
Previous Comments

over 30 days ago to Paige Stroman

Thanks for the review of my song : Christmas Is All About. I recorded this song about 3 years ago in my home studio. I wanted to rearrange the song and remix it as well but unfortunately I had a PC crash and lost most of the tracks so the only thing I could do was to try to EQ it to make it sound a bit better. Eventually I might rerecord it from scratch :)

5 Replies
Paige Stroman
over 30 days ago

It is beautiful! I'm so sorry about the PC! I have felt that pain! Glad to meet you and hear your music!!

over 30 days ago

Thanks, I've listened to a few of your songs. It's really nice to hear songs for kids. Very nice lyrics vocals. Being french speaking I wish I could write as good lyrics as yours.

Paige Stroman
over 30 days ago

I'd love to hear some of your french songs!! I'm sure they are beautiful!

over 30 days ago

When I came back to music after having quit playing music for 35 years I decided that I'd write my songs in english as I thought the market was so much larger than for french songs. When I used to play in a band in the 70s we used to play all english cover songs so I guess it's why I was more inclined to write english songs. But I just happened to compose a new song last week that is going to be in french. I actually did a rough recording yesterday of one verse/chorus just to hear how it would sound and feel. When it's going to be done it will be a pleasure to share it with you :)

Paige Stroman
over 30 days ago

I can't wait to hear it! Please let me know when it's done so I can hear it!!

over 30 days ago to Edward Michaels

Thanks for your 5 stars rating of my song : Time After Time. Mostly happy that you enjoyed the song

Edward Michaels
over 30 days ago to Densyl

The lyrics are good, you have a nice song here! I know you are not a singer as I am not either, but you can be proud of the song!

2 Replies
over 30 days ago

As I said, I was surprised but not upset :) I find it difficult to rate other artists songs as most of the time if I wait a day and listen to the same song again I tend to be listening more as a listener than focusing on technical elements

Edward Michaels
over 30 days ago

Good point!!

over 30 days ago to Edward Michaels

Thanks for the review of my song Da-Dum Blues I had 2 previous reviews of this song where the scores were 50/50 and 40/45 so this review surprized me quite a bit. Probably the most surprizing rating for me was the originality of the song. It's far from behind a typical blues progression. There's a lot going on in this progression. As fa as the fact that there's no lyrics, this song was meant to be a sort of soundtrack for potentially a film. As far as the vocals , I actually had tried to find a woman to sing this melody.

3 Replies
Edward Michaels
over 30 days ago

Hi Densyl, yeah I get it, I got one of those myself and I felt the same way. The way I look at is everybody is different and the likes or dislikes are purely subjective. If you get 8 out of 10 that like it then you killed it! The other 2 don't matter! I still like a lot of the music that I've listened to so far. Keep it up, and take it all with a grain of salt! You still have talent as a writer.

over 30 days ago

Actually this composition was produced by a friend artist who has much more experience than I have as I had quit music for 30 years + An anecdote about the song I sent him tracksso he could start building the song and so I sent him this vocal track which was a single take where I mostly improvised just for him to hear the melody. He liked it the way it was and suggested to keep it as it and not write lyrics for the song. It's my intention to have lyrics written for this song. It was nice chatting with you Keep doing some great music of yours

over 30 days ago

Actually this composition was produced by a friend artist who has much more experience than I have as I had quit music for 30 years + An anecdote about the song I sent him tracksso he could start building the song and so I sent him this vocal track which was a single take where I mostly improvised just for him to hear the melody. He liked it the way it was and suggested to keep it as it and not write lyrics for the song. It's my intention to have lyrics written for this song. It was nice chatting with you Keep doing some great music of yours

over 30 days ago to Edward Michaels

Thanks for your review of my song : Are You Feeling Alone. Not really expecting such a high score for this song. You know, I prefer not to sing, not really a singer :) By far, I prefer composing songs and having someone sing my songs when I can find someone who's voice can match the type of song I composed. I've listen to a few of your songs. Very nice, sounds great with great vocals.

1 Replies
Edward Michaels
over 30 days ago

HI, your're welcome. I am exactly like you! Need the right singer for my songs! I don't sing well myself. I get by on a few choice songs,but that's about it! I can hear the notes just can't produce them that well except when I'm playing the piano. Good luck!

Jim Breen
over 30 days ago to Densyl

Hi Densyl

Thanks for the nice review of Sailing! I have family in Ottawa and my Mom's new husband is from Gatineau!
Jim (a Canadian in Sunny Florida!)

