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Gorgeous voice, Ananya! Great intonation and you sing with great ease all the way up to the top note. Delibes' "Bell Song" is one of my favorite arias for coloratura. Best of luck to you for the competition--brava!

Hi Michael,

Thanks for the nice review of "Once Upon A Time x "

"velocity and volume settings in your DAW" work with the panning parameters "Gate Time" setting" good legato lines"

These all sound like wonderful suggestions, only I don't know what any of that means. I'm just a hack composer. I sit down at a keyboard or put on a guitar and whatever comes out is what comes out. "Once Upon A time x" was a one time DONE recording. I played the piano and then went back and threw some strings on. Done........ next

I have no idea what I'm doing you know like what key I'm in or stuff like that. I love composing it brings me such joy.

My brother did take this one and produced a more complete version. "Once Upon A Time" (no x)
It came out ok. If you're interested, here's the link 1

Now and again I've worked with other composers who will take a rough cut of mine and turn it into a real song. That's also pretty neat. Let me know if you ever get a case of writers cramp, I can send you a couple dozen song ideas in any number of genres.

Anyway thanks again, so glad you enjoyed it................................. .. kenney

11 Replies
Michael Patrick Hogan
over 30 days ago

Hey, Kenney.

In that case, nevermind! Your piece is perfect as it is. I wish I had your talents of just picking up and instrument and creating music. It takes me a LOT longer! If you think there's something you've got that you'd like me to take a shot at, let me know. Take it easy and keep up the great work. -Mike

Dalton Caldwell
over 30 days ago

Hi Michael,

I listened to some of your work. No wonder it takes you time to complete a piece. Your work is polished and wonderful. I love soundtracks, that is probably my favorite music. I listen to all kinds of music but only a soundtrack can bring me to tears. I drive my wife nuts sometimes when were watching a movie and I keep rewinding to hear a section of a score over and over again. I reach for my heart and say Oh man that's just beautiful.

You have a unique style and that's hard to do. You don't sound like anyone, just you. How cool is that?
I hope you are having success in marketing your work. You deserve to be recognized. Best of luck......... kenney

Michael Patrick Hogan
over 30 days ago

Hi, Kenney.

I'm glad you like my work. You've given me the greatest compliment I think a composer can receive--that his/her music is unique. So, I thank you very much for that, and it says a lot about your own sensibilities. I think it may also explain why it is you can compose so quickly--you're composing from your heart and not trying to mimic the styles of others.

I, too, love soundtracks and am always pointing out the score to folk I'm watching a movie with. The score is so important for the visuals. (I know of only one film that has no soundtrack: Alfred Hitchcock's "The Birds". But then, Hitchcock was a true genius.

I did listen to your brother's working of your piece "Once Upon A Time". That makes at least two of you in your family who are very talented. Nice team! My brother plays keyboard "by ear"--something I wish I could do--but he and I have never teamed up on a song. You and your bother are very lucky to have been able to do so.

I'll check out more of your music as time goes on, so I hope this is just the beginning of our story of enjoying each other's music and wishing each other fulfillment through our music!

With much faith and hope, -Mike

Dalton Caldwell
over 30 days ago

Hey Michael,

I was gonna send over some stuff but thought I should explain the ground rules. The main rule revolves around the fact that you will most certainly not like everything I send you. That's okay. The rule being "You don't have to respond" No response tells me all I need to know about your level of interest. Once again it's okay, I get it. This rule saves a lot of time and and eliminates that uncomfortable awkwardness.

As you'll hear, most of my rough cuts are a collection of chord changes and some maybe/sorta melodies. If you find something you feel you can build on, feel free to go into attack mode. Just wanna use a phrase or you only like the hook? No problemo. I won't take it personal. Some times the more produced tracks that I get back from my brother and others only remotely resemble the rough cut I sent them. And when that happens, I really enjoy it when I find myself thinking "why didn't I think of that?"

Some years ago I was working as a a limo driver. This one year I was awarded "Employee of the Year' They called my brother and asked him about getting me a musical instrument as a reward for my service. He told them how I used to go to Guitar Center and play on this Triton workstation. I of course couldn't afford one but Guitar Center didn't seem to mind me toying with theirs. Anyhow that's what they gave me. Whew!

So the first day I had it, I set it up and punched in this unusual oriental sounding patch. I plugged it into a 4track cassette recorder pressed record and started to play. This is what came out. 1 %20of%20China
Once again and as usual One take done. The hesitation between some parts is just because I didn't know what I was going to do next.

