
Previous Comments

Bruce Niemchick
over 30 days ago to Joel Evans

Dear Joel:

Last week I contacted many of you regarding the playlist "Original Holiday Songs From Broadjam." In the email, I asked if you would be willing to offer your Christmas songs for a FREE download - as I am putting together a list of songwriters for a "CD" or "compilation" through Broadjam.

Well you don't need to offer it for FREE. You can go ahead and keep it for purchase at .99 cents per download. I have talked to Roy, and Broadjam will do the promoting.

For those of you whom I have not contacted, would you like to make your Christmas music for sale through Broadjam this year? I'm sure many of you are under contract, so you may not be able, but I wanted to give you the opportunity.

If you would like to be a part of this, please contact me no later than Saturday October 30, 2010.

Bruce Niemchick

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Clean Clean

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