Lawrence K. Bodien

Lawrence K. Bodien


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Hi Lawrence-I really enjoyed "Pace" (piano and cello) and "Haven". Both were very beautiful and well done.

Thanks for listening to "Head in the Clouds" and "Too Far Away". I appreciate the stars and playlist additions.

Randall Mark
over 30 days ago to Lawrence K. Bodien

Hi Lawrence. Thx for the stars on "Desert Road" and friending me. Keep up your good eclectic music!

Warren Hein
over 30 days ago to Lawrence K. Bodien

Thanks much for the stars on Warm Dry Stomp#2 sir, much appreciated! Stay safe.

1 Replies
Lawrence K. Bodien
over 30 days ago

Like I have a choice.

Hi Lawrence,
Many thanks for the stars for Back To A Younger Me. Much appreciated.

Hi Lawrence,
Many thanks for the 5 stars for The Drawing Room, it's much appreciated.

1 Replies
over 30 days ago

Apologies, for Back To A Younger Me!!

Hi Lawrence--Thanks for listening to "Best Girl in the World (for Molly)". I appreciate it! I'm still trying to figure out the new Broadjam changes, too. That's very cool that you are on Spotify and Amazon too! I looked up your Spotify songs and started listening. I say started because I'm trying to figure out how to just listen to them without it just playing other people's songs. I'll keep trying, though. Are you going to put more songs out there? I'm compiling a second album now.

13 Replies
Lawrence K. Bodien
over 30 days ago

I have 3 playlists started each one will be a 10 -18 song album. In total I have 14 albums on my computer right now. I know I am missing 2 good ones. I have signed as a publisher, it seems to make things go smoother. I hope it all works out. I got a couple of your songs tonight. I"ll be back.

Jeana Marie Potthoff
over 30 days ago

Wow--you are way ahead of me! I better get to work. :-)

Lawrence K. Bodien
over 30 days ago

I just wish that I could write as well as you. I have a synth piece that I wrote in 2006 up on spotify-Morning.

Jeana Marie Potthoff
over 30 days ago

Lawrence--you have a lot of talent and depth in your music. I enjoy listening to your pieces!

Lawrence K. Bodien
over 30 days ago

I want to invite you to a sync licensing webinar as soon as I figure out how to do it. I may not make it because of a prior commitment. If not interested let me know.

Jeana Marie Potthoff
over 30 days ago

I figured out how to play your songs on Spotify--I had to use my laptop and not my phone. You put a variety out there! I liked all of them, but I'm curious about the longer songs. Do you record sections and then put them together? I know I couldn't make a clean recording over 4:30 minutes. About the sync webinar is this something I would need to join, or just watch? I've seen some before and they have some good points, but things I've tried haven't got me any closer to any placements.

Lawrence K. Bodien
over 30 days ago

It seems that Jody Friedman has kind of partnered with Michael Eisner and Michael is presenting the webinar. I have never had to join anything, though I have tried to. Actually I have never tried for a placement other then on Broadjam. I really needed to learn more, and these two have given me a lot to work on.
It seems that my DAW can handle any length. But I was very dissapointed with "Morning" when I played it. There was a lot of distortion. My tv?

Jeana Marie Potthoff
over 30 days ago

I have submitted to TAXI (over 10 years ago) and Broadjam opportunities, but no where else. I have songs in a few song libraries (mainly from those opportunities) but they just sit in the libraries, waiting for a music supervisor to stumble across them. When I've seen ads for Jody you can watch some of his input for free, but then it turns into a service to pay for to get more helpful information.

Jeana Marie Potthoff
over 30 days ago

Also, your songs didn't sound distorted on my laptop.

Lawrence K. Bodien
over 30 days ago

That is a real relief. about my song! SOOOOO..... You have been in the desert also. I thought it was my personal possession. It sure is big and empty. Jody does charge, sometimes a lot. I just squeezed every free thing out of him that I could. His last podcast on PRO's is very interesting because he includes information on YouTube that I never knew before. Also Royalty Free libraries, spotify and a lot more stuff. Michael charged an entry fee for his upcoming sync-challange, 47$. I nervously scan my account every day until it refreshes next month, but every title of the training dealt with issues that I am dealing with right now. I also have a 60 page book of music libraries to submit to, if I am sure that they can use my product. I have a pile of material to consume at my own pace, and the lessons start tomorrow. I am delighted and citted to say the least. Will forward good stuff.

