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Anxious Rabbit
over 30 days ago to David Banks

Mr Dave...thanks again for all the Thumbs Up. Living in the moment was picked up for Nascar and 3 Man Basketball! Yeah! Much appreciated!

1 Replies
David Banks
over 30 days ago

Hi Anxious Rabbit...I'm not surprised it got into those shows! Such a great track!

When you get time have a quick listen to an album I've just put out APOTHEOSIS (check out my goth monk-resque image) and I'm calling myself VALID8R for this project (P.S. tried to send you a message a couple of times and it failed? hopefully you get it this time) apotheosis

David Banks
over 30 days ago to Roy Elkins

Hi Roy, I had covid over a year ago and was in hospital on oxygen for 2 weeks. While I was laying there with tubes/drips coming out of me, thinking that I might not make it, I got a phone call saying I had lost my job (after 22 years which came with a penthouse in London where my lovely state-of-the-art studio was) they gave me 6 weeks to get out if I want a decent payout! What a year! I'm almost at retiring age so I decided to go and look after mum (take over from my brother who's been looking after her) I quickly set up a small studio and after 6 months of writing new hybrid material I got a call from the biggest Trailer Library (Post Haste Music who did Star Wars/Terminator etc.) asking if I would do an album for them! I told them that I don't think I'm quite on that level (Star Wars lol). They said "we've heard some of your recent tracks and we think you are!" They were very impressed with "Above and Beyond" So from the worst year of my life to what could be the best! Something good always comes out of something they say....All the best to you too Roy! David. P.S. Thank you for this wonderful site!

4 Replies
Roy Elkins
over 30 days ago

David, Thank for the nice uplifting note. I had a tough run with this as well and still fighting "long covid." There were a few nights that I thought this might be the end-of-the-line for me, but somehow I made it one more day. In an odd way, the experience has helped me refocus on the important things. Hearing your story is motivating, thanks for this and hopefully you are beyond the remnants of this killer virus. Please stay in touch and keep me posted on your musical success as well.
Peace, Roy

David Banks
over 30 days ago

Great to hear you are doing well and yes you are right about refocusing after that nightmare experience! I left all my furniture and cupboards full of clothes back in London (22 years worth) but I did pack (what I could) of my studio (I even left a piano lol) I was feeling very humbled knowing there are people ready to help in a time of crisis (I will never complain about the hospitals here again after seeing how hard the nurses work). After moving back to my home town at the other side of the UK (Morecambe Bay) The local paper did a story on me and wrote about my successful 40 year career (well part of it was successful). I know you are a very busy man but I will give you a link to 2 things for when (if) you find time to check them out, the first link is to my recently completed album for Post Haste Music called "TALOS" lbum/9111064 and the second link is to my story in the local paper /news/people/the-little-lad-from-mo recambe-who-became-a-successful-mus ician-3820036 enjoy! David (note that I am also writing music for another big company called Spider Cues so things are really looking up again!)

Roy Elkins
over 30 days ago

Thanks David. I will check out the links. Glad you are writing and doing well!

Inches From Sin
over 30 days ago

We are back and glad to back. Hope your feeling well. Much love from Inches From Sin.

Anxious Rabbit
over 30 days ago to David Banks

Hey Big Dave, ;-). Thx for all the Stars..Much appreciated! Happy New Year. Come on 2022!

5 Replies
David Banks
over 30 days ago

Yes bring it on! Bet you are as crazy as me composing over Christmas lol. Happy New Year to you!

Anxious Rabbit
over 30 days ago

LOL - I'm always writing! I can't not write! ;-) I imagine you have the same affliction! I always have a minimum of 3 to 6 songs in the pipe line. LOL That song is on Hold with to Supervisors and I signed signed a non exclusive with a company that places sync opportunities for Feature Films - T.V. and Ad campaigns. Fingers crossed. ;-)

David Banks
over 30 days ago

For years now I've targeted non-exclusive libraries as it makes sense to have the same track in 3 or 4 libraries giving it more of a chance to get picked up! But just recently I was approached by a guy that is convinced he can get my more dramatic pieces into films/commercials trailers etc. but I have to sign over the tracks exclusively so I am (reluctantly) writing new material for him. I have to admit there are very few non-exclusive libraries that get film/trailer & commercial placements! You are lucky getting the opportunity for advert placements with a non-exclusive agreement so well done finding that! You work incredibly hard so I wish you well. Keep me posted!

