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3Mind Blight Music
over 30 days ago to L. $hamPain


Chet Nichols
over 30 days ago to L. $hamPain

L. $hamPain,

Love you're bio, well, maybe not "love", but appreciate it....icebergs do have a very important purpose in this world, as they keep the ocean currents and the oceanic "elevators" pulsating. Moreover, once they drift into warmer waters, they melt and people can swim in their memories. Sweet.

I did love my pets because they would always greet me at the door with a "bark" (translate: "I gotta go out, ple-e-e-e-a-a-a-s-s-e?) or a purr and a leg rub.

But, I know a secret lots of people aren't aware of, animals see us as "gods", that is why they love to go for rides in the car.

And finally cowboy boots....yeah, I love mine, I have a pair that are 40 years old and they still look pretty darn good due to a lot of tender-loving cleaning and polishing. There were ex-pen-sive when I bought them, and since I can't afford another pair like them, I gotta keep them up, otherwise I would let them get funky and call them Lee & Marvin.

Ok, hope you don't mind my friendly banter...just wanted to welcome you to Broadjam and tell you how much I like your musical endeavors..... Keep on rocking that electronic pony.

Best of luck,

Chet Nichols

David James
over 30 days ago to L. $hamPain

Hello. Thank you very much for your detailed review of 'Long Lost Dreams'. Your comments are very useful. You might like to check out other songs of mine in a similar genre!
Thanks again.

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