
Previous Comments

Ionut Mirel Udrea
over 30 days ago to Ionut Mirel Udrea udrea/transylvania-forever-dark-the -return-of-prince-vladdemo?si=9696a fa5dd2640e7b2b7f4da463431b4&utm_sou rce=clipboard&utm_medium=text&utm_c ampaign=social_sharing

2 Replies
Joy A Simons Brown
over 30 days ago

Thanks but. page not found

Ionut Mirel Udrea
over 30 days ago udrea

Marilyn Oakley
over 30 days ago to Joy A Simons Brown

Really like "Heartache", Joy. Well done and love the singer. Jazz is one of my fav genres.

2 Replies
Joy A Simons Brown
over 30 days ago

Thank you for your kind comments Marilyn. I value your ratings. Best regards.

Marilyn Oakley
over 30 days ago

You are very welcome, Joy. :o))

Love that chill out piano. Will be listening more of your music

2 Replies
Aleksandr Konovalov
over 30 days ago

Thank you very much. I will continue to create amazing music. Have a nice day!

Joy A Simons Brown
over 30 days ago

You too

I am working on creating YouTube videos for my songs. so far they are getting lots of views. I have two channels: jay simbro for gospel and josibro for pop music. You are welcome to visit..

Hi! Thank you very much for taking the time to listen to my new song "Between Heaven And Hell... Alive!". I really appreciate your continuous support.
All the best!

1 Replies
Joy A Simons Brown
over 30 days ago

I am inspired

Cassandra Bernard
over 30 days ago to Cassandra Bernard

I recently watched a released video from a Jamaican family currently in Wuhan, China giving some tips on how to keep safe re Covid 19. Wash hands often and if the situation really becomes serious, wear a bib in public. Also, boost your immune system. One love all and let the music boost your souls...

2 Replies
Joy A Simons Brown
over 30 days ago

Saw it. It was so inspiring

Cassandra Bernard
over 30 days ago

:-)...lots of praying too

Joy A Simons Brown
over 30 days ago to Annie Calder

Love that Road trip song

1 Replies
over 30 days ago

co0ngratulations on the selection of I wanna go back...beautiful song, well crafted, clever

Hi Cassandra. Thank you for a 5 start rating on my song. Best wishes !

2 Replies
Cassandra Bernard
over 30 days ago

You're welcome

Cassandra Bernard
over 30 days ago

Best wishes to u too

Joy A Simons Brown
over 30 days ago to Dale Calhoun

Thanks for adding my song to your playlist, Dale. Best wishes

Ionut, thank you for rating my songs and adding them to your playlist. Continue to enjoy them and best wishes.

Joy A Simons Brown
over 30 days ago to Toby Klusmeyer

Congrats Toby. Love this

Be Ye
over 30 days ago to Joy A Simons Brown

Love your songs.

2 Replies
Joy A Simons Brown
over 30 days ago

Hi Be Ye. I truly appreciate your kind comment. Wishing you a successful and happy new year !!!!

Joy A Simons Brown
over 30 days ago

Thank you Be Ye

My band will be performing at a Christmas concert On December 21 at 6.30 pm at Faiway Avenue in Kingston. There is a long list of performers and we will be closing the show.

Joy A Simons Brown
over 30 days ago to Cyndi Corkran

Wow Cyndi. Thank you for adding my song to your playlist. Best wishes

3 Replies
Cyndi Corkran
over 30 days ago

Hi Joy,
I love your music and your great, soulful vocals! I look forward to enjoying more. All the best to you!

Joy A Simons Brown
over 30 days ago

Thanks for your support Cyndi.

Cyndi Corkran
over 30 days ago

My pleasure Joy; we all lift each other up, and your talent "speaks" for itself!;)

My song "I was born for This" was selected and broadcast on Women of Substance radio in July.

Getting ready to judge the television series All Together Sing for the 2019 season running from September 28 to December 8. This is my 6th season as judge on the show. Such fun.

Joy A Simons Brown
over 30 days ago to Kevin Leon Smith

Hi Kevin. Congrats on all the successes you are having with this instrumental !!!

2 Replies
Kevin Leon Smith
over 30 days ago

Many thanx, Joy! You got some great songs as well! Make the yard sound sweet!

Joy A Simons Brown
over 30 days ago


Cyndi Corkran
over 30 days ago to Joy A Simons Brown

Beautiful vocals, Joy, and the message of Love, above all else, is paramount! Lovely!
Welcome to Broadjam, and all the best to you and your wonderful talent!

3 Replies
Joy A Simons Brown
over 30 days ago

Hi Cyndi. Thank you for your kind words. Yes, love is all we need. Best wishes to you too.

Cyndi Corkran
over 30 days ago

Thank you Joy!

Joy A Simons Brown
over 30 days ago

Hi Cyndi. Thank you for my 5 star ratings of Heartache and Morning Glory. This is so encouraging for me.

Joy A Simons Brown
over 30 days ago to Marilyn Oakley

Hi Marilyn. Thanks for the link up. I'll be checking out your music to see what you are up to.

1 Replies
Marilyn Oakley
over 30 days ago

Thanks, Joy, nice to connect up here at BJ. xox

Joy A Simons Brown
over 30 days ago to Kevin Leon Smith

Thank you Kevin .!!! Best wishes

Joy A Simons Brown
over 30 days ago to Candice Russell

Great song, Candice. inspiring !

I have just been contracted to perform live at Grill Fridays at a local upscale restaurant. This will provide good visibility and the possibility for even more work. I never refuse work

Joy A Simons Brown
over 30 days ago to TJMusicGroup

Beautiful song about worship

I just posted my song THANK YOU as an entry in a songwriting contest. I will hear the results in a month. Hoping to win

Joy A Simons Brown
over 30 days ago to Billy Pilgrim

Lovely song

2 Replies
Billy Pilgrim
over 30 days ago

Hello Joy,
Thank you for listening in and your kind words.

You take good care,

Joy A Simons Brown
over 30 days ago

You are welcome Billy. Best wishes !

Joy A Simons Brown
over 30 days ago to Russ Parrish

Beautiful lyrics, interesting arrangement, warm and well delivered. Good song !!

Be Ye
over 30 days ago to Be Ye

When will I get my first placement. I dont know when but hell i plan to come close this year

1 Replies
Joy A Simons Brown
over 30 days ago

Checking out your list . Enjoying so far.

Clean Clean

Clean Clean

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