Anxious Rabbit
over 30 days ago

well the other side of the coin says exclusive can pay better and can get placed more easily because they know, no one else is gonna have access to that song! ;-) I'm not against if I know the song is gonna really be worked and pay well. We just gotta keep swinging! ;-) .

David Banks
over 30 days ago

Mr Rabbit! How are you! Can you believe it has been a year since you last wished me a happy new year! and I said "bring it on" well what a year! I have since written over 60 tracks for that exclusive company I was telling you about and they say some of my stuff has been used in a few films/TV Amazon money coming in yet (story of my life lol) and a wonderful thing happened...I got an email from the guys that did the trailer music to Star Wars/The Matrix and Terminator asking if I would do an album for them! That is now done and dusted (TALOS) and I await placements from it. So what a great year it has been....And there's more! I did a pop track with female vocals called "Never Leave You Alone" (which I did some time ago) placed on an album, the guys that released the album (of various artists) said 11 companies from around the world got in touch wanting to release my track as a single so they are releasing it themselves on the 6th of Jan 2023 (Never Leave You Alone by Kamouflage). I must say I have very little faith in the charts these days, I don't believe there is any money in it anymore but if the track is successful then it might generate interest and get used in a commercial (one of the few areas left where you can actually earn some money). As for Broadjam I've noticed that the same old companies constantly relist there music requests and I believe there is only 2 or 3 companies worth submitting to now! I was very disappointed in one company (Tinderbox) requesting all types of background music so I sent them 20 tracks....only I got them all back a month later (I take it they weren't listened to!) At least I believe you only get them back when they don't listen to it after a month or so. So there are now a few listings I avoid on this site! Not sure if I am going to renew when my subscription expires in a few months! Anyway hope you had an equally interesting and successful year (as I know you work as hard if not harder than me). Happy New Year and a successful 2023 to you Mr Rabbit!

Jim Pfeifer
over 30 days ago to David Banks

David, I'm listening to Booty Funk, ... digging it! I love those harmonica swell sounds, and the guitar parts, really cool!

3 Replies
David Banks
over 30 days ago

Thanks Jim, you are always generous with positive feedback which always gives me a little boost! To be honest it's full of old samples I've got laying around my computer and a bit of a rush job too (bass could be funkier). I kept thinking it was a bit too repetitive but I also can see this sort of track in the background of one of those late night roulette gambling shows when they are idly chatting while they wait for punters to place bets (ha)

Richard Zeier
over 30 days ago

Hey David,
Thanks for the 5 stars for "A Day at the Country Estate". You have so much great music on your page I could spend all day there. I left a couple 5 stars myself.

David Banks
over 30 days ago

Much appreciated Richard, nice to meet another real professional out there! Which of course your stuff is!

Jim Pfeifer
over 30 days ago to David Banks

I love all of the atmospheric sounds and transitions in this one. Really cool! Digging it.

1 Replies
David Banks
over 30 days ago

Thanks Jim for positive comments on "Velvotek" I seem to enjoy playing around with these chilled and slightly off kilter urban vibes. For some reason when writing one of these I always have an image of a dark rainy night looking down on a quiet city or that scene out of Blade Runner where the humanoid/robot is sat in the rain on a roof (in the dark) waiting to die because his time was up. Yes i do like a bit of Sci-fi (I prefer the old Blade Runner to the new one though). Thanks again

Jim Pfeifer
over 30 days ago to David Banks

Thanks so much for the 5-stars on my new Ukulele piece :-) I'm already working on a re-write for this from our friend Ben K. I'm hoping that he likes version 2. One can only try.