2 Replies
over 30 days ago

Probably I'd give your song a higher rating than I did if we could listen to it a second time like the next day after. I noticed for myself that I tend to listen to a song for review with more of a technical perspective than just a listener's perspective where the most important thing in music is that he triggers or doesn't trigger emotions. Technically speaking your song is perfect but listening to it a second time it triggered emotions. This song stripped of all the technical production elements would trigger the same emotions.

Jim Breen
over 30 days ago

Thanks again and best to you in your music!

over 30 days ago to Densyl

keep at it my boy--cheers--joe

over 30 days ago to NashvilleJoe

Thanks Joe for the review and comments about my song : Da-Dum Blues. It's always a reward to know someone really likes my compositions. I try to create songs as original as possible, songs that trigger emotions to the listeners. This song is a collab with a friend artist from Toronto who actually produce it. sent him my tracks by emails and he completed the production of the songs. The vocal track was a single take as I wanted to send him something so he could hear the melody of the song and he kinda liked it the way it was and that's why there's no lyrics. Take care denis aka Densyl

over 30 days ago to Densyl

DENSY--keep up the great composing--cheers--joe

1 Replies
over 30 days ago

Thanks again Joe. Greatly appreciated. You know when I got back to music after I had quit for 30 years + and knowing I wasn't a great musician I thought the only way I could distinguish myself, I guess, was to compose as much as possible original music. I seem to have a knack for composing. I believe that a good harmonic/chords progression leads to melodies that can be distinctive and original.
Take care
denis aka Densyl

over 30 days ago to ces music

Thanks for the review of my song : Are You Feeling Alone. Wasn't really expecting such good score for that song :) The song being somewhat atypical.
I Listened to your song : Wicked Game
You have an exceptionnaly good voice. I surely could use such a great woman's voice on some songs. I do consider myself more of a composer . I'd prefer not to sing :) I have a couple of collaborators, friend artist that sing some of my songs. But no woman...If you wish to take a listen of my song Da-Dum Blues. I think someone like you could do great job on this song. At this point there are no lyrics to the song but I'm humming the melody.

take care
denis aka Densyl

2 Replies
ces music
over 30 days ago

Your welcome , and thanks! I will definately take a listen to the song

over 30 days ago

Great, You know the last review I had of the song I got all 5s total 50/50 for the song. Was kinda surprized but this guy really loved the song

over 30 days ago to Birthe Noer Myers

Thanks for the review of my song : It's My Truth
Your comment about the vocals is certainly judicious. Food for thought. It's always subjective how much upfront the vocals need to be.
Greatly appreciated

9 Replies
Birthe Noer Myers
over 30 days ago

Hallo Densyl,
You are very welcome. I am not a musician, so my opinion is not professional, it's homemade but honest and frank.
Best from Birthe

over 30 days ago

Professionals tend to give more technical opinions, sometimes forgetting the key aspect of music that is does it trigger emotions, how does a song make them feel. The real test to me is : Do I touch the real people, the listeners.

Birthe Noer Myers
over 30 days ago

I hope you will listen to a few of my songs too. Like you I have restarted writing songs after years of doing other things.

over 30 days ago

I've listened to a good numbers of your songs. You're an outstanding lyricist. Great story lines and rhyme schemes. Do you write lyrics for others composers. You know, I'm french speaking and so it's quite difficult for me to wrote lyrics. I had a few songs evaluated by a pro reviewer and he gave me bad ratings for my lyrics. Actually I've been trying to find a good lyricist for quite some time but having been away from music for so long I just don't have collaborators I could work with. If you know anyone who's a lyricist that could be interested in collabs with composers like myself, let me know

Birthe Noer Myers
over 30 days ago

I have lyrics that need music, I would like to try a collaboration. I will choose one and mail it to you, then we will see what we both think. Two other Broadjam members are working on lyrics of mine.

Birthe Noer Myers
over 30 days ago

I forgot to thank you for the wonderful compliment.

over 30 days ago

I have one song in my song's list Da-Dum Blues where I sing the melody with no lyrics. It was actually a sort of experimentation. A friend artist produced the song from soundtracks I sent him to add his own tracks to it. He has much more experience that I have and I think he did a real good job with my song. When I sent him a rough vocal's track where I actually just hum the melody he said Let's keep this the way it is. He liked it like that and I said ok. I know it needs lyrics. Maybe you can find the right fit foe the lyrics for this song. I could send you an mp3 of it. This way you wouldn't have to listen to it many times on Broadjam
I can't be more happy than that. A collab with you :)
Thanks so much
One note When I collab with someone I always get their name on the copyrights and would share the same benefits equally with any collaborators.

