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Warren Hein
over 30 days ago to Original Quigley

Nice job Quigs on Something About You--unique in its lack of a real chorus! Well done sir!

1 Replies
Original Quigley
over 30 days ago

Cheers, friend!

Jim Aitken
over 30 days ago to Original Quigley

Hi Robert, long time! "Only for Tonight" is def Dream Pop as you say.
Can imagine it popular in a lively Dance hall. Very nice!
Hope alls well with the wee one and family! Well worth the stars

1 Replies
Original Quigley
over 30 days ago

Hello Jim,
Good to hear from you. Hope all is well in sunny Killie?!!
You've actually pulled me back into Broadjam for the first time in months. I've pretty much given up on it due to the money it was costing me in submissions and also in the lack of any real clarity on how the opp system actually worked. Some strange goings on. I've kept my account 'live' but I'm pretty much finished with the system.
Feel free to keep in touch via my email:
I'm still writing away and have actually just got great news about a grant that I applied for, through Creative Scotland. I applied for £4k to write 3 songs and to upscale the vocalists and production etc....first time around I was turned down but second time, was successful. You should seriously consider it. Just Google Creative Scotland and see the application process. It's quite a long task to apply but with the news that i got on Friday, I'm really excited to be getting the chance to do something without having to spend my own money. I'm even buying a new laptop with part of the funding, as well as paying for 5 mentoring sessions with a guy in Nashville. Oh, and joining to see how that works. Things that I just simply wouldn't be able to justify paying for otherwise. Definitely worth you looking at, being as you are in Scotland. It's open all year round.
Hope you are well and yeah, drop me an email to that address.

Warren Hein
over 30 days ago to Original Quigley

Hey Sir Quigley! Thanks for the stars and kind words for Too Much I Don't Know, you always give out not woof tickets, but HOPE tickets!

Warren Hein
over 30 days ago to Original Quigley

Hey Quigs, nice work on Disappearance, nicely done! One notice is that the title be a true disappearance...but maybe no matter?

2 Replies
Original Quigley
over 30 days ago

Evening boss! Thanks for checking out Disappearance! Je suis confused about the title? Does it not show up? That would be ironically clever...if it was indeed intended!

Warren Hein
over 30 days ago

Hell, that's a TRICK to get me to listen again...i'll email you on something else too dammit!

Jim Aitken
over 30 days ago to Original Quigley

Hi Robert, long time no hear!
This site is still not great for finding what you want!
Took me a while to see how to contact you after hearing your song!.

"No One Knows Me Better" is a nice number, nicely sung, which rolls along and conveys personal feelings!
Is this written with you and the good lady in mind? Sounds like it!
The Instrumental bridge came at the right time!
You have a fair number of songs now!
I usually look for the ones with least plays!
What one do you recommend I hear next?

I took advice from Jeana re: my latest song,"I See Her Dancing" and I am happy with the result.
I liked the Three verses which created specific Story detail but at six minutes, it was too long.
So cut, cut, cut later, I'm happy!
Hope all's well and enjoying your wee one's antiques!

5 Replies
Original Quigley
over 30 days ago

Hey Jim,
Lovely to hear from are you doing? How's life in the sunny south-west?!! All good up here except the wee one seriously limits the time to work on my music. I certainly have got better at time management and using every single moment I have to write music!
Thanks for taking the time to listen to "No One Knows Me Better"'s a decent song and yes, was definitely written with Mrs Q in mind!
If you are looking for another one to listen to, I would point you towards either my newest track-"Love On Your Side" or the tear-jerker-"Presumably". Both very different!
I will definitely check out "I See Her Dancing". I'm so glad to hear that you and Jeana have linked up. She is a superb composer although her music is very different from mine and yours, but that's what makes it so interesting!
Right...I'll be checking this one out later. For now, it's breakfast!

Jim Aitken
over 30 days ago

Sorry, didn't mean to mislead you re Jeana!
I merely asked her opinion and we discussed honestly what was best for the song! Hence The Cutting and rearranging things!
There was no piano input; although it would have been really welcome and enhanced it!

Jim Aitken
over 30 days ago

Did you say that you were in another joint page jointly with john Walradt?
Info please!