12 Replies
David Banks
over 30 days ago

It sounds great. My only suggestion (to make it perfect) was did you repeat the first 2 sections? I should have had another listen before telling you. It would be perfect if the first 2 sections didn't repeat. Perhaps version 2 you've not repeated so often? which would then be perfect for commercials. But loved it anyway! Great work Jim, there will be no problem getting this placed (I would be proud of it)

Jim Pfeifer
over 30 days ago

Hi David, thanks so much. Yes, there are several repeated sections in the melody. I could go back and try to make the melody less repetitious. I was trying to make it have a Verse-Verse-Bridge-Chorus kind of pattern but that approach may be making it kind of boring, so I could try to re-work that and have another go. Ben's feedback was that he needed the song to be less aggressive and even more laid back :-) so I've tried another version where I dropped the tempo a little and eliminated all but the acoustic guitar and a single Ukulele for melody (it was a little difficult to pull off, since the Uke has very little sustain and so I had to try a few changes in the phrasing to make it work). Thanks again for providing some suggestions to make it better. You're awesome! I hope that things are going well for you in your new studio!

David Banks
over 30 days ago

I've just realized you are altering the track for Ben at Epitome (LOL) of course! I always have to change the track 4 or 5 times before he is happy! Can't understand why he doesn't want this as a full track "as is" and then a couple of variations such as sparse mix etc. But he seems to know what he is doing. I am glad Ben is using your talents (you are the only writer I have ever suggested to Ben that he should take a listen to. That's how talented I think you are!). Although Ben can be a little annoying requesting alterations to an already great track, I admit, he has guided me so that several of my tracks have turned into something far more than I expected, so I am grateful to Ben for that! Those tracks are now used in shows like "when sharks attack".... Did I tell you about a female UK composer had a track that nobody wanted for many years (almost every library rejected it) until a famous bank took it for their TV commercials. She has been able to buy a new house with the royalties from a track nobody wanted! Doesn't that give you a little boost! Just a little luck is all we need Jim!

Jim Pfeifer
over 30 days ago

Thanks so much David! Yes, I will really feel like I've accomplished something if I can ever get Ben to accept one of my tracks. I assume that his opinion is worth gold since he is the music supervisor :-) I'm just someone knocking on the door for a chance to get one of my tracks used. But his guidance on this track forced me to go back and really make it more subdued and chill, which is what he seems to want. It was challenging and forced me to go back and learn some techniques in Cubase to re-use my guitar part, dropping the tempo without messing with the pitch ... and it worked! So I'm hoping that he likes the new re-written track. If not, then at least I'm learning things. One of my friends in LA knows the guy who wrote the jingle for Rice-a-Roni. He said that this guy made so much money from that one jingle that he bought a custom Porsche, ... he calls it his "Rice-a-Roni Mobile"

Jim Pfeifer
over 30 days ago

Hi David, FINALLY I have a track that has been accepted by Epitome Music. This is a major accomplishment for me :-) The best news I had yesterday when I got a note from Ben saying "I have no additional notes, please provide the stems and sign the license agreement".

David Banks
over 30 days ago

That's great news! He will now keep you in the loop for future requests! If the original mix is quite different you could possibly re title it and use elsewhere? I've done that before now!

David Banks
over 30 days ago

Hi Jim just to let you know that a company called Dreamtouch have just asked for my contact details regarding a track I submitted over a year ago! So don't give up on Broadjam just yet!

Jim Pfeifer
over 30 days ago

Thats fantastic David! This is much better than the "There are some good compositions here but no Broadjam artist has been selected this time" message that I'd been seeing too many times. I hope that this Dreamtouch opportunity results in a placement!

David Banks
over 30 days ago

Yes I've seen that a lot too! It does make you suspicious? I've often wondered if the opportunity provider gets a percentage of submission payments! That would explain a few things? Looking at the listing for Dreamtouch though, the listing was for a film about city night life and the vibe they wanted was dreamy and fantasy so I sent them "Caught The Night Chill" I was the only one selected (gave me a nice confidence boost). Will let you know what happens!