Jeana Marie Potthoff
over 30 days ago

It sounds like we are on the same page. I'm focusing on releasing another album and try to get on Spotify playlists (the next hurdle that may be impossible but going to try). I started to read about royalty-free libraries, but have questions and don't know who to ask.

Lawrence K. Bodien
over 30 days ago

Watch sTQNfZZZvDleVXbsPqiM?si=ziVHQFVKSje JEmQ3nhcgpw

In English " The Importance of Performance Rights Organizations.
You Tube link

We know all about pro's but it is what he shares on royalty free library's, and Spotify and You Tube that will shake your boat. It certainly shook mine!

Jeana Marie Potthoff
over 30 days ago

Thanks for sharing this with me! I will watch when I get a chance.

Jim Aitken
over 30 days ago to Jeana Marie Potthoff

Well here we are again! Running out of superlatives! The video matched the playing mood well! Makes me think your music should be the Mainstay in a nice movie where some songs could have varied accompaniment to suit mood! Jeana do you share your music anywhere else? Concert, show, music society, etc.?

3 Replies
Jeana Marie Potthoff
over 30 days ago

Hi Jim--Thanks for your kind comments and watching "Head in the Clouds". At this point, I share my music on Broadjam and Facebook, plus in September 2021 I released my first album on iTunes, Amazon, streaming, etc. Now to find listeners is the trick! I listened to your song "My Last Farewell". Very beautiful, well-crafted tune with exceptional lyrics and music. It sounds like a hit!

Lawrence K. Bodien
over 30 days ago

Well I looked for a month, finally used your middle name and found you on Amazon. I like Song for Molly, I couldn't vote because I am having trouble navigating this new website. I am on Amazon and Spotify also and taking a lot of training on sync liscincing. I"ll be a plain you now.
lawrence K. bodien

Jim Aitken
over 30 days ago

Nice to have you on board again Lawrence!
I'm finding the new site a bit difficult to navigate as well!

Hey Lawrence, Listening to your composition, "Pace", very interesting and quite Beautiful! 5 Stars & Likes! Is the Cello a loop? or is it the Real Deal?? Sounds pretty Cool!!!!
Art Corey...........

Hi Lawrence--
"Pace" is beautiful, mysterious, hopeful, and complex. Both versions are beautiful!

1 Replies
Lawrence K. Bodien
over 30 days ago

Hoo Poy
Tank Ya all.

Hi Lawrence--Thank you for listening to "Cherish" and "I See You (in my dreams)" and the stars and playlists. I appreciate it! I hope you are doing well!

Warren Hein
over 30 days ago to Lawrence K. Bodien

hello Lawrence, very enchantingly serious tune you have in Persevere...kudos and well done sir!

2 Replies
Lawrence K. Bodien
over 30 days ago

I did enjoy your Graveyard Shift. When a person gets advanced in age, that is the only place he gets to work. Thank You for the lights.

Warren Hein
over 30 days ago

ah, well said sir, well said!

Thank you for a kind score on "No One Love Me Like U Do". Appreciate your time!

Jim Aitken
over 30 days ago to Lawrence K. Bodien

Lawrence your Guitar Waltz is a rare delight!
I played it because I saw it was a movie but movie will not play on my iPad.
I was intrigued by the Title since I am in process of including a dance section in a song I am writing.
I then looked for it in your song catalogue and I was not disappointed!
A lovely Lilt! Your talents are obvious! I enjoy what I am hearing from you! Well done Sir!

Lawrence, Thank you for the 5* on my spoken " The Wind He Knows Me Well" working on vocals for this piece... The poem comes from my gifted daughter... again, thanks, in music🎶🎶🎶 Delta

1 Replies
Lawrence K. Bodien
over 30 days ago


Jim Aitken
over 30 days ago to Lawrence K. Bodien

Lilchildmudplay is enjoyable listening! Cello is ideal for the mood and swing of the song. It is soulful and expressive. Nice musical twists halfway through. I easily imagine the title connection! Nice piece! You have quite a compendium! Can you recommend some of your favourite songs I should listen to please?