over 30 days ago

My email address is
My name Denis Le Breton aka Densyl

over 30 days ago

Just thought of something I usually compose my music first and then write the lyrics. Cerainly would be a challenge pour compose music for exiating lyrics So I'm open to that as well

over 30 days ago to Steve Dafoe - Songwriter

Thanks Steve for your review of my song : Hanging Eleven. I'm happy that you enjoyed the song. Can only be happy with the score you gave it to. Greatly appreciated

over 30 days ago to Signal 30

Thanks for reviewing my song : Time After Time
I had the chance to have a great mom. And so I dedicated this song to her and all the great moms that we were lucky to have in our lives. Well, i wasn't expecting such good reviews for this song. Your comments were greatlyu appreciated

over 30 days ago to Dean

Thanks for your review of my song : Da-Dum Blues
I don't feel offended at all by your comments. I think you're right :)This song is a collab with a friend artist who actually produce the song from different tracks I sent him. I think he did a real good job with my composition. It is somewhat experimental as when I sent him my rough vocal track which was a one take where I was improvising he liked it as it was and so we kept it as is. I was a bit surprized but I said why not. I'm not a singer, ,maimly a songwriter and I often use collaborators for vocals as I prefer not to sing. I may add some lyrics eventually to the song and then if I can find someone that has the right voice for a blues song I would redo another vocal track
Thanks again

over 30 days ago to DENNIS MAKEPEACE

Thanks Dennis for the review of my song : Time After Time. This is so true that music is all about emotions. I really enjoyed listening to a few of your songs. Outstanding guitar playing as well as vocals.
Denis ( french spelling of Dennis ) aka Densyl

Kate Carpenter
over 30 days ago to Densyl

Hello Densyl, thanks for reviewing my murder ballad, Armadillo. It's a fun song but I rarely perform it anymore. Got into too much trouble with animal rights activists. However, it's still a fun song, though a vintage recording. I appreciate your taking the time to review. Down in Florida, armadillo-land, Mrs. Kate

2 Replies
over 30 days ago

It is certainly a fun song. As for the lyrics, you certainly show you have a good imagination. I wish I had your talent for writing lyrics :) Being french speaking, sometimes my lyrics can be award. Plus your vocals are very good

Kate Carpenter
over 30 days ago

Well that's a vintage recording. The song is a true story so it didn't take a lot of imagination. Right now I am working on a new CD of lullabies . A very different project for me. Back to the studio tomorrow. Thx for the shout out. Mrs kate

over 30 days ago to Eric Keepa

Thanks for the review of my song What Have I Done. Wasn't expecting such a good review for this song so it's a nice surprize. Yes the song could have been a little longer. I just felt it was a sort of statement and that I had nothing else to say to add to it. A folk song from the 60s where songs were shorter in lenght than today's
Thanks again,

Numinous Owl
over 30 days ago to Densyl

Hi Densyl, thanks for your review of So The Story Goes. I am currently using MixCraft 6. Do you have any recommendations that will help me improve the sound quality?

1 Replies
over 30 days ago

Hi there, I checked out what Mixcraft is all about. I'm not much into electronic music. I never use loops, maybe I should :) I noticed that you can actually install 3rd party VST effects to use with Mixcraft. but it doen't seem to be able to install 3rd party synths or instruments. I may be wrong on this. If you could then there's a ton of synths available that do sound great. I use Sonar X3 as DAW and it comes with many great sounding synths like Dimension PRO or Rapture and many others. Other DAWs also offer different synths of good quality. I also noticed on Mixcraft website that you can export loops files to Garage band which I don't know much about but I know it's used by many. With Garage Band assuming that it has its own set of synths you could possibly use its synth sounds with your loops. Anyways looking at how to use loops in Mixcraft certainly gave me an overview about loops and I may try using some with Sonar X3 that also has a loop librairy. Take care

Numinous Owl
over 30 days ago to Densyl

Hi Densyl, thank you for your review of Carolina Roads. I appreciate the feedback, and it will be more than helpful to me.

Chet Nichols
over 30 days ago to DENNIS MAKEPEACE

Hey Dennis,

Thanks for the kind review if my song, "The Blue".
It comes for a new album, "I Was Dreaming", which in pre-release. Stop by and listen to more if you are so inclined.

Hope you have a happy and healthy Holiday Season.

Chet Nichols

PS You may want to turn your "Follow" button on at your account ... so people can follow you!

1 Replies
over 30 days ago

Thanks for the review of my song : It's my Truth :)

over 30 days ago to miss musaq

Thnaks for your review of my song Scenes Of Life. Music is all about emotions and I'm happy it did trigger emotions when you listened to it.

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