
Previous Comments

over 30 days ago to Lair Gantt

Awsm man, james price friend of R stone

1 Replies
Lair Gantt
over 30 days ago

Roger that. Thanks, and sorry you had to endure those awful mixes. "Hey" to Randy.

Julia Schmidt
over 30 days ago to Lair Gantt

Your tracks are GENIUS!!!! The productions are insane!! Loved" Fear this" and " New day dawning"!!!!! Amazing tracks for films!!!!!!!..... Blessings... Julia:)

2 Replies
Lair Gantt
over 30 days ago

Thanks so much! But, the competition is stiff! I still need to get my foot in some more doors.
I listened to some of your songs, too. Here's my two cents worth: Your voice is nothing short of stunning. "Home For Christmas" gave me chills, AND actually made my eyes water... twice! As well, the keyboard arrangements in several of your songs exhibit genuine, pro-level magic. The down side is that the production of the songs posted is a little inconsistent in things like instrument sound quality, mix levels, and vocal processing. Here's what do: From here on, produce your lead vocal, on every song you record, to be JUST LIKE it is on "Home for Christmas." Doors WILL open for you. Keep at it.
Blessings back,
Lair G.

Julia Schmidt
over 30 days ago

Wow!! Lair thank you soo much!! I appreciate your positive input greatly!!! All but the Christmas songs and a new collab I just did" When you gonna come home" were recorded 10 plus yrs. ago! Therefore the production quality/recordings you were referring to is just that:) I took a long break( kids:)). In the meantime, I just started recording again:) and have been here just 4 months:).... I am happy that some are on top 10's despite the quality:)... Lol.... Thanks again!! And your comments on " Home for Christmas" gave me tears!!:) lol.... Anyway glad to be back into singing!!...... And yes competition is tough, but compared to some other soundtracks I have heard your is " stellar"!!! For what my 2 cents is worth:)!

Lair Gantt
over 30 days ago to gordon chapman

Gordon Chapman: "Number One Artist on the Broadjam Earth Top Ten." Now, that there's got to be worth something, huh?
What was your prize? More of the same?
Congrats on your newfound fame! :)
Lair G.

6 Replies
gordon chapman
over 30 days ago

thank you lair!
they sent me a brand new set of "you've arrived cd's" so i'll know what and what not to do with all my newfound fame and fortune! we'll i got to go my private helicopter just arrived to take me to my private jet!
have a good one!

Julia Schmidt
over 30 days ago

LOL!!!!!!!!! Now that's funny!!!! You deserve something!!:)

gordon chapman
over 30 days ago

just receiving comments from my esteemed colleagues is more than enough!

Creative InRoads, LLC
over 30 days ago

just got the weekly email notice to discover you are currently Numero Uno upon Planet Earth. what took the B'Jam Fam' so long to figure that out. CHEERS!

Adam Avery
over 30 days ago

Well deserved, Gordon!

gordon chapman
over 30 days ago

thank you Peter and Adam. it means a lot coming from you two!

gordon chapman
over 30 days ago to Lair Gantt

and merry christmas to you and your family!

gordon chapman
over 30 days ago to Lair Gantt

hi lair, i seen on hit licence that nitro crush was licensed! so is it licensed, or is it just getting you to the next round like most broadjam opps? sign the contract and receive the sync fee?

2 Replies
Lair Gantt
over 30 days ago

Hey Gordon. You are officially my only remaining cheerleader. So, thanks for that. I'm back in the job hunting fray, and that plus the music licensing scene together can be a little depressing. I just need a couple doors to open up for me.
I have yet to hear anything from the music supervisor, assistant or show producer involved with the HitLicense "license". We'll shall see. Merry Christmas to you and yourn, Lair

gordon chapman
over 30 days ago

that not good to hear! i was hoping it was the real thing! that your song really was licensed and you made some money! job hunting! arrgg! i haven't done that in 20 years! mainly because i have owned my ebay business and its still going good! for the time being. you never know with our slippery economy! and i have been working for a friend who decided he wanted to start a recording company and has been paying me to write and record a album for his niece to sing on! he has a lot of extra cash that he doesn't want the government taking!
lets hope that supervisor calls! and you find a awesome job!

gordon chapman
over 30 days ago to Lair Gantt

hey lair. congrats on nitro crush being selected for the video game!! great song!! i think it would be perfect for a video game! let me know if you have any luck being placed!