Original Quigley
over 30 days ago

Hey Jim,
Yes indeed....John and I have written a song together called, "You Can Feel It". Here's the page: hnWalradtandRobertQuigley

Original Quigley
over 30 days ago

Morning again Jim,
Just taken a listen to, "I See Her Dancing"....a very stylish and powerful track with Tim's vocals matching perfectly. It's a very enjoyable listen....I could see that on Strictly???? If only it were easy to send a track to the source that you know would work for it. For example, not sure if you've watched "Stranger Things" on Netflix. I have a track that I think would work perfectly for it but when doing my homework and discovered the Music Supervisor for the show, I went to their website and they don't accept unsolicited submissions although they do offer a 'service' for $399 where they'll listen to a track!
Anyway...nice work!

Warren Hein
over 30 days ago to Original Quigley

Love the new tune buddy, the Cooper kid does WELL, one thing I'd do (hell you know me, I have too say SOMETHING...) is brighten that snare, or is it a tom? Yeah, would give it a tad more "punch"...
Be proud, it's well done sir!

2 Replies
Original Quigley
over 30 days ago

Evening sir,
Very astute's probably the only thing that I was a little unsure of...I think it does need to be thrust further forward!
Thanks for the positive words and congrats again for the revisiting to Top of the Earth!!! Delighted for ya.

Warren Hein
over 30 days ago

Keep the fireplace going there LOL--it's 97 here today--whoosh!

Congrats Robert on "That Place That We Know". I love that song! Not surprised in the success you've had with it. Well deserved!

2 Replies
Original Quigley
over 30 days ago

Aw...thanks, Jeana! Really appreciate the kind words!

Warren Hein
over 30 days ago

Damn good song!

over 30 days ago to Original Quigley

Many thanks for the stars on Back To A Younger Me Robert, much appreciated. All this support has helped push it into many charts this evening.


1 Replies
Original Quigley
over 30 days ago

Of course. Still an outstanding track and one that demonstrates that quality can shine through sometimes!

over 30 days ago to Original Quigley

I think I'm a tad late but well done Robert on making BJ Earth. I don't read comments often enough or I might have noticed you were #1 on Earth, some feat. A great achievement.

7 Replies
Original Quigley
over 30 days ago

Hey....thanks, Bob.....really appreciate that! The song peaked and fell faster than Boris Johnson getting out of the mess that he has created around party-gate!
Hope you are well? How's the voice holding up?

over 30 days ago

You're welcome. I'm well and starting to exercise my voice a bit more now, hoping it will be ok. Been working on a new song but still at the singing nonsense words stage hoping some decent lyrics will come to mind! Let's say I'm optimistic. I promised myself I would play more on my acoustic guitar and am finally getting some decent callouses on my left hand, it's amazing just how soft my fingers had become. I got away with it to some degree on my Strat with ultra light strings but without regular practice to toughen up the fingers the acoustic is unplayable even with lightish strings. I liken it to playing a keyboard, as against playing an actual piano, anyone can get something out of a modern keyboard, not necessarily so on a piano.
Off to that song again..................

Original Quigley
over 30 days ago

Morning Bob,
Just a quick one to say congrats on getting into Earth Chart at No 2! I'm hoping it doesn't disappear as quickly as "I Never Thought" did when it go high up...the next day it bounced right out!!!
I am feeling your pain....when you're used to doing something, it's really not great to have to limit what you can do. And I can also feel your pain on the keyboard v piano! With piano being my real thing, I really loathe having to play anything other than a genuine piano. My dream setup is to have the luxury of a house with a room with nothing other than a grand in the room...utopia!!!

Original Quigley
over 30 days ago

Hello again Bob,
Just noticed that as of today (Fri 15th), you are NUMBER ONE!!!! Congrats, my friend....richly deserved!

over 30 days ago

Hi Robert,
Thank you, fame at last. I've only ever had the same as you, fleeting moments in BJ Earth, so this is a thrill. Not actually worth anything, but good for the ego!

