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over 30 days ago to Johnny Blackburn


over 30 days ago to Johnny Blackburn

congrats on the /heavy metal/top 10--mary--cheers---joe

Johnny Blackburn
over 30 days ago to MANU RENO

Thanks for your review of my song "Daybreak for the Broken". I appreciate your input. I wish more reviews were like yours. And thanks for listening to the song. I checked out Good Morning America and Bad Blood Boogie. Nice job on both songs, and nice job you're able to cross different genres. I too am a bass player, and I like your thought process.......the best weapon in the world.

1 Replies
over 30 days ago

Yeah Johnny !, really liked "Daybreak for the Broken". Keep on rockin', bass-bro'. Cheers, Manu.

Johnny Blackburn
over 30 days ago to Wes Dinwiddie

Thanks for your review of my song "I, Zombie". It was useful and insightful. I wish more reviews were like that one. The female voice part in the song is actually a sample I made from the 80's movie Return of the Living Dead. I'll probably end up removing it because I'll never go to the proper lengths to use it "legally". I wrote this a while before The Walking Dead started. Now I'd love to get it on there.

2 Replies
Wes Dinwiddie
over 30 days ago

Hey Johnny! No problem... I just try to review others how I like my own music reviewed... they're all just opinions anyway, but it helps to provide someone with at least ONE piece of useful information in a review. Ha Ha! Anyway, I'm sure you could get one of these female vocalists here on broadjam to collaborate and provide you with some non-copyrighted vocals for that song... especially if you plan on licensing it. You never know man... hollywood is STILL shooting zombie flicks!

Cool photo by the way, you resemble the late Peter Steele of Type O Negative, one of my favorite bands of all time. --- Au5tin

Wes Dinwiddie
over 30 days ago

Aw man you gotta be kiddin me... just listened to Shroud of Sorrow, Love it! I see Type O is one of your inspirations also... very cool, very cool. Keep up the good work brother.

Mark Tha Shark
over 30 days ago to Johnny Blackburn

Found you on tha music review. You guyz kick a$$! Keep doing your thing!

Johnny Blackburn
over 30 days ago to Adam Maxfield

Listened to your Hey God track. You asked for suggestions, and I have one. The riff from around 2:15 to 2:40.....Didn't sound like there was a bass during that part....why not add a low note bass and cut the drum time in half......kick on count one, snare on count 3......and instead of the high singing vocal you do now on "At All"....turn it into a scream. But that's just a suggestion, would give the song that "big pit" part, but regardless, it's a cool track and I enjoyed listening.

11 Replies
Adam Maxfield
over 30 days ago

Thanks Johnny, you're right there wasn't a bass part there - kinda wanted a bit of space for the guitar riff - I'll have a look at the drums there - always willing to try suggestions - not sure I can scream, but I may be able to blag it in some way can do a growl vocal without hurting myself so maybe can work something with that, pitchshift and a few other fx!!!

Johnny Blackburn
over 30 days ago

Just a suggestion. I'd let the riff go like it does now with guitar only, but when the drums come in, try the half time beat and bringing a bass might work out cool, and it might not, but it's something to try anyway. I'm a fan of big breakdowns, when it sounds like the drummer is just beating the crap out of his drums in a slow maniacle way! If you try it, let me know how you thought it worked in the song.

A Show of Hands
over 30 days ago

Adam, I kept waiting to hear a bit of screamo in the mix and like Johnny at the "At All" let the guitars dbl. up that bass crunch deeper and dirty with some volume. Nothing like the sounds of hell in a religious song. LOL That song has some great vibe. Good luck

Adam Maxfield
over 30 days ago

Don't like lager only proper beer will do LOL!!!

Adam Maxfield
over 30 days ago

On a serious note, thanks guys for your comments - whilst I grew up a metalhead in the 80's I don't very often write that way - I normally just thrash along to Metallica or mainly Disturbed nowadays, to warm up and let go of any pent up aggression I have!!
Whilst its a religious song, I am totally an agnostic, therefore well up for the concept of hell being in there somewhere :o)

Adam Maxfield
over 30 days ago

WHILST I try, I don't always get the time cos my kids, well mainly my daughter, stand next to me screaming when I sing, and I have no door to keep them out!!! So virtually all my vocals are one take wonders, with one take bv's etc, before Jess realises what daddy is doing LOL!!!!

Adam Maxfield
over 30 days ago

Good idea, might try that - bought her a junior drum kit for her 3rd birthday (couple of weeks ago) with tunable skins, pukka kick pedal, snare that sounds like a snare etc - and she's got talent for sure, so who knows, might get her to do the drumming before she's 5!!!

Adam Maxfield
over 30 days ago

Oh and I forget whilst is an english word not been americanised so I have been informed LOL

Adam Maxfield
over 30 days ago

Nufink rong wiv de queens inglish mate LOL

Terese Millhouse
over 30 days ago

LOL hilarious boys! now for a female Australian point of view! haha This is definitely a great pure rock track, lyrics are dark and strong with a lot of other emotion flying around. The chorus sticks in my head which is always a big tick! The song was BONZA mate!! actually I never say bonza but thought i'd throw some Aussie lingo in the mix hehe!

