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over 30 days ago to LightFinger

Tell Me Something is well produced with a good melody. Good message but not quite defined. Poor rhyme structure in the verses and I would sing a chorus after the 2nd verse, then bridge and chorus again. Good voice and vocal performance.

Marc S. Pate
over 30 days ago to LightFinger

Thanks for the review of Rainy Night! Marc

over 30 days ago to LightFinger

Greetings to all my friends and partners on Broadjam! I'm sorry for such a long, unexpected absence without warning anyone of our intention to rest, reflect, refine and re-invent ourselves. We revamped our sound, our souls, and ourselves. Then we fueled up for an even bigger onslaught with greater potential for success than even our most exciting, recent venture. With a new sense of purpose, and tenacity, we will launch a full attack, to find, mine, refine, and shine the anthems of a new generation, which we plan to be heralded as the soundtrack of a new generation. With confidence and excitement, we are pleased to announce our triumphant return to creating a wealth of musical mediocrity we can all shrug our shoulder at, and roll our eyes over. Let's all keep enthusiasm high, and expectations low. That way, no one leaves disappointed. God Bless all of you! I'll be back with an update if we ever get lucky enough to live up to the hype.

Thanks for all your kind thoughts and concerns,

Tony G. from LightFinger

Juneboy Music
over 30 days ago to LightFinger

Hey LightFinger, come by my page and tell me what you think of my song Love Won't Pass This Way Again

Radiation Mountain
over 30 days ago to LightFinger

Right as I hit Submit on that review I thought "Oh I bet that's Lightfinger!!"

1 Replies
over 30 days ago

LightFinger posted 1 sec ago

Ha...Thanks. I appreciate the kind words about the song, and I agree about the mix. The track is from a project some years ago, and the rough mix could really use updating. I'm glad you like the tune though, so maybe that's the inspiration I need to revisit it. I also agree about the bass track. I've already discussed that one with my bass player. Think he'll notice if I recut the track on my own without mentioning?

Ionut Mirel Udrea
over 30 days ago to LightFinger

Thanks a lot for listening and rate my new song "Dying Leaves" with 5 stars! I really appreciate it! All the best!

Radiation Mountain
over 30 days ago to LightFinger

Man great job on The Break of Day!!!

1 Replies
over 30 days ago

Thanks, Jeff. I appreciate the kind words.

over 30 days ago to Cat Lamondt

CC...Thanks for the very positive review of my song "Who You Are". I appreciate the encouragement.

-Tony G.

1 Replies
Cat Lamondt
over 30 days ago

All very well deserved! Keep making music Tony. I love to listen to you.

over 30 days ago to Vi: 00110110

Thanks for the 5 stars on "Love Is A Bust". I'm looking forward to hearing your stuff. Any suggestions on where to start?


1 Replies
Vi: 00110110
over 30 days ago

It's all subjective. Half of it is invisible anyhow.

Just play the titles you gravitate toward if you're interested, otherwise... I was happy to discover your own awesomeness:)

Good luck in the 6 Pack this year! You've got a new fan surely:)


over 30 days ago to Trist

I love the fact that you restrained yourself from moving away from your two-chord verse. You made the chorus melody so sweet, and haunting. It's the first time in quite awhile something has given me chills. Of course, probably most who have loved and lost will experience those crashing feelings again. Either you wrote something real...or I'm more mush than man.

3 Replies
over 30 days ago

hi LightFinger cool name that. Thanks I'm glad you like it .
there's actually 3 chords on the verse and 3 on the chorus etc. i like what you said as restrained is perfect for the style i was after on this one. its great you got that,
many thanks for the comments. were all mush when it comes to love lost huh lol. cheers

over 30 days ago

I'm sorry. I didn't express myself clearly enough when I first commented. I should have complimented your restraint in not moving to the 3rd chord until the tail end of the verse.

I think we're both quite particular and precise !

over 30 days ago

you have a keen ear. yeah funny when the song came i purposely steered away from going into another direction near that point. you got it 100% rare that is. ty

over 30 days ago to Trist

I have to admit being taken off guard, but I fell in love quickly with the lyrics, the creative and purposeful imperfections, and the coolest gruff voice since Mark Knopfler. I think it's "brilliant", as you folks say across the pond. Very cool.

1 Replies
over 30 days ago

Many thanks . your comments mean a lot. very nice to know the song is so well understood. , that's really great to hear. cheers

over 30 days ago to Radiation Mountain

Thanks, Jeff...for the stars. At least I get an 'E' for effort...

1 Replies
Radiation Mountain
over 30 days ago

Hey that's a good song and performance. It reminds me of Mark Broussard and JJ

Jason Kessler and ProRS
over 30 days ago to LightFinger

Thanks for the great review of The Spider and the Fly. Enjoyed hearing from you. Rock On!