Jim Pfeifer
over 30 days ago

Yes, I've had the very same suspicions, that some of the providers are getting a cut of all the submission fees and may not be truly representing the artist best interest but only collecting a fee from Broadjam for an opportunity that they've already filled from someone else. (I could be completely wrong about that, but when you have no feedback other than "nobody had what we needed", then I start to wonder if nobody even had a chance at all). That's cool. I'll go back and listen to your track. Yes, thats a real confidence boost when you have a track that is selected. You're one of the very best composers I've seen, so I'm not surprised at all with your selection. Remember us mortals when you're famous! :-)

David Banks
over 30 days ago

Hi Jim, just had another nice surprise. Audiosparx have featured "Killer Clown Rap" for Halloween! I wasn't going to use this track because of it's over violent lyrics (I've turned many rappers down over the years that glorify violence) but then I realized this silly over the top rap could work in a horror film. Well fingers crossed it gets picked up!

Jim Pfeifer
over 30 days ago

Wow, that's great news! I hope that you get some placements from that. Good luck with the song! Yes, I don't blame you about the glorifying-violence kind of thing. I've never liked that in any music genre. But if you're making fun of it (satire) especially for Halloween then this is different.

Anxious Rabbit
over 30 days ago to David Banks

Hey David...thanks for the Stars,.extremely kind,.coming for such a talented writer as yourself. TK

2 Replies
David Banks
over 30 days ago

Oh stop it! (blush) lol. I can't believe how hard you work! I keep seeing your music collaborations and they sound great! Keep up the good work!

Anxious Rabbit
over 30 days ago

LOL - I admit I'm addicted - Song writing preserves my sanity - I write something every day - But funds to produce have their limits - But there's 4 more in the production pipe line right now! LOL Thanks for the encouragement! Cheers Tim

James Alexander Pavlic
over 30 days ago to David Banks

Battle Intimidator sounds like a piece that would great to a 2d playformer boss battle. Ever considered it?

1 Replies
David Banks
over 30 days ago

Hi James, I don't know what a 2d playformer boss battle is? If it's a video game then I tend to stay away from video games after finding out there isn't any royalties to come back (unless they play your music when promoting it) But thanks for reaching out

David Banks
over 30 days ago to Jim Pfeifer

Hi jim. In hospital with the dreaded covid thing. Nearly didn't make it! Feeling so humbled right now and lucky to be placed in a pioneering covid hospital in south London. Can't wait to get beck on track. You also take care. David

4 Replies
Jim Pfeifer
over 30 days ago

I'm so sorry to hear this David. I pray for your speedy recovery! I saw a Broadjam opportunity that you were selected for yesterday, so absorb some healing energy from that news. Hang in their David!

Randal Dunkle
over 30 days ago

Praying for you David!

David Banks
over 30 days ago

Thank you Randal, finally out and at home (completely drained but very happy to still be here!) Much appreciated thank you!

Randal Dunkle
over 30 days ago

Praise Jesus!

David Banks
over 30 days ago to Jim Pfeifer

Wishing you a happy Christmas Jim and let's hope that 2021 is a pivotal year for both our careers!!! Just off to the shop for a few beers then I'm sorted for the next few days (we are locked down again here in south London! shame I had to leave Mum on her own 300 miles away but at least she is still in my life) Take care! and keep up those fabulous compositions! David

1 Replies
Jim Pfeifer
over 30 days ago

Thanks so much David, I was just planning to send you a Christmas message today! You beat me to to it. I hope that you have a Happy Christmas and a fantastic 2021. Its been a weird year. If anything good has come from this, it has forced me to connect with people more often and appreciate life more. Thanks so much for all of the advice this year, and for listening to my songs. I'm constantly inspired by the quality of your tracks and your successes in the industry. I'm hoping for all of us that there will be more opportunities in the future with our music. Take care and enjoy the holidays!! Stay healthy and safe!

Anxious Rabbit
over 30 days ago to David Banks

Hey David,..thanks for a big thumbs up on "Bright Side" Much appreciated. TK

2 Replies
David Banks
over 30 days ago

You're welcome! and 3 tracks chosen in one listing! you are doing great! Well done!