"Emperor of China" has received some really nice reviews on Bjam from Classical composers and Soundtrack guys like yourself. They almost all unequivocally hate the recording quality but they did enjoy the work. I recently had a Classical guy tell me he was considering redoing and rerecording this piece. Hmmm.

Anyway, at eight and a half minutes it's kinda over the top and could use some serious editing. Thought I'd run it by you. My other brother tells me that the hook sounds like the music they play at the Academy Awards when they announce the movie that won. Maybe? I dunno.

If ya get a minute or nine maybe give it a listen. Might be something or some part you can work with.......................... kenney

Michael Patrick Hogan
over 30 days ago

Hey, Kenney.

Great ground rules---exactly the kind of understanding I like to have with people !

OK, I'm listening to "Emperor of China" now. Sounds like something I'd enjoy working on. It has a "story-line" quality to it, and the title provides the all-important "image" I always need to have in mind when I'm composing. What is your "story-line" for the song? What's the Emperor doing? What "scene" is the music describing?

In what "form" can you send it to me? Would it be audio or MIDI? Obviously, MIDI is preferred. Working with just the audio would take a lot longer to transcribe, but do-able. Could be fun!


Dalton Caldwell
over 30 days ago

Hi Mike,

Unfortunately I have no idea where the cassette tape with the tracks ended up. There were 2 tracks on this piece. The first is the Triton Patch which has the violins on my right hand and that gong and kettle drum thing on my left hand up to about the middle of the keyboard. When I first played it back I kept hearing a french horn at the section near the very end of the piece so I pressed record on the french horn patch and tossed that in as well. It's kinda hard to hear but it's there.

Anyhow the only recording of Emperor is the one on BroadJam. If you think it's gonna be to much just send me an email with the word NEXT. We'll move on and I'll send ya different one.

I googled the word transcribe and found companies that do audio transcription. I sent one of em an email and asked that they explain what they would do with the URL file for Emperor. Don't know if that will help.

We'll see.............. kenney

PS: I listened to more of your work and have a better understanding of what it is you do. I get it. I get it!! I can visualize movements and emotions happening with your scores supporting them. I tend to be more of a theme kinda guy.

Zimmers score on The Last Samurai is an interesting example. A work called "A Way of Life" The beginning is supporting work. He's got a lot of musical movement stuff goin on (that'd be you) and then @ 3:22 the theme/love song of the movie shows up. (that'd be me) It's really wonderful and then at 3:53 he rips my heart out. It's supporting the two actors in an incredibly emotional scene which has no dialog. Didn't need any. Just the two them looking at each other and that music playing. Yikes!!

"A Way Of Life" rZUmMpZM

It's one of those lump in your throat moments.

Michael Patrick Hogan
over 30 days ago

Hey, Kenney,

In a nutshell, "transcribe" would be to create a score from audio. A transcriber would listen to the audio (melody, chords, rhythms, tempo, etc.) and then "write" all that down. Before computers, the transcriber would have written all that down on staves on paper, note by note. It's done the same way today, except it's "written down" using music composition programs (like Logic, Cubase, Sibelius, and many more) on a computer. Then, the computer can be told what to do with those notes: which instrument sounds to use, how hard to hit the notes, when to get louder or softer, how fast/slow, when to speed up/slow down. I can even change to a different instrument if I don't like the one I chose first. I can choose the kind of space I want to pretend the music will be played in (a car, a cathedral, a stadium, a forest, etc.). I can change my mind about anything at all and the computer will do it. Then I record it. And, if I don't like the result, I can make changes and re-record it.

I can then print out the score and real musicians can read from it for a live performance or recording.

As you can imagine, that's mainly why it takes me so long to write a piece. But, the other reason is that I'm usually writing for a lot of instruments (orchestra) in a single piece.

There are some computer programs that claim to be able to take an audio file and turn it into a score (transcribe it), but I've found none that do anything close to a satisfactory job. And the file usually needs to be mono and have no more than 2 or 3 instruments playing at once.

Musicians/composers like yourself are capable of hearing what you want, figuring it out as you go, remembering it, and have the ability to play and record it live! I find that absolutely amazing--it's something I can't do.

So our methods are sort of "opposites". My method can't produce a recording without scoring the music first. Your method doesn't produce a score. We both end up with recordings, however.

With all that said, I am still very much interested in working on "Emperor", even though it only exists as audio. I can listen to it on Broadjam and try to "write" it all down. That'll create the ability to change it in any way we like and then I hit a button and it re-records it with the changes. And it would produce a score that musicians who read music can play from. Hey, you'll even be able to turn pages of the score into posters for your walls!

