Frank Pietrantoni (aka FrankLP)

Frank Pietrantoni (aka FrankLP)


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Hi Kate,
Thanks for the 5 stars on "Best Friends". I appreciate you taking the time to listen, and I'm glad you liked it!

Be and stay well,

Hi Blob_B,
Thanks for the 5 stars on "Mom's Journey Home". I appreciate you taking the time to listen, and I'm glad you liked it!

While I'm here I'll check out some of your music.

Be and stay well,

2 Replies

Forgot to add thanks for the 5 stars on "Spring Time". I'm glad you liked that one too, and thanks for browsing the tunes!


3 days ago

You're welcome. I'm trying to re-instate my presence here (not just CoVid but the former Day Job getting in the way) so engaging with the peer review process and "Spring Time" was a particularly pleasant surprise. I'm mostly about cheesy synth that may not be your thing but you might like "Alistair Stonewall" in a similar way. It's 5/4 so unavoidably compares to Mission Impossible - now all I need is someone to create the cartoon series for it to go with :-). Have a great day, B

Hi Mike,
Thanks for the 5 stars on "The Blend". I appreciate you taking the time to listen, and I'm glad you liked it!

Be and stay well,

Mr. Pietrantroni
thank you for acknowledging my track Princess Paige
your recognition means a great deal considering your great body of work and many accolades within Broadjam
I am new to this spectrum so the five stars from someone with your pedigree is greatly appreciated
I enjoy the diversification of your music, esp The Blend and Mom's J...each evokes a particular mood

BTW the real Paige-my first granddaughter-is due in less than a month

again, thanks
mike Henry

1 Replies

Thanks so much Mike... I'm flattered to say the least. There are so many great writers/producers/performers on this platform... thank you for your compliments.

Your music was/is outstanding... loved it! And congrats on your first granddaughter!!


Hey TK,
Hope all is well your way! Thanks so much for the 5 stars on "Smile Again". I really appreciate you listening to it and am glad you liked it!

That one has a nice back story to it... check it out if you haven't already.

Thanks again and be well,

1 Replies
1 week ago

Hey Mr. LP......You're very welcome!!!.....great music deserves all the highest accolades! You always deliver-the best!!!!

Thanks so much for the 5 stars on "When I believe". I really appreciate you listening to it and am glad you liked it!

While I'm here I'll check out your music.

Thanks again and be well,

Hi Brandon,
Thanks for the review of "Mom's Journey Home". I appreciate you taking the time to listen and provide meaningful/useful feedback.

While I'm here I'll have a listen to some of your music.

Thanks again and bed well,

1 Replies
S. Brandon Hegar
1 week ago

Hey! I just listened to another one of yours. Fantastic job:)

Hi ZW,
Thanks so much for the 5 Stars on "Walk It Back". That one was an interesting one to do. I'm really glad you liked it.

I'll have a listen to your music while I'm here.

Thanks again and be well,

Hi again Jeanna,
Thanks so much for the 5 Stars on "Best Friends". That one was a fun one to do. I'm so glad you liked it.

I'll have a listen while I'm here... always good to get a taste of your excellent music!

Thanks again!


Hey DeJuan,
Thanks for the review of "Second Skin". I appreciate you taking the time to listen and provide your perspectives on it. I actually do have lyrics for that one, but never made a decent recording of the lyrical version... maybe one day I'll put that lyrical version together.

While I'm here I'll have a listen to some of your stuff.

Thanks again and be well,

Hey Frank thanks much for the stars on Too Much I Don't Know, appreciated!
Take good care,

1 Replies

Absolutely! Great song all around!!

Thanks so much for the 5 Stars on "Best Friends". I've continued to tweak that one, so it may sound just a touch different since you last listened.

I really appreciate you listening and am glad yo8u liked it!

I'll have a listen to while I'm here... all your stuff is so great!