Anxious Rabbit
over 30 days ago

What? Really? LOL..I didn't notice...i've been so busy lately [ 7 new songs in some phase of Production...gearing up for 2021 LOL ] Thanks for the heads up! Cheers!

compulsive u

David Banks
over 30 days ago to Bornagainers-music

Thank you for the 5 stars on "Push Me" much appreciated. I had a listen to some of your work and was pleasantly surprised. Your music has a bright uplifting feel and Music Libraries love that! David

1 Replies
over 30 days ago

thanks! thanks so happy to hear that

Jim Pfeifer
over 30 days ago to David Banks

David, thanks so much for the 5-stars on my track Funky Fashionistas. I really appreciate it!

1 Replies
David Banks
over 30 days ago

Always like to support you Jim! Fun track! Take care

over 30 days ago to David Banks

Hi dave please to meet you how's London weather today its clowdy in Lincolnshire bourne UK today ðŸ'ŠðŸ‘

10 Replies
David Banks
over 30 days ago

Hi Steve, nothing told me I had a message? Just seen it. London is lovely and sunny right now. Might be different when I visit my family 300 miles away next week in Lancaster. I use to DJ in the 80s & 90s although I've worked and rock bands and played rock music for decades I loved the electronic dance tunes of those times and sometimes mix that vibe with a modern vibe to create a hybrid (why not!). Do you also write tunes/play an instrument?

over 30 days ago

Hi, mate good to hear ok thanks for the liking yes and v luck I can just record and play no tricks just me and a keyboard no multi-tracking and no midi all me. So once I have 10 songs for that type of style for that album I want if covers I register them with MCPS in London and paid the licensed design the covers for 50 CDs and send off the makers plus the mp3 file I add on Bandcamp my selling downloads site.

over 30 days ago

i have about 9 albums here at the moment 18 in the making :)

over 30 days ago /

over 30 days ago

PE10 9RY

David Banks
over 30 days ago

Thanks for the offer Steve but I'm on the train so won't break my journey. I will check out some of your work shortly. All the best. David

over 30 days ago

thank mate I have a good over I doing at the moment on Bandcamp 25% of my 10 albums all together 110 songs £75 . and it selling :)

over 30 days ago /

Groovie Selecta
over 30 days ago

Peace & light Dave..I appreciate the 5 stars ratings on 'So D Ringo'(It is wat it is)

David Banks
over 30 days ago

You are welcome and well deserved! Original and professional! Great stuff!

Jim Pfeifer
over 30 days ago to David Banks

David, thanks so much for the 5-stars on my song "A Hero's Story", very much appreciated. You are one of the very best composer/producers I've seen on Broadjam. Thanks so much.

1 Replies
David Banks
over 30 days ago

Likewise Jim, I enjoy many of your tunes! A pleasure to support you!

Jim Pfeifer
over 30 days ago to David Banks

Thanks so much for the 5 stars for my song Love At First Sight. Very much appreciated!

2 Replies
David Banks
over 30 days ago

Yeah! great tune, as I've said before I think you do the dramedy type tracks really well (better than I do them). Although things have slowed down for us all. I've just had a beatbox type track taken by an Australian company (exclusive) they have a lot of contacts in Europe and pride themselves on big TV commercials so I thought "go for it". I'm not very good at beatbox stuff but they found my track quirky (that will do). Strange that I never get tracks placed in Europe even though I'm in Europe! I had to go via Australia to get Europe to use my music lol. Watch this space! Keep pumping out the good stuff Jim! David

Jim Pfeifer
over 30 days ago

Thanks so much for the encouragement David. I am surprised that your tracks are not getting placed in Europe. I find all of them to sound modern and top-notch production, mix, and everything. I've not been having enough time to spend on my songwriting in the past couple of months as my day job in IT has become more hectic. I feel lucky to have a job where I can work from home, but long for more balance where I can have more time outside of work for music projects. Best of luck with your songs, and placements in Australia!

MY FELLOW MEMBERS: DON'T WASTE YOUR MONEY SUBMITTING TO FT0420__. Begins with FT0420__ Out of 397 songs submitted to 5 opportunities by Broadjam members, "0" Broadjam members songs were Considered. Zero Broadjam members were Selected. I Blocked my submitting to this provider. 397 songs submitted by Broadjam members to 5 opportunities and not one even considered.