Original Quigley
over 30 days ago doesn't really mean anything other than the fact that more than a couple of people think you have a great song! It is good for the ego although I wish the criteria around HOW and WHY were more obvious so that you could work out how you get into the charts!

over 30 days ago

That would be like trying to figure out how you can go from being in 14 charts in the evening and only 3 the next morning. Or even more puzzling is how the 6 pack competition works?!!
Happy Easter

John Walradt
over 30 days ago to Original Quigley

Thank you, my friend, on your March news mentioning my songs. I'm very delighted to see your song, "I Never Thought," at #1 Earth! I'm going to toast and celebrate with a beer! John

over 30 days ago to Original Quigley

Many thanks for the stars for Time To Think Robert, much appreciated

Hi Robert--Thanks so much for the stars and playlist for "Best Girl in the World (for Molly)". I really appreciate it! Nice job on "dI Never Knew". It's a great song and so glad it was picked!

4 Replies
Original Quigley
over 30 days ago

Hi Jeana,
No worries at all! I haven't quite worked out how to open a new comment trail so couldn't find how to actually add a comment to the stars and playlisting for "Best Girl...". I loved it-like all of your has the Potthoff trademark sound to it which is just perfect!
As you'll have seen from my lack of uploads recently, our wee man at home is now 15 months old and so my ability to get any songwriting done is very limited at present. It's a case of grabbing 15 minutes here and there which as you'll know, is not really conducive to effective songwriting.
Anyway, wouldn't change it for the world and time will become more available in due course. Hope you are ok and that COVID is becoming more and more manageable across the pond.

Original Quigley
over 30 days ago

Hey Jeana,
Just been listening to "Too Far Away". Obviously, it is just brilliant, as are all of your tracks but this one has a different feel to it. A new depth in my opinion. It reminds me in sound, a little of Chantal Kreviazuk who is a female artist I used to listen to a few years back. I particularly liked, "Feels Like Home" which was in Dawson's Creek. The piano is haunting like in "Too Far Away".
Hope all well?

Jeana Marie Potthoff
over 30 days ago

Hi Robert--Many thanks for your kind words and stars and playlist for "Too Far Away". I appreciate your opinion. I love that song, "Feels Like Home" but the version I know is by Randy Newman, I think he's the original composer of it. I've seen Dawson's Creek but when it first came out, so I don't remember it from that. My daughter was born in season two so I was too sleep deprived to remember details! :-)

Original Quigley
over 30 days ago are right it is indeed a cover! I knew that I had looked, as I usually do, to see the credits around the song and yes it was Randy Newman.
Oh's funny how we relate certain times of our life to TV shows! For us, the show, "Last Man on Earth" (a very funny comedy/drama) was our 'get through the sleepless nights' show with our latest who is now nearly 15 months old!

Jim Aitken
over 30 days ago to Original Quigley

Thanks for stars and Playlist addition.
As I have said, my taste is Eclectic, so expect the unexpected!

Jim Aitken
over 30 days ago to Original Quigley

Hi Robert, liked your Collab. Vocals not bad either! Seems you are going to be doing a few more!

I am involved with someone from the States, in a Collab with a difference!
I know he is looking for other artists who are interested!
He is in talks with companies who will promote his Project Worldwide!
50/50 writers/ composers returns!
Read below his explanation to me and if interested, get in touch.
I'm about to send my "Dakota" Music off to him!

So here is what we are doing. We wrote 50 lyrics for the 50 united states. Each with state specific things in the lyric. Some love songs, some political, some cowboy songs, etc. We are looking for 50 diverse artists to each make a song in their own style. 50 songs, 50 partners in the project. It seems you are from the UK by your site? Not a problem. We have contributions from all over the world. It's all about making great songs and working together on this collaboration.
If you are interested, pick two states. Or I can pick for you and send the lyrics. Most people have delivered a scratch demo in about a week. But it's a giant process, so not a huge rush

11 Replies
Original Quigley
over 30 days ago

Hi Jim,
Great to hear from you! Thanks for sharing this opportunity....sounds fascinating! I wasn't entirely sure if the project involved adapting one of the 50 songs that have already been written, or if it is about creating a brand new version similar to the one that has been written for that State?
I'm not sure that I have the headspace at the moment-our 14 month old is now at walking stage so my opportunity to work on my music has been very limited! The collab with John took a lot of finding odd moments....rather stealing moments! It worked out well though.....
How did you come about picking Dakota? My interest would be towards Ohio, where I taught for a year....
How long do you think the project will stretch for?

Coincidentally, The Pars were playing Killie today....a bore, nil-nil draw!

Jim Aitken
over 30 days ago

Yeah, important thing first! Kellie really need the points since they have played one more game than leaders.