1 Replies
Lair Gantt
over 30 days ago

Thanks Gordon.
But, this is probably just more of the same: "selling the dream" that rarely becomes reality. Am I a wet blanket? Yes, but here's the note from the Provider: "Songs marked "SELECTED" simply means we pitched your song(s) to our client (the game developer). It is up to them to choose the final list of songs for the game(s) in consideration. We are currently awaiting information/the final list from the developer. Thanks everyone." Anyways...
On a more positive note, "Best wishes" to you-n-yourn for the Holidays, and "Much succe$$" for your music. Tweet me a link when u post some more killer guitar work! @RabbitHollowMus -Lair

gordon chapman
over 30 days ago to Lair Gantt

hey lair finally got a chance to check out worth waiting for. great build up and climax. i can hear parts taken from it and used in many situations!
great work!

1 Replies
Lair Gantt
over 30 days ago

Muchas gracias, senor Gordon.

Lair Gantt
over 30 days ago to gordon chapman

Hey Bro. Hope you're still upright.
When you have time, check out "Unnamed Dramatic Film Score, pt. I & II" on my page. It's new... something I wrote for my church...starts out has 3 or 4 electric guitar sounds/parts...finishes BIG. (I used EW Silver Symphony and Garritan IO for the strings, just FYI.)
Any good collabs lately?

2 Replies
Lair Gantt
over 30 days ago

Nix on that "Unnamed..." title. Look for "Worth Waiting For, Pt. I & II".

gordon chapman
over 30 days ago

ok, i just got this message anyway. as far as collabs i'm working on a few.

gordon chapman
over 30 days ago to Lair Gantt

fear this kicks ass. video game or movie trailer friendly!

2 Replies
Lair Gantt
over 30 days ago

Thanks Gordon! A few tweaks, and Rabbit Hollow Music will be pitching it soon.

gordon chapman
over 30 days ago

it was in my head quite a while after listening! its top notch!

Lair Gantt
over 30 days ago to gordon chapman

Hey Gordon,
Long time, no commiseration! Hope you and yours are doing well. 241 connections, huh? I think you're just clickin' on pretty faces! ;-)
Anyway, I thought you might like to hear my first attempt at orchestral rock (finally). (Check out "Fear This".) How's your music software assimilation going?

2 Replies
gordon chapman
over 30 days ago

hey lair, its going good! i have that many connections now. wow! i haven't even had the time to do much connecting lately. i'll check it out.
i have been using the new software for drum programming and some orchestral stuff. learning more about setting velocities and such!
all the best,

Vi: 00110110
over 30 days ago

You'll want to pay as much attention to your expression as your velocity. Best advice is to make a few drastic adjustments on a held note to just hear what it does with different sample collections.

Using expression in unison with velocity can get some "almost" realistic results if you know what your listening for as you go.

Good luck with the learning curve:)


Lair Gantt
over 30 days ago to gordon chapman

Blood In The Sand: nice colab! The story comes thru the music perfectly. Don't be shy with your orchestral timpani accents. And give the strings just a bit of presence (small theater reverb), IMHO.
Is this for a particular film, or just for fun?

3 Replies
gordon chapman
over 30 days ago

thanks lair, peter wanted to use it to shop to the film industry!
having any luck placing any music?