I'm assuming you'd like the instrumentation to be that of orchestral instruments since you've assigned "Emperor" the "Classical-Contemporary" genre. Again, the instrumentation can be changed to almost anything once I've got it all scored in my computer software. No telling how long that will take, but with New England winter approaching, I'll likely be spending a lot of time in front of my computer.

As you said, "A Way of Life" really pulls at the heart.


Michael Patrick Hogan
over 30 days ago

Me again, Kenney.

Here's a great article to read on music audio transcription: 1

Ideally, you'd send me the same .mp3 file of "Emperor" that you have uploaded at Broadjam. That way I can load it into my composition software (as audio) and I can slow down the tempo so I can hear all the notes better while I'm transcribing. If you choose to do that, you can use the "Transmit My Songs" feature in Broadjam to give me permission to download "Emperor" to my computer.


Dalton Caldwell
over 30 days ago

Hey Mike,

I went to my song list and made Emperor free for downloading. That should do the trick. It's on the second page of my song list about a third of the way down.

As far as the instrumentation, you don't have to assume anything. You can do anything ya want. It is what it is because that was the button I pressed and Emperor came out. Remember I can't read or write, my timing sucks and my guitars are usually out of tune. So if you go in another direction that's okay with me.

As I mentioned, my rough cuts often come back much differently than what I send over. For example...

I wrote this "I'm in love with that girl" 1

Alan Trickett of Barbwire Tourniquet in Scotland liked what he heard and turned it into "Let The Stars Decide" 2

I got a bit of airplay over in Europe and the UK. Enough to get me a percentage of the royalties sent a few times to my Paypal account. Too cool for me.

So do whatever comes into your heart. I've heard enough of your work to know you've got plenty of heart and certainly know how to express what you feel.................... kenney

Michael Patrick Hogan
over 30 days ago

Hey, Kenney.

OK--I downloaded "Emperor" and will load it up into my software, likely tomorrow, and get started. I'll keep you updated and am sure I'll have questions. Feel free to check in with me to see how things are going.

Very, very cool getting airtime and royalties! I'm still waitin' for some! I did win a contest about a year and a half ago and got a lot of cash. It's called "Haywire" in my BJam song list. Written in homage to those psychological thrillers decades ago (like Hitchcock's "Psycho"). Had it performed by the Flux Quartet out of Brooklyn.

Trickett did a great job honoring your original song. The lyrics also "neutralize" the object of one's affection in the song, giving it broad appeal ("marketing") to folks in lots of different kinds of relationships.

I'm going to try to honor what I think you want in "Emperor" and what I loved about it from the first listen, but we'll see---I sometimes get carried away !


Dalton Caldwell
over 30 days ago

Carried away is a good thing.

I was absolutely blown away with your material... not too many people write the kind of stuff you are doing... or at least people that have any level of skill. This stuff is outstanding in every way...

1 Replies
Michael Patrick Hogan
over 30 days ago

Hi, Randy. Wow--thank you so much for your wonderful comments about my music! They are very, VERY much appreciated and inspire me to keep going. Warm Regards, -Mike

Mike: i love this!...and i finally found you! Armando, my husband and i are coming to Hanover today, leaving wednesday. we would love to see you and Phil! cell = 917-363-4480. can't find any other way to contact you :(

Billy Pilgrim
over 30 days ago to Michael Patrick Hogan

Hi Michael...
I hope the week is going along strong for you my friend. Thanks tons for your stars all over Separate Roads. It's got my week off to a real fine start.

You take good care,

1 Replies
Michael Patrick Hogan
over 30 days ago

Hi, Billy.

My pleasure, and those stars are well-deserved!

Regards, -Mike

Jon Babb
over 30 days ago to Michael Patrick Hogan

Michael, thank you so much for the stars you gave 'For My Queen' and 'Noble Girl!' I look up to you and your music a lot, sir. I hope that one day I can create stuff as detailed as your work.

1 Replies
Michael Patrick Hogan
over 30 days ago

Hey, Jon.
Thank you for such a wonderful compliment. There's no doubt you have the musical talent to take you where you want to go!

Regards, -Michael

Michael Patrick Hogan
over 30 days ago to Billy Pilgrim

Hi, Billy.

Man...thank you so much for your very positive, recent reviews of 3 of my compositions ("Elegy", "Here Among Us", and "Masquerade"). It's words like yours that inspire me to keep writing music, and for that, I thank you. All the very best to you!

Regards, -Michael

1 Replies
Billy Pilgrim
over 30 days ago

Hi Michael,
I assure you, the pleasure is all mine. Great stuff my friend.