2 Replies
Jim Aitken
over 30 days ago

Thanks for the five stars for my, "One Night Stand", "The Promise" and "My Last Farewell"!
I only write the Music and Lyrics and enlist Professionals to realise my creations!
You are one of many really talented Artists I admire on Broadjam! I.e. Thierry Coupey, Jeana Potthoff, Tim Patterson, Steve Dafoe, etc.

Jim Aitken
over 30 days ago

Glad you added Drift Away and The Promise to your playlist, cheers!

John Walradt
over 30 days ago to Lawrence K. Bodien

Hi, Lawrence. "lilchildmudplay" is delightful! I mentioned it in my latest news so that the few visitors I get might stop by to listen. I watched the video, too.

2 Replies
Lawrence K. Bodien
over 30 days ago

You nice man & wife great lyricist. Thank You.

John Walradt
over 30 days ago

That will make Lora's day! She did a wonderful job. Thank you, Lawrence!

Warren Hein
over 30 days ago to Lawrence K. Bodien

Thanks for the stars on No More Seesaw! Much obliged sir!
Warren Hein

Lawrence--"lilchildmudplay" is very cheerful! I like the duet-feel of the strings and piano. The minor section beginning at 1:43 was a cool surprise. Your video was very happy. 5-stars!

Hi Lawrence--
"Restfull" is beautiful and meditative. Very pretty! 5-stars.

Congrats on "Persevere" making the classical top 10! It's a beautiful piece.

3 Replies
Lawrence K. Bodien
over 30 days ago

Thank You. It was one of my first Helen Jane Long freedom songs.

Jeana Marie Potthoff
over 30 days ago

I'm curious--what is the story behind the freedom songs?

Lawrence K. Bodien
over 30 days ago

Jane set me free as a composer, because of the audacious, and pure guttsy things she writes. To name a few, the piece I like most of hers "Talk of an End" starts out with 6 measures of single whole notes in the piano, the arrangement finally includes a chello, with a treat of the rest of the strings sneaking in at the last 40 seconds of the song which you will miss if you ae not listening carefully. She gets away with everything that my musical upbringing has told me not to do, and yet is the most streamed female composer on Youtube. There is lots of other stuff, but to hear what what I'm talking about, on Soundcloud I put together a playlist of our songs. Now I have to half quote Katy Perry of all people-"Step into your power and let your talent pull you through." Guess I better quit. Thank You Jeana.

Hi Lawrence--Thanks again for listening to "Tribute for Tasha" and the stars and playlist add. I appreciate it!

Hi Lawrence---Thanks for the stars for "Moment of Truth". I appreciate your support!

HEY Coots are GREEEAT. Just fry them in butter. lkb

3 Replies
Charles Edmund Carter
over 30 days ago

My father would never let me shot anything smaller than a Wood DuckðŸ'Š

Lawrence K. Bodien
over 30 days ago

dat vas a while ago, Did he make you count your shells to?

Charles Edmund Carter
over 30 days ago

One shot one kill
Daddy's ruleðŸ'Š

Hi Lawrence--I just listened to "The New World". Beautiful! 5-stars and playlist. Thank you for the stars for "Critical Hour, "Pensive", and "It Will Work Out", and playlist for "Pensive". I appreciate it!

David James
over 30 days ago to Lawrence K. Bodien

Lawrence. Thank you very much for the 5*s for 'Believe'. Much appreciated. David.

Hi Lawrence, Many thanks for the stars for Glendalough, much appreciated. Bob

We are sure glad you found that rhythm. Thank You.

1 Replies
over 30 days ago

Thank you Lawrence, which song are you referring to?

Penny Towers
over 30 days ago to Lawrence K. Bodien

Hi Lawrence! Many thanks for the stars on "Unless You Mean It" I'm so glad you liked it :) Happy Spring to you!

Randall Mark
over 30 days ago to Lawrence K. Bodien

Hi Lawrence. Thanks for the stars on Wonder Girl. I'm glad you enjoyed it. Take care.

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