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Hi Roy, Hope your New Year is "Stellar". Just a suggestion about song submissions. I noticed that in the"my submissions" list of all the opps submitted to the old submissions still appear in the list even after the opportunity provider has chosen. Would be really cool to have an archive section to store old/closed submissions so that they do not clog up the list as it becomes difficult to navigate. Also I noticed there a couple of opps that say for the expected decision date N/A. Some of these have still not come back with a decision and have been from last August? Is there a deadline that these providers have to follow to update their decisions. How long do they stay in limbo for? Thanks Roy!
Hi Roy, Been using broadjam for a good while now.I noticed that on your site that only some song out of all songs submitted get played by the provider. Is this correct? looking through my submissions out of all the ones I've submitted only a couple times was my music actually played by the provider. Some of the songs were not played at all by anyone on the providers end. IS this because of peer rating? What makes peer rating beneficial? The provider gets the highest rated songs first? Is this just not encouraging artists who are competing for the same submissions to give a bad reviews of other people's music just because it's better than theirs? Please clarify. I have been using broadjam consistently and have not landed any licensing deals through it and my music is commercial major label quality. What's going on?
NSS, Thanks for your thoughts. Prior to 9/16, we did not display individual song listens by a provider. All but 6 of your submissions were prior to that date. Of the remaining 6, providers have listened to 3 of them and 4 of the 6 opportunities are still in review. As provided in the mechanism, you can see providers listen to hundreds of songs a day so we are very confident every submission is getting heard. Sometimes they listen to the entire song and sometimes they listen long enough to determine whether the quality of production meets their requirements. I listened and can say that your stuff is definitely well produced and production probably isn't an issue. Very good work. Regarding the peer review: We have had some good suggestions recently and are considering some modifications. We are confident that the providers listen to everything submitted as songs all across the peer review ranking have been selected and passed on. If the provider requests it, we turn it on. Some providers chose not to use it, but most do. I hope this helps and best of luck, Roy
Roy, On this note what does that mean with FT10BF10 ?? This was after the date specified but they didn't listen to either of my submitted tracks. How was it that a song was chosen without any of the broadjam tracks being heard?? Does this happen a lot??
Hey Guys, a couple of my songs have ranked really low and I am happy to say most of them have been listened to by the provider!!
This particular opportunity the decision was made without ANY tracks being listened to.
I'm beginning to feel a little worried about licensing submissions. If we are paying to submit songs, we should at the very least expect that there is some sort of professional judgement being made. Looking closely at the peer ratings, it seems clear to me that there is some negative voting going on i.e. voting a good song lowest so that it doesn't shine. I don't mind the idea of there being some sort of vetting system before songs are submitted to the provider but this should not be by peers - for obvious reasons.
I'm not too concerned about the peer rating system. We seem to be closer to the top than the bottom 90% of the time. But when they don't listen at all .. That's a problem.
I agree with Joe "above" I do think that there should be a filtering screening process to weed out the material that is not of good production quality or songwriting quality. I don't think it should be my other musicians on here though who are competing for the same opportunity. How about an A&R guy who knows his stuff, what sells, what doesn't? Whats'commercially viable etc...This may help eliminate "false" ratings. Music is a competative business now more than ever with the saturation of bands on the internet that there needs to be a "reality" check as to who has it and who deosn't. Maybe we should bring in Simon Cowell,lol...
Erica, On December 2nd the provider stated in the notes at the top of the listing page, the opportunity (FT10BF10) you are referring to has been extended until January 15th. Not sure why they extended, maybe more time is needed and this happens occasionally. There was one field that was not updated with the new date and should have been. It has been updated now, thanks for bringing this to our attention.....All submissions are presented to the providers for listening so you should see that confirmation shortly. Regarding other comments, here are some thoughts: Providers login and can search songs by the following fields: Artist Name, Country, Song Name, Genre, Subject Matter, Lyrics, Tempo, Similar Artist, Era, Song Length, Mood, Vocal Mix, Language, Writers, Peer Ranking and their own ranking. So the question, what order is the list returned? They have 6 choices: Submission Date, Their Own Ranking (if they chose to use it), Songs they have Selected, Songs they have Hidden, Songs they are Considering and Peer Ranking. If a provider logs in frequently, then most of the above are not relevant as they are listening as the songs enter the queue and before any reviews occur. We are confident that the songs selected are picked because they meet the needs of the provider, and only that reason. Some do opt-out of the peer process and other sorting functions, but most don't as they find these features beneficial. None will ever say it's the deciding factor when they're searching for music. Remember, our primary goal is to present every song that has been submitted and remove filtering from the process. The real bottom line is that the person making the decision should hear the music and we believe that no one person or system should determine what they hear. More updates to the system coming soon. Thanks for your feedback, Roy
New Stellar, Just a quick note to let you know that both of opportunities that you referenced have not closed and your music will be heard soon....Thanks for the good conversation and being a member....Happy Holidays! Roy
Thanks Roy! To you as well:)