He was going to send me two songs but when I told him I would have to send my version off for the music then record with a singer he decided to select Dakota for me.
That was last Sunday. He says most folk return a quick demo in about a week or so.
I really was not sure about taking it on since I have only created my own music whilst creating the Lyrics. Which I know will fit the melody.
He is hoping to start releasing them in April.
I reckon you would be good and different! A bit like me!

Original Quigley
over 30 days ago

Thanks, Jim.....I'll give it some thought! Thanks for sharing this with me!

Jim Aitken
over 30 days ago

The 50 States Project, I created the music and recorded me singing it with my 12 string straight to the iPad.
He wants me to sing it! He says he has the equipment to enhance the vocals and add instruments as per!
Your voice is unique, so ideal I think!
I was amazed how easy it was to create a melody to fit the words.
He says I sound a bit like Bob Dylan. (Never thought he could sing very well)ðŸ'œ
If you are under pressure, let it go!

I've another potential proposition Which is less onerous.
My music is being showcased on a US Radio 20th April. They want me to appear on the show to discuss my music/ etc.
Basically you let them hear your music and they invite you on.
No creating anything new!

Original Quigley
over 30 days ago

Cheers, Jim....that's great that they are getting a chance to be on the radio in the US? I wouldn't mind if you were happy to pass on the details of that one? Sounds brilliant!
However, don't forget that's not me on vocals! As much as I would love to sing like that, it's Cooper Moss from Nashville!

Jim Aitken
over 30 days ago

The Radio is and the Show is Carolyns Corner.

They are based in Beeville, Texas
Here is a link to what they do.

My contact up till now has been in Facebook.
Type in Carolyns corner. A photo of Radio Staff should appear.
PM Carolyn. She is a very friendly person.
She told me she has Artists appearing every week on her show up till May!
If you do not reach her, let me know and I will contact her and give her your contact details.

Original Quigley
over 30 days ago

Cheers, Jim!

Original Quigley
over 30 days ago

Hey Jim,
Just been listening to "Dear Jane"....very poignant and particularly at this time with what is happening across the world. I love the 'conversational' feel to it. I could genuinely imagine the soldier both reading and that you on vocals?

Jim Aitken
over 30 days ago

Appreciate you listening and stars! The singer is from San Diego!
The Producer (Wolfgang Grasekamp) who works on Randall Marks songs was working on a recording of my Drift Away with the girl who usually sings Randall's songs.
I'm afraid, It didn't work out! Too many mistakes!
However, I had sent Wolfgang a recording of me singing Dear Jane for him to produce the music.
He let a friend, Bob Warren hear it and Bob asked if he could record it!
He now sings it up and down the San Diego coast at his gigs.
Bob sings it in his own style so doesn't sing it exactly as per my recording.
But Hey Ho! It hasn't turned out too badly.
I really needs someone younger to sing it! Any recommendations?

Jim Aitken
over 30 days ago

Another opportunity for you!
Robert, I am in a Facebook group run by Sandy Ramos, a female Songwriter who has written many top songs.
You are only allowed to post songs on Friday, and she listens to every one to consider passing on "free" to song pluggers for film, recording tv etc.
You can also pitch to specific opps but that costs about $30/ $35 a whack!
Here's the Facebook page!
"Songwriter pitch opportunities network"

Original Quigley
over 30 days ago

Thanks so much, Jim...
I actually submitted to Sandy about 14 months ago, via the expensive $30 submission! So, to know that she will listen to a track for free on a Friday is excellent. I'm going to check it out right now.
Interesting about the evolution of "Dear Jane"....the vocals are strong as they are but there would be no harm in giving my boy, Cooper Moss a try? Moss

Warren Hein
over 30 days ago to Original Quigley

Hey Roberto! Congrats on (and I'll put it this way...) ALMOST WINNING the latest BJ contest !!
Well deserved!

5 Replies
Original Quigley
over 30 days ago

Merci my friend! I understand fully what you mean! I'm pleased to have been considered 'honourable'....first time in my life!!!

Original Quigley
over 30 days ago

Now it's my turn to say congrats. Well done on getting selected for the opp! Delighted for ya! I'm always curious to know who the provider is...if you feel happy to share, would love to know.
Anyway, well done again! Deserved.