3 Replies
David Banks
over 30 days ago

Thanks Mike for looking out for us!

Michael Hanson Cantwell
over 30 days ago

Congratulation on your many successes. You are one of the most likely to be Selected. Update, I just went through more BJ results by this provider and they selected 1 song (Considered no other songs). One song was selected out of an even 580 songs for 9 opportunities. So far the odds are .0017

David Banks
over 30 days ago

Although I'm a big fan of Broadjam and they have helped boost my career in leaps and bounds, you do get the occasional charlatan (or should I say unprofessional) Music Of The Sea is an example, I first dealt with them 3 years ago when he asked for a dozen tracks of mine but when i sent them via Dropbox he never downloaded them? And six months ago he requested several more track (unexclusive) only to discover the contract stated EXCLUSIVE? and a week ago Broadjam got in touch to congratulate me on several tracks chosen for a library? He sent a link saying follow the link and they will send a contract so I did but the link failed? The link was to "Music Of The Sea" (lol). Their website looks good but I have no idea what they are playing at? All the best to you! David

David Banks
over 30 days ago to RockHound

Love the vocal on Love Trip! 5 stars well deserved!

Alan Gillis (Gulliver)
over 30 days ago to David Banks

Hello David,
Thanks for the 5* rating on PHOTOGRAPHS MEM'RIES. Much appreciated. I need to check out your music. I should have plenty of time now that house arrest is looking inevitable.

6 Replies
David Banks
over 30 days ago

Hi Alan, yes uncertain times right now! Perhaps when this is all over we will appreciate a lot more of what we had! I wouldn't be surprised if Rap music stops glorifying guns/killing and starts giving youth a positive message (my God was that me ranting lol). I know my music is very different to what you do but I can still recognize your talent (not to mention your great voice), after all I use to listen to Frank Sinatra's album "Songs For Swinging Lovers" when I was around 12 before I moved on to Jimi Hendrix and Pink Floyd at 14 (ha). I still listen to that Sinatra album occasionally (Producer/arranger Nelson Riddle was a genius). Stay safe! David

Alan Gillis (Gulliver)
over 30 days ago

Thanks again David
I wish that I could take credit for the singing but that song is a Nashville Demo. I’m a bit too old to sound like that these days. On my page the titles in block capitals are professional demos, and the lower-case titles are all me.
My tastes too are very diverse, and I remember that my first records were Ricky Nelson 78s. When my parents upgraded to a new record player, the first 45 single that I bought was ‘Never on Sunday’ by the Don Costa orchestra and my 1st vinyl album was Chet Atkins ‘Teensville’.

David Banks
over 30 days ago

Alan, are you a member of Taxi because there is a listing just right for you under 1950s crooner style pop songs with male vocals (nonexclusive) for film and commercials. David

Alan Gillis (Gulliver)
over 30 days ago

I used to be a member, and had a little success with them, but gave it up a couple of years ago. Apart from Broadjam, my only other membership these days is SongLink International.

David Banks
over 30 days ago

Yes I find Taxi a letdown too! I averaged 2 placements a year as apposed to 20 to 30 placements a year with Broadjam! A site called Audiosparx gets me several placements a year with no subscription? David

Alan Gillis (Gulliver)
over 30 days ago

Thanks. I'll check it out.

over 30 days ago to David Banks

You've got some primo content here. I'm in awe.

1 Replies
David Banks
over 30 days ago

Thanks so much, very kind of you!

Mike L Scott
over 30 days ago to David Banks

Thanks so much for giving my track 'Impulso' 5 starts. I see you have been successful with placements and have much experience, this gives me a lot of encouragement! Mike Scott.