Lair Gantt
over 30 days ago

Well, I've got 6 tunes now under non-excl contract w/ two Hollywood libraries. And, Taxi forwarded a tune of mine to a couple outfits, one of which is Tony Hawk's 900Films. We'll see what comes of it. Thanks for asking, Gordon. -Lair

Creative InRoads, LLC
over 30 days ago

Lair, THX 4 your IMHO and look to see all those opps you have in play come to fruition. Blood in the Sand is the 1st and main theme to a treatment. G immediately gravitated to the intent of the original story - life and death as witnessed in the bullring. the rest is yet to be told, in good time. meanwhile, my hats off to Gordon for understanding and delivering the root of this story.


gordon chapman
over 30 days ago to Lair Gantt

hey lair, nice job on love uncontained!!

1 Replies
Lair Gantt
over 30 days ago

Thanks, bro. The guitar sound is a stock patch on an old Roland board. The ooh-aah vocals are a mish-mash of royalty-free stem tracks from a Big Fish Audio product. Glad you dig it. Peace.

Lair Gantt
over 30 days ago to gordon chapman

Hey Gordon:
A lot of Top Ten action going on there, I see. I'll bet the Broadjam money is rollin' in now! LOL I wonder what has changed.

2 Replies
gordon chapman
over 30 days ago

the broadjam pot o' gold at the end of the
whats been going on with you? any luck licensing?

Lair Gantt
over 30 days ago

A little licensing, of the music library kind... I'm awaiting contract offers on 5 tunes of mine that Premier Tracks (and Perpetual Music Group, who's still gearing up for "go time") is/are interested in. So, ASCAP might eventually send me a small check or two for that deal, next year! lol..
I see you've been considered lately too. Anything?
Here's a lead for you that I'm trying out: HitLicense. The site is really well run, the price is right, and I think it's actually legit (unlike some other sites we know), but the "talent bar" seems to be very high... competition is stiff. But, I KNOW you've got the chops for the right opps. So, go get 'em.
Rock it,

Lair Gantt
over 30 days ago to Jeff Harper

Sounds like you had a lot of fun constructing Zig Zag. Nice work. What are a couple of your favorite creative filter plugs? Which of your songs best feature them?
All the best,
Lair Gantt

Lair Gantt
over 30 days ago to Tony Faison

Hi Tony,
I just listened to your Midnight piece which was selected for the "Exciting Cinematic Instr..." library opp (Premier Tracks / Perpetual Music Group, from the look of the listing). The drums are tight and the piece is well crafted; nice work. Also, kudos 2 U for all of your career achievements, thus far. (Yeah, I read your bio too.)
I'm a late bloomer in the music biz, but I have the support of my family, which is quite a gift.
Anyway, just givin' a shout out to ya from your home state. And, if you get a chance, you might get a kick out of a short instrumental that I wrote called "I Feel Like Raisin' Up".
Take care,

1 Replies
Tony Faison
over 30 days ago

I appreciate that. I will take a listen!

Lair Gantt
over 30 days ago to gordon chapman

OK Gordon, another mix for ya. If you "would like to hear soundtracks that reflect a certain story", then listen to the What If (post-rock mix). For the middle section, can you see the pitch black stadium full of lighters?

1 Replies
gordon chapman
over 30 days ago

hey lair, nice piece! sounded kinda like pink floyd if they were happy! could definitely see the lighters! turn back is way cool. great movie piece!

Lair Gantt
over 30 days ago to JAMES T TAYLOR

James T.,
Hi. CSI 1 is amazingly smooth! Good composition/arrangement/recording, and fantastic guitar tone. Just wanted to let you know. And, congrats on your song selected for the library. Keep up the good work.
Lair G.

gordon chapman
over 30 days ago to Lair Gantt

turn back is very cool! sounds like a great underscore for a thrilling part of a dark comedy or drama.