Warren Hein
over 30 days ago

Well someone called canvas, they picked another quite tasty WH song a coupla months ago, but it didn't get anywhere, I just thanked them for the selection and pitching of Dumb Luck--and I have some LOL.
Thanks for the thanks buddy, onward!

Original Quigley
over 30 days ago, let's hope they get their brushes out and start painting you some very pretty royalties!

Warren Hein
over 30 days ago

Lol--very good!
Vincent Van Gogher

over 30 days ago to Jim Aitken

Hi Jim ,
Thanks for the 5 star rating of OLD FRIEND .
I thought I recognised your name from somewhere , I'm also a member of the UK song writing competition Facebook page .
I've made a few semi finals , and one final so far .I live in hope !

13 Replies
Jim Aitken
over 30 days ago

Hi, Phil, same here! I made Finalist with my Lyric, Sunset in 2019 but a contestant who submitted a song and same lyric won both. I think the organisers took the easy way out!
If you type in "" on the net You will see my, "The Promise" in the Final last eight in the Crisis Lyrics.
It will not win I'm sure! It's too straight!
This is my last submission year!
I have proved a point to myself!
Feel free to enjoy my songs on here as I will with yours.
I just love a story!

over 30 days ago

Hi Jim , I've now switched my main focus to songdoor , which is another song writing competition . I pay for an evaluation , which I find quite helpful .
At the end of the day , I don't think anyone has had a hit record via these competitions .
I did get some nice publicity for my finalist song , and of course it gives one a nice little boost .
I will be having a listen to your songs over the next few days ðŸ'Ž

Original Quigley
over 30 days ago

Just to jump into this conversation you Phil, I've also entered Songdoor although only ever got 'Honourable Mentions' two years in a row. Well done on your final appearance! And Jim...I am certainly keeping my fingers crossed for your song in the Crisis Song category for this year. Again, I made it to the semis but not beyond that point.

Jim Aitken
over 30 days ago

Hi Phil and O.Q., I did enter Songdoor and received a glowing Review for "The Promise". However, I think I have reached where I am destined musically, and with Various Finalist placings this year and in UKSC 2019 "Sunset" Lyric", I am satisfied that I have achieved something tangible! So, no more Song Contests for me!
I've had a whirlwind 16 months of music and enjoyed it immensely!
Really enjoy the camaraderie, interaction and good music of fellow artists like yourselves!

over 30 days ago

Yup , I've had glowing reviews (and a couple of not so good ones) , plus a few honourable mentions of course , but I won't be entering so many in the future .
Good luck with your entry Jim .

Jim Aitken
over 30 days ago

Will let you know Phil!👍👎🏻🤞

Jim Aitken
over 30 days ago

Not good enough I'm afraid!

over 30 days ago

Hard luck Jim .

Jim Aitken
over 30 days ago

"Just Love being in Love" is a really professional sounding song. Singer no less!
A great Big Band sound.
Is it a DAW you use? The instruments/ trumpets sound great!
Will endeavour to hear more great music when time allows!

over 30 days ago

Thank you Jim , glad you liked it .My partner in crime handles all the recording side , I just do the writing .

Jim Aitken
over 30 days ago

Well I really liked the vibe, rhythm, beat and instruments. Was it real instruments?

over 30 days ago

No , sadly not ! We do use real guitars , as and when , but everything else is synthetic .

Jim Aitken
over 30 days ago

Well Songs stayed as Finalists in three comps.
Fell free to hear my latest song, "Dear Jane" on here Phil!

Warren Hein
over 30 days ago to Original Quigley

Hey brother Quigs thanks for the stars for the instrumental chop on Hopeful Train Ride (cello/guitar)

1 Replies
Original Quigley
over 30 days ago

Of course! I enjoyed the track...and the story behind it on your other message!

Original Quigley
over 30 days ago to Warren Hein

Congrats my friend on placing so highly in the JR Ewing songwriting competition! That's brilliant recognition for a talented guy!

2 Replies
Warren Hein
over 30 days ago

LOL, you nailed it, luckily I didn't watch that show much, but unluckily I remember it!
Thanks buddy for the words.

Warren Hein
over 30 days ago

I'll email you, if you want off the record...

Warren Hein
over 30 days ago to Original Quigley

Congrats on winning the tough 100 in December buddy--it appears my tunes are SKINT! (stole that word from Sir Elton from a commercial here in the states LOL...keep on keepin' on!