Be well,

Hey BanzaiWag,
Thanks so much for the 5 Stars on "Best Friends". I appreciate you listening to it and am glad you liked it!

I haven't been to your page for a bit, so I'll have a listen while I'm here.

Be well,


Hey Warren,
Thanks for the 5 Stars on "Can You See Me ". I'm glad you liked it.


1 Replies
Warren Hein
over 30 days ago

Nice job sir!

Thanks for the review of "Ellis Island".

I appreciate you taking the time to listen and for providing your perspectives.

Be and stay well,

Hi Paul,
Thanks for the 5 Stars on "I Make A Difference" and "When I Believe" !!

I really appreciate you taking the time to have a listen and rate them... so glad you like them too!

I'll have a listen to more 9oif your stuff while I'm here.

Thanks again!


It's a raker of a song, "I Believe"!
It starts with a strong melody and just builds in music and intensity to a crescendo and unexpected heights!
You are a not bad singer Frank!
Yeah it's worth the five stars!

1 Replies

Great to hear from you again Jim!!

Thanks so much for the five stars my friend, and in full transparency, that's not me singing. I've just started using ACE Studio to create vocals on my latest stuff (this one and Walk It Back).

While I always prefer to have real singers, for these "pet projects" and having little to no funding for singers/musicians, ACE allows me to finally get my ideas completed. Then if any of my songs ever do show promise/interest, than I can explore a deeper investment in live singers/musicians.

But these AI Singer Platforms truly are a game changer for me... I love to write/record songs but can't sing to save my life and can't hire singers for every tune I come up with... so this really does it for me!

Thanks again for listening Jim... as always, your feedback is detailed and thoughtful.

I'll have a listen to some more of your stuff today.

Be and stay well!


Hey Anthony,
Thanks so much for the 5 Stars on "Linus To Lucy". I appreciate you taking time to listen and I'm glad you liked it!

Be and stay well!


Thanks so much for the 5 stars on "Walk It Back" ! I really appreciate you taking the time to listen to it... and I'm glad you liked it.

I'll have a listen to some of your stuff while I'm here.

Be and stay well,


1 Replies
over 30 days ago

I loved it! Thanks ???

Hey Frank...just finished listening to your "Memories Of Joanne"....absolutely blew me away!! Hopefully you read my review!( there isn't a 10/10!?) Not only was it outstanding in many ways.. this composition to me... is a masterpiece of imagination / orchestration! And when I read what it was all floored me! It's a long and sad story! There was a Joanne that my wife & I had the pleasure of knowing. She was a great neighbor and a very special woman to us and anyone who ever had the pleasure of knowing her!! Unfortunately she passed away due to an inop. brain tumor! May she rest in peace!! And a special thank you to you Frank for bringing her back into memory!!...Your Tops!!!
Your fan
Anthony Z

1 Replies

Thank you for listening and sharing your story of "your" Joanne! I'll bet she was very happy and grateful to have such a great neighbor in you all.

Thanks again for listening... have a great one!!


Hi Jeanna,
It's been a while! I hope all is well with you and that you weren't negatively impacted by the recent storms around here.

Thank you so very much for the 5 Stars on the vocal version of "Walk It Back". I'm so glad you liked it.

It's been a minute since I've been here, so I'll have a listen to some of your music.

Thanks again!

Hey there LC Team,
Thanks so much for the 5 Stars on "Can You See Me ".

I really appreciate you taking the time to listen to it... and am glad you liked it!

Be and stay well all!


1 Replies
Lyfe Concierge Publishing
over 30 days ago

Hey Mr.Frank! Great tunes as always!
LC Team

Hey Frank, Thanks so much for the 5-star review of my instrumental, "Berkshire Spring". It comes for my instrumental album, "Peak To Peak". It is an instrumental lift from a song with lyrics. Something I always do so I have an instrumental track if a supervisor, editor, director, producer or library likes the track. The version with lyrics is VERY nice and is entitled, "The Secrets Of Life". I think you will like it. Alas, like most of my other work, it never gets picked for any awards or any other uses. Still, I keep just writing and producing. CONGRATS on winning the HOT 100 CONTEST...yours was a great track and deserved the recognition. Keep up the good work. Best, Chet Nichols

1 Replies

Thanks Chet... great idea on creating instrumentals of your vocal pieces. I really enjoyed Berkshire Spring... great piece.

