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Thanks much for the review of Hoolie Hoolie. Your understanding of the song was spot on.
It's an excellent tune Jimmy Joe!
I Knew it!!!I thought to myself that before releasing "3 minutes"... I better remove some echo effect.. It will "bug" Jeff (and to some degree me)... SO Glad you reviewed "3 Minutes" my friend... You're spot on Keep super well Ronald
Glad to be of service!!!
Thanks for the very humbling review. You've challenge me to step up my game.
Hi Randal, I had a link saying you had sent me a comment but there's nothing to see. May have been a BJ quirk? Cheers Bob
No, Bob it was probably me, but I can't remember the topic lol, I think it was about how I liked one of ur songs...I will get back to u when I figure it out.
No worry, good to hear from you anyway Randal!
Thanks for the positive review of Hoolie Hoolie, Randal.
Your Welcome Jimmy!
Kate - Thank you so much for taking the time to review my song, "Just The Way They Are," I really appreciate the feedback - Nick Berry
It's a great song, Nick! You've gotta know that! MK
Thank you again for a wonderful review of "The Blue and Grey". Apart from the review itself, I want to compliment you on your writing skill. I'm certain you must have tried writing professionally... I mean other than songwriting. If not you might consider it.
Hey Jimmy Joe Lee, Yep, I am a communicator. My major in college was spanish after I nixed journalism. Then ha ha I became a songwriter. I am also a pastor's wife and motivator of children. Guess you could say God wired me that way. So I'm rolling with it and trying to use those talents He gave me to the best of my ability. Next weekend I am filming a children's music video w/ a team of 24 kids of my song Crack a Book. Wish me well, or pray if you are a praying man. Thanks! Mrs. Kate
After coming down from the ceiling due to reading your very generous review of "The Coal Minor Song" I want to thank you... so much. I wish I had a story to tell about a connection to coal mining. But no, the truth is, I do not. My song writing is all over the place as regards style and subject matter. Once I have the germ of an idea, I play the part of the speaker. Like an actor does, I suppose, when getting into a part. The harp and violin were each added after the basic track and vocal were completed. The harp player and violin player have never met. I did the vocal in one take and sensed something special was happening. Thanks again for taking the time to listen and go beyond the call of duty with your comments.
Thanks much for your review of "Blue and Grey".
Hey Jimmy Joe --thanks for the review and follow up! It's nice to meet you, and your music reminds me of Willie Nelson and Waylon Jennings (the two I listened to). ~Jeff
Just saw your post. Can a review be redone? If so I'm glad to do it.
I just reviewed this song. My concern was that the lyric was set too far back in the track for me to clearly understand it. Then I played it on the artist's site and it was very clear. In fact the entire recording had more presence. ???
Thanks for the follow-up Jimmy Joe!
Hey Jimmy Joe!! When I read your comments about my song "Sunqeen", I was amazed at your comments that you couldn't hear it. Then, Al Corey said the same thing, listened to it again a few days later and said that then the sound was there. Giving all 2's really hurt my ratings. I was wondering if you could give it another listen, because I think I did have an electronic glitch. If you listen and agree it's better, please have your review removed----it was the lowest review I ever had of that song. All the Musical Best!! Pat
Hi Jimmy! Thanks for the review of "SunQueen," #1 in Florida and #1 in Chicago Blues!
Just reviewed this song. When I saw the song title, I thought Id reviewed the wrong song. I never heard anything about picking up my heart etc. Oh well. FWIW i still think the title should be "So Crazy". Best, jj
Thanks for the review jimmy, save the world has been considered and selected for so many listings I've lost count. But for some reason it's always a brides maid so to speak. Maybe if I re recorded it professionally and someone with a better suited vocal sang it, it would go all the way. Who knows, thanks again for the review my friend.
I suspect you can sing it just fine. The problem, in my opinion, is not the backing track. Its the vocal mix/eq or possibly just too much reverb. The words to the song are very important. Did you double track the vocal? I'm guessing you did not. I'm not suggesting that you do. You understand the words because you know what they are. A third party... not so much. I don't know what part of the country you live but why not invest in getting it professionally mastered?
If you ever get the urge, William, let me know. jj
Hi William, I should have given you my email address. It's If you contact me, the first time you'll get caught in my spam catcher. When I pick up your email, I'll set it up so it comes to me direct thereafter. jj
Yo, William. How much would it cost me to have you play on a song or two I've written? Would be easy with today's technology. We could do an experiment. I'm a songwriter. I've been around the block a few times. Point bein' I'm not a beginner. jj
Really enjoyed this instrumental.