5 Replies
Original Quigley
over 30 days ago

Je suis confused! Unless I missed it, I didn't win anything! Last Dec (2020) but not this year!

Warren Hein
over 30 days ago

Ah they announced someone else so I was a tad confused-- so, uh uh UPDATE THE YEAR! Lol...
Stay safe and green!

Warren Hein
over 30 days ago

Wait--green is Ireland...damn...

Original Quigley
over 30 days ago

Ah....doh!!! Aye, Scotland is blue and white!

Warren Hein
over 30 days ago

HOOT MON! you mean sad white people?? HAHAHHA

Jim Aitken
over 30 days ago to Original Quigley

Another Christmas Cracker Mr Quigley!
I sense a slight change of everything in this!
Your Versatility is shining through. Emotional and Atmospheric singer! Thought you had stolen my pianist at first! 5 Stars! Good New Year to you and family!

2 Replies
Original Quigley
over 30 days ago

Hey Jim,
Many thanks for the kind words! And Happy New Year to you too....keeping my fingers crossed for you in the UK Songwriting finals.....can it be another victory for Scotland?!!

Jim Aitken
over 30 days ago

With Lyrics, who knows! Read Comments on my site for other comp. info! I think up tempo is the mood at the present time!

Robert--"Presumably" is gorgeous! The minor-major motif is my favorite! The piano-strings-guitar are perfect together. Another hit!

1 Replies
Original Quigley
over 30 days ago

Hi Jeana,
Aw...thank you so much....coming from someone who is a class above me in terms of piano, I was keen to know if you thought the combo worked! The piano took me a good few takes and re-writes to end up with how it sounds!
Happy New Year by the way!

over 30 days ago to BobBentley9033958

Listened to Thomas again and decided how I want the first part to sound like, and it's not like that! Version 4 on it's way soon!

4 Replies
over 30 days ago

Version 4 done and posted. I think I might just have sorted it now? Comments most welcome, good or critical.

Original Quigley
over 30 days ago

Morning Bob,
Thanks for adding in the extra context to "Thomas"....I did wonder if there was an extra personal edge to it. What a brave, wee man he sounds like. That's just horrific to be having to fight such a vile thing at such a young age. Our youngest is just over 1 and the thought of him having to deal with this when he should be focusing on learning to walk, talk just plain wrong. What a lovely thing to do for him-to dedicate a song to him-and such a powerful and poignant track too. Good on you...
p.s. All the best for the finals! I didn't get passed the semi-final stage so I'm rooting for you and Jim now!

over 30 days ago

Ho Robert,
Thank you for those kind words. The thing we should be most thankful for is that, as far as we are aware, his development has not been affected up to this point. The tumour is tiny but could have become very different if not spotted, and cannot be allowed to remain, just in case it were to develop again.
He is quite remarkable in his ability to keep bouncing back when he must feel awful at times after chemo.
The NHS teams who have dealt with him have been out of this world, the operations took up to 11 hours, involving the most delicate surgery. We are very fortunate.
Version 5 just posted!!

Original Quigley
over 30 days ago

That's brilliant news, Bob....I'm keeping my fingers crossed for him!
I'll be listening to Version 5!

Warren Hein
over 30 days ago to Original Quigley

OK Quigs I'm on my computer now, which allows me in the 21st century to give you stars, where on my phone i can't for some reason--
Anyway, Presumably is a gem, and I still would like to here Mozart on the piano (you..) version, that way you can mix the lovely vocals in with the piano to give it an even more intimate feel...only other comment is IF you do that, I'd shorten the instrumental break about in half, to get back to the vocal/feel faster...
OK, there's my critique for the day LOL...lovely work Roberto whatever you do or don't...oh and the title yeah, it can go either way for sure, but with i probably will, there is a slightly more becauses of the word "probably" more mystique IMO....but hell, what do I know?
Cheers to you and the green of Inverness! I've not been, however isn't everything green there? We've only achieved Dublin and places in England...