1 Replies
over 30 days ago

You bet.

over 30 days ago to Radiation Mountain

I just did a blind review of one of your tunes. Crazy, but I knew it was you. I live in the trees too. Let's not throw poop at each other. Call it a monkey pact.

2 Replies
Radiation Mountain
over 30 days ago

Hey Tony thanks for that great review!! :)

over 30 days ago

Great song...Great review.

Marilyn Oakley
over 30 days ago to Ionut Mirel Udrea

Congrats, Ionut on your WIN!! Awesome news!!!

9 Replies
Ionut Mirel Udrea
over 30 days ago

Thank you very much!

over 30 days ago

Well done Ionut, a great win, well deserved. (Interesting summary on the Winner Cert, someone with a hell of an imagination wrote that! "lifting listeners to a higher, more fluent communion"!) See what you do to people Ionut!
Well done sir,

over 30 days ago

congrats my friend well deserved.

Ionut Mirel Udrea
over 30 days ago

Thanks a lot my friends!

Cyndi Corkran
over 30 days ago

Congratulations Ionut! Wonderful news fiat a wonderful artist! All the best to you sir!!!

Cyndi Corkran
over 30 days ago

.....that should be "for" not fiat, unless you drive one, of course!:-)

Frank Radice
over 30 days ago

Congratulations Ionut!! All the best my friend, Frank

Ionut Mirel Udrea
over 30 days ago

Thank you so much, Cyndi, same to you Frank!

over 30 days ago

I have to apologize for being late to the party, so I want to offer my belated congratulations, Ionut...for your impressive win.

It was well deserved, and by one of the hardest workers I've ever seen. I do have a valid excuse though...just at the time you were winning, a surgeon was slicing into me on a table. Hopefully that buys me a pass this time. Great Job !

Warren Hein
over 30 days ago to LightFinger

thanx for the stars Tony! peace, WH

1 Replies
over 30 days ago

You ARE a star...even without me tossing imaginary luminous accolades at you.

over 30 days ago to Kathyjo Varco

Radically unique, intelligently designed, strangely hypnotic, and skillfully produced. It took me some time to catch my balance and realize how much I actually liked it. You've written sane words about an insane world. Well done.

Scott Tingley
over 30 days ago to Scott Tingley

Thanks Tony, I really appreciate those kind thoughts. Nashville actually seems like the far north from here in southwest Florida, so I don't see many country acts like that. There are a lot of great Bluegrass pickers around here, but I cannot hold my own with them...these guys really play well. The best players though, are the children and friends of The Allman Brothers Band. This is a hotbed of their talent. I just saw Berry Oakley Jr. with Pedro Arevelo...for free! I was blown away and just wanted to put my guitar away up on the shelf. These guys and others play long jams with ease and play clean distortion free poppy guitar notes. It almost reminds me of Glenn Miller with guitars instead of horns.

1 Replies
over 30 days ago

I wasn't sure exactly how far south you were, but I played months back in Orlando, and have been in Daytona. So driving that far from the PA or NYC area almost makes a stop in Nashville a necessity.

Thanks for mentioning some particular artists. I was actually aware of the wealth of talent down there.

Obviously, with my southern sonic leanings, I love the A-Bros, Gov't Mule, Crowes, etc.

I can relate to the feeling about shelving the guitar. I get it every time I see Warren Haynes play live.

The gift of the greats is their inspiration. The rest of us pay with varying degrees of perspiration.

As far as the pickers...yeah. They're in a whole different universe of talent.

Cyndi Corkran
over 30 days ago to LightFinger

Thank you LightFinger, for the *****s on "Other Things", collaboration with Jeff Roberts. We appreciate you stopping by. All the best to you and your music!

1 Replies
over 30 days ago

You're welcome, Cindy. Sorry for the late OK now.

over 30 days ago to Scott Tingley

Scott...I first wanted to thank you for the kind review of my song "Tell Me Something". You commented-

"Excellent vocalist delivers a fine song and great message about life, family, prayers and lessons learned. The layered harmonies work well in the arrangement and the band overall has a great live sound. Had two listens just to enjoy it."

Thanks so much for the supportive words.

I was curious about your style, so I took a listen to a few of your tunes. I have to say that I am very impressed. We actually share alot of the same roots in our sounds.

You have great songwriting, universal emotional themes, and excellent production, topped off by outstanding musicianship and heartfelt vocal performances. I'm looking forward to hearing alot more of your stuff.

Also, I get down south as time allows...from up here near Nashville, and the whole way down to your neck of the woods. I played a few shows there just in the past year, and I'm wondering if we know any of the same people.

Let's find out.