2 Replies
Lair Gantt
over 30 days ago

Thanks Gordon, that's very encouraging. It's pretty fun to play around with those creepy sounds. We'll see if any movie thrillers or TV dramas bite at it. Chow, Lair

gordon chapman
over 30 days ago

its way better than a lot of things i've heard in movies. i think a lot of pieces get picked because the music supervisors have a lot of composer friends and thats who they go to.
i hope someone can break into that circle!
best of luck to you,

gordon chapman
over 30 days ago to Lair Gantt

hi lair, is the new version of heavy load updated on the site yet? sometimes it takes a couple of days to update. i didn't really hear a harmony lead in the one that is being played in the player. for a keyboard the guitars sound really good!

Lair Gantt
over 30 days ago to gordon chapman

I just updated Heavy Load Down The Road with a new guitar harmony/co-lead part, and I thought you'd get a kick out of it, knowing that it's all soft instruments played on a MIDI keyboard. It's a little busy, if not contrived, but if it works as commercial underscore, then I win! Let me know what U think.
Later tater,
PS - Waiting for round 2 from your Symphobia.

gordon chapman
over 30 days ago to Lair Gantt

hey lair, i see the opportunity you were considered for. has thanked you for your participation. i was hoping you would get that so at least i would no someone that got something that paid. i read a couple of other members comments. and the $10,000 advertised opportunity he was selected for only offered $200 in reality and said they would contact him next fall when they were ready for it. i don't think these opportunities are as much a opportunity for us as they are for the site owner.
take care,

2 Replies
Lair Gantt
over 30 days ago

Gordon- Yes, the Broadjam opps have been a constant source of disappointment for me, thus far. My stats, from over 75 opps, show that on avarage, the odds of ANY Broadjam artist being selected/placed through a given opp are easily worse than 1 in 10. That's right, ANY Broadjam artist. And, the higher the sync fee offered, the less the odds are in the artist's favor. That's abysmal, and somewhat depressing. The game is rigged. But, lesson learned... I'll be removing my musical eggs from this basket, sooner than later. Here's another option that I'm exploring though: LinkedIn has a handful of highly active film/TV/advertiser and/or music producer groups. There may not be many direct opp postings, but networking is the key to early discovery of opps. (A hard lesson for me to learn.) Also, SoundCloud is rife with new talent and artist discovery.

gordon chapman
over 30 days ago

i totally agree. only i think its more like 1 in 100. i have also submitted close to 100 different opps. and i would say the 98% of those say the same thing. "thank you for your participation" and no broadjam artist is chosen. and if they are selected its just to a library with no money up front and no guaranty that their song will ever be chosen for anything! oh well, i met some cool people on here. you being one of them of course. you have to have your eggs in many baskets to make a living in music!
peace and love,

gordon chapman
over 30 days ago to Lair Gantt

hi lair, exophere is very cool! great work!

2 Replies
Lair Gantt
over 30 days ago

Thanks Gordon. The right arpeggio/delay patches seem to make ambient/chill grooves easy pickin's. How's the orchestral coming? And, I see that the Epitome library has their site up now. I'm still pondering that deal...

gordon chapman
over 30 days ago

yeah, i was just messin' with my new programs and was amazed at how fast you can build these songs with the arpeggiation patches. very cool! epitome just sent me a email stating they were looking for Big Sounding Orchestral - on-going
Orchestral Dub-Step
Country Hip Hop
Teen Pop (Miley Cyrus, Justin Bieber)
if you don't have any other prospects happening on some songs it would be good to have them in a couple of libraries. although it said you can go non-exclusive ben told me that starting 2013 that television has to be exclusive or you won't be considered. so i didn't know if i wanted to do that. unless i seen he was getting a lot of songs licensed.
take care and keep up the great work!

gordon chapman
over 30 days ago to Lair Gantt

hi lair, last minute boogie is a cool piece! was that played or programmed? closer than you think is very cool. i love the melodies! great writing!

