well thought and fully fleshed comments.
thanx 4 the review of "never did i ever stop loving u"! alva