Oh, if your interested in the more Southern Rock thing, my tunes "Bleed" & "Goddess In A Sundress" would be right at home in any Nashville studio. And from what the people here say, "Unbreakable" seems to be reviewed with far more positive comments for it's depth & poignancy than even the song you reviewed so positively.

Thanks again, and keep up the great work!


from LightFinger

over 30 days ago to Juneboy Music

Hi Pierre...I wanted to thank you for your very kind review of my song "Love Is A Bust". You commented...

"I love the groove. I love the instrumentation. I love the lead vocal. I love the lyrics. Is there anything I don't like about this song.........nope!! I don't listen to rock, but this song is on point. That break at the end of the song is ingenious."

I want to thank you again for stating your enjoyment of the tune so emphatically...even though it's not quite your cup of tea.

I took a listen to four or five of your songs, and I enjoyed them very much. I'd love to offer you a few in-depth comments that I believe you would appreciate.

And with shared friends like Julia Schmidt and Diana Rasmussen...we probably have alot more in common than you might realize.

I can't send you any files yet, so I'll suggest that you take a listen to a few of my songs that might be more in your wheelhouse- "Unbreakable" would be the best to start. "Tell Me Something", "Bleed", and "Who You Are" might interest you, if you're overly ambitious.

If you'd like to talk shop...just send me a request. If not, it's cool. We can't all love the same cup of tea.

Keep up the Good work...


from LightFinger

over 30 days ago to Radiation Mountain

Hi Jeff...I wanted to let you know that I finally got to give some attention to your "Other Things" collab w/ Cyndi. Great Job! It really sounds incredible.

I sent you more in depth comments by e-mail, but I wanted to let you know that I'm still alive...for now, anyway.

Keep up the good work !!!

over 30 days ago to Charlie Shock

Charlie...I was looking through the reviews I've done on the site, and I went back to listen to the songs I gave the highest marks.

I think at the time I reviewed your song, I was just getting set up here on the site, so I didn't have time to pay too much attention.

Anyway, I just wanted to let you know that I went back and took a listen to some of your old, and some of your new. The old is great. The new is even better.

Growth is good...except when it's not. You know...waistlines, checkouts, urban sprawl...oh, and back hair. Not good growth.

So I guess my schtick means I'm a fan now.

But please, move out of the sticks, so people like me can make people like you sound even better. I don't take on a band member unless he's better than me.

So, I guess if your standards are as high as mine...I don't get the audition, huh? Kidding.

Remember the people on the way up. If you're lucky, they'll still be there on the way back down.

-Tony of LightFinger (

over 30 days ago to James Hooker

James...I'm pretty new to the site, but I stumbled on your song this morning. I have to admit, the reason I listened to it was...I have a song by the same title.

If I didn't really love my namesake tune...your song would have made me ditch it.

I'm absolutely blown away by your song, your performance, your lyrics, and the depth & maturity of your delivery. You absolutely floored me.

In the few months I've been on the site, I've only posted (embedded) 2 songs from other artists on a special "Deserving Talent" page of my website. ( The site is new, so it's not "mobile-ready" yet...but any Mac or PC will do.

I'd love to post this song for all of my friends, family and fans to hear. I'm sure they will appreciate it. Please let me know if that is not OK.

Obviously, I'll be listening to your material to learn from your years of hard work. If you're inclined to listen to any of my material, I would suggest "Unbreakable" & "Who You Are".

I hope you take the time to check them out. I found them in the same place you find some of your songs. Yours is just one of those tracks that seems pulled down into existence from wherever it was before it called out to you.

It was a real pleasure stumbling across you like this. Thank you for working as long and as hard as it takes to bring us great songs like this.


Tony of "LightFinger"

Warren Hein
over 30 days ago to LightFinger

damn you Tony!! brilliant work again, and real as real in every way ss can be, and the title?? damn you again, perfect, my highest compliment is as you know "damn i wish i would have said that!" simple, pure--TELL ME SOMETHING I DON'T KNOW pure perfect...obvious as the noses on on heads, but damn if not said in song much, huh?
dammit, you know we love you! well done! warren

2 Replies
over 30 days ago

I'm giggling. Thanks, Warren. You're too kind. I appreciate the encouragement.

I wanted to let you know that I scanned back and realized I have a bunch of reviews to send you.

One of the stand outs was "Too Much I Don't Know." I really like the tune. Everything about it. Lyrics are deep and engaging. The chords you chose are simple, but allow for that sweet, complex melancholy melody in the chorus.

I usually like your voice, but you chose a tight fit for the style of the song. He's got great feel, style, dynamics, and a touch of gravel.

Arrangement was sweet to. It was open, but you brought in great elements at the right times. What did you use for the Cello & Slide Guitar tracks?

Another winner!