4 Replies
Lair Gantt
over 30 days ago

Gordon, Thanks for the kind words. I think I remember recording L.M.B. in 2 or 3 takes (back when I was practiced), but then I neatened it up a bit (not quantizing though) with my patented micro MIDI editing mad skillz. The two parts for C.T.Y.T. were composed seven years apart, with the guitar coming first (I never had used any decent strings/orchestral tools, i.e., cello a la EastWest, until last year). Peace.

gordon chapman
over 30 days ago

i was thinking it was played. great playing! the cello sounds very real. thats the east west programs. i was thinking of getting that for solo instruments. the symphobia2 is more for full orchestra.

Lair Gantt
over 30 days ago

Remember, all I play is plastic synth keys; and I'm not really that great of a player; the secret IMHO is having the patience to listen and manually "micro edit" the MIDI data, and not to quantize much, unless it's a pop, dance, electric, or fast type tune. Check out Vir2 instruments... amazing. My best electric guitar (listen to Nitro Crush) and the crazy horn "shakes" in the middle of I Feel Like Raisin' Up are Vir2.

gordon chapman
over 30 days ago

on thing i like about my QS8 is weighted keys. gives you more feel than the plastic synth keys. you need much more finger control on the unweighted plastic keys. i don't think i checked out i feel like raisin' up. i'll go check it out.

Lair Gantt
over 30 days ago to gordon chapman

"drive": Well done! Very engaging. Perfect for a sports channel show or a car/truck commercial sync.

3 Replies
gordon chapman
over 30 days ago

thats exactly what i wrote it for. i forgot to mark private on it. because i usually keep my licensing songs private. i just remixed it and pumped it up it on the waves L316. sounds much better then the previous version. both drive and crusin' have been downloaded by providers but no one has bit. i've got publishing offers on broadjam but nothing that has upfront cash. just we'll put it in our library and if someone wants to use it then you get paid. but they wanted exclusive and i didn't want it just sitting there for two years and nothing happening. have you had any licensing deals from broadjam that actually pay?

Lair Gantt
over 30 days ago

Like your Backwoods Blues piece, my This Here Song (a bluegrass piece) was selected for the Epitome publishing deal back in October '12. I researched the company and the owner a little. He's probably a good businessman and a nice guy (underneath the Nine Inch Nails like frontman facade), but his online library site was still under construction, and considering his perceived focus and the song types that he is publishing/pushing, it just didn't feel like my happy little bluegrass tune was a good fit there. So, I just let that one go. Did you sign on to that deal?

I've got stuff in another library, but it's old and I've kind of abandoned it... which is stupid because it was making a little money, years ago... It's just that at this moment, I'm trying to find and fill sub$tancial production opps that need cool, fresh, custom, high caliber music (not just stock material). That said, if I could crank out a finished tune everyday, which some people can do, then library action would also be a good avenue for me. But, my work flow and time management is not there yet.

gordon chapman
over 30 days ago

no i didn't sign on after doing some checking and seeing for weeks the website was under construction. i should go check it out and see if the site is still under construction or not! he put me on his composer list and sends me things they are looking for every once in a while. but for the same reasons as you i didn't want it sitting there doing nothing for 2 years. its like round 2 of waiting to see if it gets picked up after already waiting through the broadjam process. i have two songs "down home" and down on the farm that are under consideration for a organic food commercial. but i haven't heard any final decision yet.

gordon chapman
over 30 days ago to Lair Gantt

hey lair, pick this is very cool!

4 Replies
Lair Gantt
over 30 days ago

Thanx bro. That one took two or three weeks solid to construct; I don't think I would ever be able to play it (well) live. But, gigging is no longer even on my radar, and self-indulgent solos seem to be long out of popular fashion. Still, I know the right commercial licensing opp for Pick This is out there... somewhere. Have fun with your new software toyz (Komplete8, etc).

gordon chapman
over 30 days ago

how did you get so much pick attack. it almost sounds like its hammered? i so love great guitar playing even if its not the mainstream right now! i never did much midi recording before but i'm getting the hang of it pretty quick.