And I know what you mean about pieces not getting selected... that's with my stuff too. But I keep writing and recording because that's just what I love to do! :)


Hi Memphis,
Thanks so much for taking the time to listen to and review my song Back On Track. I'm glad you liked it!

While I'm here I'll check out some of your music.

Be and stay well,

3 Replies
Memphis Kenny P
over 30 days ago

I hate giving reviews. It's like talking about someone's baby but to get reviewed you have to give reviews. I try real hard to do the right thing. Hope I wasn't unkind!!

Margie & Art Corey
over 30 days ago

Kenny P, I hate reviews of Cute Babies, I really hate reviews of Ugly Babies, I guess I just in general.....Hate Babies!! I do love little Kittens though!! Kittens are so Damn cute!! I could watch Kitten videos all day long!! Never get tired!! Thanks God for Cute Baby Kitten Videos!! Hee Hee!! Enough!!
The Corey's............

Hey, I figure reviews (aka feedback) are a gift. And whether it's positive or not-so-positive, take for what it's worth. In the eye (or ear) of the beholder I may be a baby or a kitten, or a fossil or a penguin (my fave btw)... it's all fairly subjective. I'm grateful for compliments, and for occasional "call out" that, "Hey Frank, that solo section kinda sucks!" It's all just food for thought.


Hi Chet,
Thanks so much for the review and comments on "Patty's Weekend Theme". I really appreciate you taking the time to listen and provide meaningful comments.

I'll have a listen to some of your stuff since it's been a while since I visited your "place".

Thanks again... be well!


1 Replies
Chet Nichols
over 30 days ago

My pleasure...Keep on letting the music flow.


Hey maestro LP.....great new tune" WALK IT BACK"...I like it for many me it is somewhat eclectic in gen pop ...which I really appreciate! It seems to blend in with some other genres! The arrangement is really nice!....I love all the background instrumentation!...the cool transitions!!...the dynamics..and an outstanding vocal which honestly would be a hard one to copy! Great job -as it!! never disappoint!!!...Congrats!!!!!!
TK(Tony Keys)- BroGreede

3 Replies

Wow! I just posted that this morning!! You're really on top of it TK!!

Thank you so very much... you just made my day and week!!

Have a great day/week too!!


over 30 days ago

Anytime Frank.....good music deserves a good listen! I always keep a close ear on your stuff!! These days...too much non-music out there! I'm happy
it made your day & week....very cool indeed!!!
Yours truly

By the way... I'm just finishing up a "guitar" solo that I added to that vocal version of Walk It Back... a bit of an Alan Holdsworth-esque flavor... I'm hoping to get the updated version posted later today.


Hey SMH.... we're on a roll!
Ya'll got another one mine to review... an older one this time, "Shot From The Backseat". Thanks for listening and giving the review. I'm glad you liked this one.

Be and stay well!


Hey again SHML,
You've gotten a few of my tunes lately to review... thanks for the latest one on "One Red Rose (sung by yours truly)".

I appreciate you taking the time to listen... and review it.

Be and stay well!


1 Replies
over 30 days ago

Thank you

Hi Fred,
It's been a minute hasn't it? Hey, thanks so much for the review of "Moods of Electra". I really appreciate you listening and reviewing it. I'm so glad that you liked it too!

It's been a while since I visited your page, so I'll check out some of your stuff while I'm here.

Thanks again... be and stay well!


Thanks for the review on "Kids Want Santa"... appreciate you taking the time to listen!


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