Warren Hein
over 30 days ago

all fake instruments, forgot to tell you in the email--but hell, there's allot of fake instrument programs on the planet that we hear everyday on TV, etc...actually this one is about 5 years ago, so that producer I'm sure has upgraded...LOL...maybe I need a total upgrade based on my success here! cheers buddy, yeah, this is another way to communicate, everybody can see our words I think, so don't swear too loud...LOL xoxo WJH

Julia Schmidt
over 30 days ago to LightFinger

" tell me something" very moving and excellent lyrics!.. So much emotion in your vocal.... Beautiful story," teach children how to pray" part ... Chills...

2 Replies
over 30 days ago

Thanks, Julia. It was a tough one to write. Losing little children is something there are really no words to describe. The weight was so heavy, that I had to try.

I checked out more of your songs. The gem I stumbled on tonight was "I'll bring you coffee."

I loved the fact that it was a simple, conversational, and relaxed way, of saying some deep and bittersweet things.

Nicely done.

Julia Schmidt
over 30 days ago

I can't imagine... My parents lost their 7 yr. old to a brain tumor.. He passed on two years before I was born... He is our little angel in heaven we pray to him and I know he prays for us down here!....but the loss must be unbearable for anyone who had to go through it..... I would ask continually " mom, how did you get through it all?".. She would just look at me and say 2 words " God's grace"......... Thanks for the comment on " I'll bring you coffee" that's at least 12 years old:)... So glad it can still speak volumes... Appreciate it ..!!:)

Greg Frain
over 30 days ago to LightFinger

Hey, thanks for your fair and considered reviews of Magnolia Suburbia and Hands of Propaganda :) with best wishes

1 Replies
over 30 days ago

You bet. I call them like I hear them. If I said anything fair and good, then you deserved it. I'm a brutal critic...of myself, first and foremost.

Sometimes it's easy to forget we're all mere humans trying to recapture the magic of the analog peak of rock and roll by it's inventors and masters.

Thanks for the great review guys. I appreciate the compliments on my guitar work. I agree with your suggestions. I only took 1 point off your score...and only because you forgot to rate me. That made me laugh.

If you guys are new to the site, you're making the right connections. The last message on your page is from my buddy Warren. He's an incredible songwriter with great skills and insight. Most important though, his sense of humor is right on.

I listened to "Tell Her I Love Her". It was very well done. I suspected from your comments on my track, that you would be quite good. I was right. Nothing I can say, except good job. Keep cranking them out.

Thanks again guys.

-Tony of LightFinger

Apologies on our review -- we were enjoying your track so much we forgot to use the buttons above to rate it!

1 Replies
over 30 days ago

Thanks for the great review guys. I appreciate the compliments on my guitar work. I agree with your suggestions. I only took 1 point off your score...and only because you forgot to rate me. That made me laugh.

If you guys are new to the site, you're making the right connections. The last message on your page is from my buddy Warren. He's an incredible songwriter with great skills and insight. Most important though, his sense of humor is right on.

I listened to "Tell Her I Love Her". It was very well done. I suspected from your comments on my track, that you would be quite good. I was right. Nothing I can say, except good job. Keep cranking them out.

Thanks again guys.

-Tony of LightFinger

Julia Schmidt
over 30 days ago to LightFinger

Hi! I wanted to thank you for the very kind review of Diana Rasmussen's/ Nathaniel Jone's song I did the vocal on " raindrops are tears" Diana shared it with me.. So I appreciate the kind words!!:) so I checked your music out!! Great stuff!! Loved" leave a light on"... I see you are in Harrisburg, my sister lives there we go often, the kids love " Hershey"... Nice to meet you!.. Blessings, Julia

2 Replies
over 30 days ago

Thanks Julia. I appreciate the compliment. "Leave A Light On" was actually on the Broadjam Top 10 last week, which I was surprised to see. I didn't do anything to promote it.

I checked out some of your music as well, since originally I heard your vocal on Diana's music page without knowing who you were. Now I know.

So I listened to "You Are Mine". It's a very good piano ballad. Nice words, the music is sweet sounding, and it's well recorded. Your vocals are spot on. The delivery is strong, and it sounds very natural and unprocessed. Keep up the good work.

Let me know the next time you're in town to see your sister. My recording studio is something you might want to see.

Keep up the good work.

Julia Schmidt
over 30 days ago

You are more than welcome!! Wonderful talent you have!!!!And thanks for taking the time on my page as well!:) " you are mine " is my most recent .. Zac Nelson( the dead storm) on here did the piano and produced it for me as well:) may want to Check his page out.. Superb talent ..songwriter/ musician/ producer..:) so I thank you again!! And will let you know when we are in the area again:) I can't promise I'll just " see" your studio, I usually record a song when I'm in one... LOL....:)

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