Lair Gantt
over 30 days ago

I too have always loved and idolized great guitar playing... virtuosic acoustic, or crushing electric, guitars f'ing rule! But, I never put in the woodshedding time (nor the equipment cash) to be any good at playing the guitar. So, as an industrious keyboard player, I found ways to make analog & digital synths sound & perform similar to guitars, electric & acoustic. Close to 100% of the guitar playing that I have posted on Broadjam was played on my keyboards. This tends to either piss-off or confuse people, so I usually keep quiet about it. Long story short, the pick attack on Pick This IS a little too crazy to be uber-realistic, but the digital Roland synth patch that I used to make that tune was close enough for gub'ment work 7 years ago when I recorded it. (The string noises I edited in.) Last year, I started controlling super realistic DAW soft-synth plug-ins via MIDI to produce rhythm rippers like Nitro Crush. Guitar instrument plug-ins can shred too (if played or programmed properly), but again, the money was never in shredding, unless said shredder is gigging hard. Check out opportunity listings for an additional picture of what is "the now" commercially. Keep rockin'!!

gordon chapman
over 30 days ago

i thought it might be midi. every note sounded so perfect. but i didn't want to offend. whether you played it on a guitar or programed it its still a great piece. alone with no other instruments its a little more revealing. the heavy stuff that is mixed i thought was actual guitar! sound great!
yeah, i go check out taxi every week or so. i want to join. i do the shredding stuff because i love it. i have a lot of non shredding stuff for submitting to licensing opportunities. but they are hidden!

right now i'm writing a entire album of pop rock to heavy rock with a female vocalist for a new production company out of california. they want alternate dance versions thats why i'm getting into midi. i have a outdated alesis QS8 and that just isn't cutting it. the producer was happy with it but i wasn't because there are no up to date sounds. i can't let anyone hear anything until its released. as stated in my contract.
i just did a demo of a rock guitar instrumental that i used to play live to give myself a vocal break. we never recorded it so i used the studio drummer out of the komplete 8 to get accustomed to doing midi drums. i recorded it just like we played it, three piece with guitar, bass and drums. i'll put it on my page so you can listen if you want

gordon chapman
over 30 days ago to Lair Gantt

hey lair, v2 fast forward kicks ass! great tune! love the mix of electronica and organic. heavy guitar. check out my page if you get a chance.

2 Replies
Lair Gantt
over 30 days ago

Thanks Gordon, I had a little fun editing & mixing that V2FF tune together.
I got a chance to dig a few of your tunes... your progressive songs are spot on: complex structures, skull-crushing rhythms, and ridiculous leads (in a good way)! You really put your back into your work. Keep it up.
May peace that surpasses all understanding be with you and yours for this new year.

gordon chapman
over 30 days ago

thank you for the words of kindness. v2ff sounds very fun to mix. and play! check out "g to the zoria(unj5 collab)" if you haven't. its some electronic funk with a rock fusion lead. the electronic mixed with the organic. which i just got NI's komplete 8 and symphobia 2 for christmas to get my cinematic soundtracks, ads and trailers to a pro level. i was just using a alesis qs8 keyboard which the sounds are outdated. but i have written some orchestral pieces on it that the music is good but the sounds fall short of everything thats out now. now i have a lot of learning to do! you really have some well written tunes on your page! groovin'

Lair Gantt
over 30 days ago to Jakeo

Hey Jake,

How's up? Sorry it took me 7 months to reply to your note; that should tell you how much time I've spent on music lately (read: none). Glad you can sing; I sure can't. There's still many ways to make a living ($) through music IF you have 1) the passion and/or the talent, and 2) the motivation and/or focus. Good luck; let me know how it goes.

1 Replies
over 30 days ago

Hey Lair,

Since when did a year become such a short amount of time. I'll be 18 soon and that seems strange enough. I don't know about talent or focus, but I do know about passion and motivation. We'll see how it turns out, I'd like to start posting some projects soon, so, I'll give you a shout when that time comes. Up is just as down as it can get, if you're looking at it from the right place :)
Talk to you soon,

Clean Clean

Clean Clean

Artist Name
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