Warren Hein
over 30 days ago to Original Quigley

OK Quigs I'm on my computer now, which allows me in the 21st century to give you stars, where on my phone i can't for some reason--
Anyway, Presumably is a gem, and I still would like to here Mozart on the piano (you..) version, that way you can mix the lovely vocals in with the piano to give it an even more intimate feel...only other comment is IF you do that, I'd shorten the instrumental break about in half, to get back to the vocal/feel faster...
OK, there's my critique for the day LOL...lovely work Roberto whatever you do or don't...oh and the title yeah, it can go either way for sure, but with i probably will, there is a slightly more becauses of the word "probably" more mystique IMO....but hell, what do I know?
Cheers to you and the green of Inverness! I've not been, however isn't everything green there? We've only achieved Dublin and places in England...

Original Quigley
over 30 days ago to DENNIS MAKEPEACE

"Words can't wait" is another excellent track which tells a lovely, homely story in a very melodic way! I can absolutely hear the 'sounds like' Mcartney and Lennon. It's got very powerful harmonies that are very memorable! I'm surprised I missed this in the various Broadjam charts that we are both in. Robert

Original Quigley
over 30 days ago to DENNIS MAKEPEACE

Hi Dennis,
I managed to find a moments to begin listening to your music! "Katy's Dance" is a cracking track and obviously, with my Scottish background this particularly appeals and could very easily be played around ceilidhs all over the country! To be able to write a song like this (which obviously also has Irish roots) takes real talent as I think the temptation is to get drawn into one of the many thousand songs similar to this. You've managed to create an authentic sound which sounds very real! Great job!!!

Original Quigley
over 30 days ago to DENNIS MAKEPEACE

Hi Dennis. Many thanks for the review of "This Feels Like Falling in Love"...much appreciated and a very fair review of a song that in my eyes, is probably about a 4/5 in most areas. In other words, I've written better but also written worse!
Nice to connect to someone from a very familiar part of the country to me. Grandparents and mother from Darlington, Great-Grandparents from Bishop Auckland, Shildon and Coundon. And, I went to Uni in Middlesborough (for a year). When my youngest member of the family allows (he's only 1!) I'll take a listen to some of your tracks too! Cheers, Robert

over 30 days ago to Original Quigley

Hi Robert,

Many thanks for a very detailed and encouraging review of Thomas. I've had tremendous feedback from people and those with backgrounds in production had the most to say. They very much confirmed my own feelings that the melodies are fine but I've thrown too much at it. That's in line with your comments about the guitar being in the background, it's battling about 6 different string tracks!!
Thanks again, I'm really pleased you enjoyed it.
Have a Happy Christmas and a very Merry Hogmanay. (I love your part of the world and was involved with trainees walking/canoeing from Ft William to Inverness many times over 2 years back in my army days. I also had a New Year's Eve in Drumnadrochit many moons ago when I was single - some night indeed!!)

1 Replies
Original Quigley
over 30 days ago

Just a quick one to say thanks for listening to "I Never Thought" and the five stars! Hope all well? I keep checking the UK Songwriting Contest results page to see if you have won the Country song you are entered in...any idea of a timescale for a decision?

Original Quigley
over 30 days ago to Jim Aitken

Hey Jim....just reading your comment about "The Promise" making it to the final stage-congrats my friend! When did you find out? I have two songs still at semi-final stage that are apparently still 'active' (as in, they've not been listed as just semi-finalists which is what happened last year when they didn't make it).....I've been frantically checking each day!
Anyway....good luck for "The Promise"...very good song indeed!
The Pars are down your way tempting as might have been to take a 6 hour trip from the Highlands to Killie, I decided against it!

2 Replies
Jim Aitken
over 30 days ago

You would have been very welcome. I think you are favourites at rugby park. I am four minutes walk from park. Thanks re UKSC and you are still in the game if not designated a Commended etc.

Original Quigley
over 30 days ago

Thanks, Jim! What a strange match-abandoned by the fog! How bad was it in reality?
Thanks also for the reassurance-we'll see what comes in the next few days. I'm absolutely rooting for you though in the final! Go Team Scotland!

Robert- "I Never Thought" is such a beautiful song! The harmonies in the background vocals are amazing and I like the minimal instruments. Great storyline/lyrics and love the melody. Awesome!

2 Replies
Original Quigley
over 30 days ago

Aw...thanks, has been a surprisingly well-received song which made a few charts unexpectedly! Hope you are doing well?

Jeana Marie Potthoff
over 30 days ago

Yes doing well and getting ready for Christmas. Hope you and yours have a wonderful Christmas!

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