Take good care,

Michael Patrick Hogan
over 30 days ago to Rin Vinson

Hey, Rin.

Thanks so much for your very positive review of my piece "The Coronation". I had a lot of fun writing it, and I'm thrilled that you enjoyed listening to it. That keeps me going!

Regards, -Michael

Michael Patrick Hogan
over 30 days ago to John Hazlett

Hey, again, John.

It's nice to see you're still involved on Broadjam. I'm especially glad to see you liked my piece "Haywire", and I certainly appreciate your positive comments. Thanks, again!


1 Replies
John Hazlett
over 30 days ago

You're welcome!!

Michael Patrick Hogan
over 30 days ago to Jon Babb

Hi, Jon.

Thank you so much for your positive review of my composition "Dark Moves". It's feedback like yours that keep me going!

Regards, -Michael

1 Replies
Jon Babb
over 30 days ago

You're very welcome, Michael. I love your music -- very professional work!


Hi Randy,

Thank you so much for your recent reviews of 3 of my compositions. You have a genuine and inspiring way of communicating about music, and I very much appreciate and am inspired to continue and improve my writing.

Thank you, and the Very Best to you.


Michael Patrick Hogan
over 30 days ago to Joe Impoco

Hey, Joe! Very glad to see you signed on to Broadjam! Looking forward to your first music upload! Cheers, -Mike

Michael Patrick Hogan
over 30 days ago to John Hazlett

Hi, John. Thank you very much for your review of my song "Phoenix". Your review inspired me to remix AND rename the song. It's new name is "Elegy", and honors your wonderful suggestion that the music is suited to the lives of whales. I broadened the concept to include any of earth's creatures, especially those that are endangered. Again, thank you so much! Regards, -Mike

1 Replies
John Hazlett
over 30 days ago

Wow, thank you very much. I'm honored! I wish you success in your endeavors.

Thanks for your review and advice!! It is much appreciated.

Michael Patrick Hogan
over 30 days ago to JUICE

Hey, Juice. Thank you for your kind review of my song "Our Love Will Go All the Way-Instrumental". It meant a lot to me today. God bless you and your own musical creations, too, good fellow. (Listening to some of your music on Broadjam, I'd say He's already doing so.)

1 Replies
over 30 days ago

Hey, hey, HEY, my brother . . .no, the pleasure was mine! And I thank you so very much for your kind comments about my songs . . .I'd say we are both BLESSED! I look forward to hearing more from you, and with your permission, I'd like to connect with you and hear more of your music . . . .
God bless you,
Julius "JUICE" Davis, Jr.

Vi: 00110110
over 30 days ago to Roy Elkins

Hi Roy:

A lot of wonderful things have happened for me because of your site. I just wanted to take a moment to stop in and tell you how grateful I am for all of the exposure, clients, and inspiration your website has brought to my life.

If not for my interactions here on Broadjam... I wouldn't know a fraction of the success I've known today, and despite any setbacks, the road has been one that leads to a single goal... Success.

If not for the tools your website had provided, there is absolutely ZERO chance that my work could have ever achieved the momentum and success it has.

Thank you for everything sir. Your vision has helped me greatly and I appreciate the wonderful experience your website has provided me.


4 Replies
Roy Elkins
over 30 days ago

N...Thanks for the nice note and congrats on your success. Your hard work is paying off and I'm sure more good stuff is coming your way......All the best, Roy

Michael Patrick Hogan
over 30 days ago

Hello, All and Happy New Year! I have a question: Does anyone know how the Top 10 thing works? I mean how/why does one end up in a Top 10? Thanks! -Mike

Vi: 00110110
over 30 days ago

Cheats... 1 extra view usually inspires party poppers... So you can imagine what a couple 100 must do to the atmosphere around here:)

Michael... Its a system based on the 1 on 1 peer review. In order to qualify you have to review yourself monthly. Songs with the highest averaged reviews will fluctuate violently some days and wont move for weeks at a time regarding others.

The true value of the this system is not in your standing on the charts though. Its the relationships you will forge with other artists through honest and useful reviewing that is of value here.

Best to you both:

Vi: 00110110
over 30 days ago


Your poor attitude earned you the rejection. People tell me no every day... But they remain professional.

You and I were fine until you called me an idiot for suggesting you not blast artists over a review you don't agree with.

I'm used to rejection Todd. I was married for 6 years. I have no interest in lashing out at the world over the word "no" with training like that.

I've deleted you from my contacts, shared your rants with BJ and "my idiot croanies" as you called them, and am prepared to allow the issue drop so I can continue providing all of those "phoney" results you'll find available on my portfolio.