Adam Maxfield
over 30 days ago

Beauty mate, thats a fair dinkum comment Terese

over 30 days ago to Johnny Blackburn

Johnny--thanks so much for taking the time to give me some honest and constructive feedback on my song, "What Kina Freek Dooyah Wontme2B?" . . .your comments were right on point, and I appreciate them. You rock, man . . and your bio and work are inspiring . . .keep it up, and God bless you! Peace
Julius "JUICE" Davis

Lori Jennerjohn
over 30 days ago to Johnny Blackburn

LOL This just makes me Shit My Pants!!! AWESOME!!!!

#10 "Shit your Pants" by Johnny Blackburn made the Rap - Hip Hop Top 10 Great Job! Lori 1

Loren Bieg
over 30 days ago to Johnny Blackburn

Thanks so much for your review and kind words regarding Floating Art. I appreciate your feedback regarding the genre. I have wondered if the music fits classical at all, and maybe better in New Age. Anyway, thanks again and best to you!


Dear Mr. Blackburn,
I appreciate your review of "Curious@7:14." Your assessment was on the money and very helpful. Production is always a challenge in the studio. Trying to find that right sound, that unique sound, or that sound that defines you can drive you crazy. You were absolutely correct. I did lay down all the tracks. I kind of envisioned a band recording the song in the future. Thanks again for your very enlightful review.

Sorcerer P

Thanks for the review. Your analysis was well thought out and enlightening. I believe music should sometimes take you away; encourage you to imagine, and inspire you to dream.
I am just amazed at the talent and dedication Broadjam members like yourself have and showcase. Your music is so diverse. I listened to at least four different genres of music on your BJ page; and enjoyed every last song (especially "SYP") I am honored and humbled.

Peace and Music!

Sorcerer P

Johnny Blackburn
over 30 days ago to Brett Hale

I see you joined, excellent. I think you'll enjoy the site.

over 30 days ago to Johnny Blackburn

hey johnny--been awhile--you see that fairly new band--black country communion--jason bonham-joe bonmasa-jeff hughs---man--those guys can cook!--joe bonamasa has been a favorite of mine for quite awhile--see ya--joe.

Adam Maxfield
over 30 days ago to Johnny Blackburn

The Anthill tracks are something else, sounds like a 21st century Pink Floyd, V cool

2 Replies
Johnny Blackburn
over 30 days ago

thanks, i like the sound of 21st century floyd......i might use that in future bio's ect. thanks for listening.

over 30 days ago

yeah--i remember when johnny did that ant thing--pretty cool--joe.

over 30 days ago to Johnny Blackburn

edge of seventeen--stevie nicks would probably love this version--has a black sabbath feel to it--great job--i gave it 5 stars on the rate thing--great idea johnny--i would like to cover electric funeral some day myself--cheers--joe.

John Johnson
over 30 days ago to Johnny Blackburn

Johnny great job! its always hard to cover classics but you guys updated it and truely made it your own. Thats creativity my friend! Good luck with your music! JJ

Widow's Copper
over 30 days ago to Johnny Blackburn

had a listen to edge of seventeen. smokin' work Johnny B! a great showcase of your talents.

1 Replies
Johnny Blackburn
over 30 days ago

Thanks Leah, glad you listened, and more glad you liked.

Robert Adams
over 30 days ago to Johnny Blackburn

Edge of Seventeen? A Stevie Nicks cover? My first thought: WTF? After listening, ...oh yeah! This is REALLY a fine tune with a lot of great elements that made it so. I especially liked the singing around the 2:30 mark, and the quiet part around 3:40 makes the heavy parts seem ultra-heavy and it gives a lot more dimension to this song. I like this much better than the original. Well these two versions are about 179 degrees apart, but knowing the original makes this one even better than cool.

4 Replies
Johnny Blackburn
over 30 days ago

Thanks for the praise! I appreciate it!

over 30 days ago

man,what an interpretation!very cool johnny

over 30 days ago

I third that, awesome cover! Man I love doom

Johnny Blackburn
over 30 days ago

thanks ya'll. Gotta love the doom and gloom.

over 30 days ago to Johnny Blackburn

hey johnny--i was watching that metal show not too long ago and jani laine was on there with eddy trunk-don jameson-jim florintine and he was doing great--i was wondering what he died of--he was the lead singer for the band warrant for many years--that was a surprise to me--see ya--joe.

2 Replies
Johnny Blackburn
over 30 days ago

I'm not sure what he died from. I remember seeing him on some weight loss reality tv show, not too long ago. He seemed pretty unhealthy in general, but as I recall he got back into shape by the time he left the show.

over 30 days ago

thanks johnny--he had some pretty good tunes--see ya--joe.

over 30 days ago to Johnny Blackburn

shroud of sorrow--wow! what a brilliant piece of creativity--i can feel the intensity of the jam--wish i was jammin on this one--rob zombie and slip not would love this jam--great job--see ya--almost shit my pants--only kidding--it is a play on a another song of yours--ha ha-joe.