Good day sir:

Hey, Todd. Thank you very much for your nice review of my song "Our Love Will Go All the Way". I agree with you--I don't quite know how to classify this song, and others who have reviewed it have had different ideas, too, of how it should be classified. Again, thanks for your review, and it's nice to meet you! Regards, -Mike

Hey, Ken. Thanks a LOT for your kind review of my song "The Farewell", and I'm VERY glad you liked it. I do have some more songs here at BroadJam that you might like, too. Regards, - Mike

Michael Patrick Hogan
over 30 days ago to Steamroller

Hey, David. Just listened to your Cello Concerto. I like it very much! So clean and stately. Reminds me of a coronation or procession. Really quite fine, David. Regards, -Mike

1 Replies
over 30 days ago

Thank you Michael for the nice comments about the cello concerto.

Hey, John. Thank you very much for your nice review of my song "Sparkle". And, it's great to meet you! Regards, -Mike

Hello, Felice. Thank you very much for your kind review of my song "Sparkle". Your suggestion for an alternate title has given me an idea for another song! So, your review has been doubly valuable to me. Thank you and Regards! -Mike

2 Replies

Hi Micahel, it was a pleasure reviewing your song "Sparkle" and if I inspired you that makes me very happy. Felice

Michael Patrick Hogan
over 30 days ago

Hello, again, Felice. You most definitely inspired me and I'm going to try to come up with another song that you'll like as well! Regards, -Mike

Hi Michael,
Appreciate your review of our piece. Thank you so much !

over 30 days ago to Michael Patrick Hogan

Thanks so much for your review. It's always nice to know that it's got someone's foot going ... :)

Thanks for review!! Glad to meet you!

Michael Patrick Hogan
over 30 days ago to Steamroller

Hey, David. Thank you very much for your positive review of my piece "Out of Darkness"! I am very glad you liked it and that it managed to "scare" you as intended (*smile*). I noticed that you and I like the same composers, so I'll be checking out some of your songs and hope you'll check out more of mine. Regards, -Mike

Hello! Thank you VERY MUCH for your review of my song "Our Best Friends". I am particularly happy that you found the music soothing. I wrote it for the person I'm in love with, but I also wrote it for a dear woman I knew who was terminally ill. I wanted to make the song as serene and soothing as I could because of how I feel about them. "Our Best Friends" is actually an excerpt from a 10 minute piece. I should be done recording it in a week or so and will upload it to Broadjam. I would love to share it with you once I've done so. Regards, -Mike

Michael Patrick Hogan
over 30 days ago to chaz

Hey, Chaz. Thank you very much for your constructive review of my song "Our Love Will Go All the Way". I would LOVE to be able to find someone else to sing/record the song in a Pop style! Regards, -Mike

Hey, J. I finally got around to listening to your piece "Father of Lies". Pretty cool stuff. The low pitches and angry sounding instrumentals are just right for creating a "devilish" persona. I like the voice (especially the deep tones) and the lyrical vocal lines, which I think are necessary to pitch the song as a musical, theater piece. The less lyrical vocal passages are good, too, and are needed to show the devil's anger/impatience. On that front, I think you could get away with a few more intense "growls" (or "groans") from the devil. The vocal range is nice and long, especially for the devil--he needs it since he the "master of disguise". Also, if "Joe" is going to have one vocal performer, I think you might want to consider there being a couple of songs (or big chunks of songs) where the vocal line is either written just for the top or bottom of the vocal range. Hope that helps. Great job, guy, and I'm looking forward to the rest! Regards, -Mike

2 Replies
Widow's Copper
over 30 days ago

Mike, thanks so much for your honest thoughts. I performed this song live at the last staged reading and the audience gathered was mesmerized by the song. It accomplishes what I need it to accomplish dramtically speaking. It is still a work in progress and I would like to get a more polished recording up on this site. Thanks again for your opinion and encouragement.

Michael Patrick Hogan
over 30 days ago

You're welcome, J. and very cool about the great reception you got performing your piece. I envy you guys who are able to get up some great sounding recordings. Alas, I'm still trying to figure it all out. Cheers! -Mike

Michael Patrick Hogan
over 30 days ago to sankey

Hey, Sankey--thank you very much for your review of my song "Wake it Up-Instrumental". Your helpful comments struck a chord with me and I will think about the revisions I need to make if the song is to stay a "dance" tune. Regards, -Mike

Mark Blue
over 30 days ago to Michael Patrick Hogan

Outstanding review! Thanks!

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