1 Replies
Johnny Blackburn
over 30 days ago

Thanks for listening Joe. I get lots of comments from S.Y.P. too, I think my buddies and I out did ourselves on that one! Hope your safe with all that crazy weather down your way.

Robert Adams
over 30 days ago to Johnny Blackburn

Johnny - Loved Shroud of Sorrow. Like the "Negativity in Black" play on "Nativity in Black" too. Very clever. Great sounds and massive atmosphere with a million interesting bits of sonic creativity. I sent you an email with more detail. Beautiful job on this song. Very impressive.

2 Replies
Johnny Blackburn
over 30 days ago

Thanks Robert. It's a double play on words with the Negativity in Black part.......a nod to B.S. like you caught, and to Type O Negative too. If you've never heard them, you should check them out. There stuff is a lot like this track, only much much much better.

Robert Adams
over 30 days ago

Actually Johnny, I don't know about "much much better." They have their thing and you have yours, with your own musical voice. I found your song more interesting than the Type O material I heard, because you have more variation of color and atmosphere to go along with the great playing to provide a more fascinating ride.

Nils Rurack
over 30 days ago to Johnny Blackburn

Johnny - Shroud Of Sorrow rocks awesome! I'm jealous.

over 30 days ago to Johnny Blackburn

Shroud of Sorrow - nice work! Sabbath meet Type O indeed, and I dig that...

Johnny Blackburn
over 30 days ago to Widow's Copper

Great job on the tracks you've got on here. I have a feeling you're gonna have the chance to earn a living performing music.......I for one hope you do, you've got the talent for sure.

2 Replies
Widow's Copper
over 30 days ago

thanks so much Johnny B! All the best to you and yours.

Widow's Copper
over 30 days ago

Hey Johnny B! I had a chance to check out a few tracks and its epic stuff. LOVE = I, Zombie and Losing My Mind... I'll try to get to the rest of em as I can.

Johnny Blackburn
over 30 days ago to John Johnson

Hey man, just listened to Criminoso and Blue. Great job on both. I know you said the music was PSR on did you do the steel guitar on Blue? That's an instrument I'd love to own and play around with....if that was you on it, most excellent job! I understand they are really hard to play, it sounded great and fit really great with vibe of the song, cool tracks on both.

1 Replies
John Johnson
over 30 days ago

Hey Johnny, Thanks I wish I could play the steel guitar! I play little bass and guitar but that track was done by someone else I just wrote the lyrics. I track write some stuff and some stuff I create the track. I appreciate you stopping by man, I love that steel guitar on that track too! If you ever want to collaborate in the future just let me know, It would be fun! later

over 30 days ago to Johnny Blackburn

hey johnny--when are going to give us a sequal to-shit your pants--like piss yer pants or piss yer drawers--ha ha--i get a great laff from that song from time to time--cheers-joe.

Lori Jennerjohn
over 30 days ago to Johnny Blackburn

LOL I am listening to "Shit Your Pants" and it is great... so funnily groovy!!! Sweet Shitty a Awesome Way...crazy Shit!!! LOL LOL LOL Lori

4 Replies
Lori Jennerjohn
over 30 days ago

LOL its so Crazy...but I will pass on the offer...of Shiting my pants...I'll just dance to it....LOL LOL LOL Got any special moves I need to know about???? LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL
PS...are you laughing at the end...cuz it stinks in there??? LOL LOL LOL

Lori Jennerjohn
over 30 days ago

Now I just posted it to my FB and Twitter! They are gonna Shit There Pants Listening to it...LOL LOL LOL

Johnny Blackburn
over 30 days ago

Lol, glad you liked it. It was blast working on it, hard to get good takes cause the 3 of us couldn't stop laughing. People who listen usually either laugh really hard, or look at me with a look of utter disbeliefe that we'd make a song about crapping yourself.

Lori Jennerjohn
over 30 days ago

LOL I started by with "Shit Your Pants" for and good laugh sharing with my friend ... LOL Have a Good Day! Lori

John Johnson
over 30 days ago to Johnny Blackburn

Hey Johnny, just stopping in to here the losing my mind song, I really like that song! Come check out a new tune I just put up called Keep me dry and Break. Later

over 30 days ago to Johnny Blackburn

hey johnny--sharon hope robinson has a new song titled--you know me--check it out and see what you think--i think it is a hit song--i got to laffing a few days ago telling some of my friends about your shit your pants song--yeeeeeeeeeeeee haw!! joe.

Johnny Blackburn
over 30 days ago to Vi: 00110110

Thanks for the extremely useful review of my song Tension and Release. I don't mind at all you gave no score, the review you gave is the way I wish all of them were. I have the ability to go in and change my songs still, and some of the stuff I post for reviews, I'm looking for the exact kind of insight you gave, because I'm not sure where the song should head. Again, many thanks.

1 Replies
Vi: 00110110
over 30 days ago

You're very welcome:)

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