7 Replies
David Banks
over 30 days ago

My pleasure! It is a great track! Wonderful vibe and perfect for many media use situations! Please feel free to ask if you need advice on anything. Hopefully it will be something I've personally dealt with before! David

Mike L Scott
over 30 days ago

Thank so much for getting back, I really struggle to find anyone for help, like you I've been around the live circuit a while, (don't know whether you ever bumped into my music teacher and mentor Nigel Portass? An amazing session player, played with Tom Jones, Gene Vincent, Little Richard, Chuck Berry). Anyway, I've been submitting tracks for about 5 years now and it's been tough but I'm good at listening to advice and making a little progress, I've signed about 4 contracts for licensing, and managed to grab the interest of a couple of decent supervisor, I've also turned down publishing deal because of the wording although I don't think the label new themselves what they had written, I get all my contracts checked over- do you have anything I need to look out for regarding contracts? I've starting doing more orchestration with my piano tracks, I'm in 2 minds whether I'm wasting my time for film/TV work, solo piano seems to be all the rage right now and so much easier to get 'authentic' with vst's, what do you think? Thanks for listening.

David Banks
over 30 days ago

Hi Michael, I know what you mean about the complicated and varied wording of contracts. I gave up paying for a solicitor to look at them because every contract can be changed and that's even more money for a solicitor/lawyer (I have over 900 tracks out there). If you stick to nonexclusive contracts you will be fine. Which also means you can have the same track in 10 different libraries (one of them is going to make you some money!). It is a hard slog but worth it in the long run. Film/media etc. It is definitely the way forward (kids don't want to pay for music anymore they just download it for free but you always get paid when your track is in a reality show or film). It's taken me 10 years to start making a living. A lot of people give up before then! Luckily I'm not a quitter and quite stubborn at times (lol). Yes I gave up chasing the record deal and finally woke up! Media is the way forward!

Mike L Scott
over 30 days ago

Hi David, seems I chose the same path as you, 5 years in and things are more positive now, just noticed I have the Broadjam Earth No. 1 spot! Have a listen to Night Out, that's the one this record label went crazy for a distribution deal but I turned it down, gut feeling I was right. I only have about 20 tracks but I'm always working on a tune, I'm actually a Farmer so get little time for composing. This job has taught me resilience amongst other things, I will keep at it.

Mike L Scott
over 30 days ago

Thanks for giving 'Night Out' 5 stars David!

David Banks
over 30 days ago

You definitely know how to create a nice underscore with your piano playing. You mentioned about the record label wanting to release "Night Out" but you declined. Could this label get your music into films and adverts? I have had to let a few tracks go exclusively in the past but managed to have them insert a clause that gave me the track back after 2 years if no placements were met? Maybe you could do something like that? Seems a shame to miss out on this deal. Some people think I'm silly not having my music agreements run by a solicitor but I would have had to spend thousands of pounds and for people like you and me it isn't worth it! Bedsides, I've weighed up the pros & cons if someone tried to rip me off (as they do from time to time) it doesn't really matter. The track is making money elsewhere under a different tittle. I'm not going to lose any sleep over it! For you It must be difficult running a farm and trying to write tracks. I often keep my music under 2 minutes so I get a lot more writing done that way? I said I've got over 900 tracks out there but come to think of it, this includes the alternative versions as well, so it probably only adds up to 400 tracks with only about 40 of them being used at any one time! Not great but getting better. To think just 1 track placed as a theme tune or commercial can earn you a living for a while!

Mike L Scott
over 30 days ago

Thanks for your comments, I really feel like my writing has become easier now I know what these guys are after, as a blues and rock and roll pianist its natural to want to show off one's talent and cram it all in, but like a lot of people I soon found out that no good for media work! Definitely settled down now to doing tracks like 'Night Out', I'm really comfortable with it and seriously enjoy playing these tracks, now I have enough different moods with my tracks for all sorts of placements I'm concentrating new tracks one at a time, it is very difficult to juggle with my work for sure, but find when I get a new tune going, it's a work when it evolves whilst humming in my head, almost like it sorts itself out, the time I get back to my keyboard I'm ready to play a few more bars. The contract was sent to the Guild of International Songwriters and Composers. They have a guy that pretty hot on the legal side and I just pay the subscription, they do my copyrights as well. I got the label to change it twice but they still wanted the first refusal on all new tracks with a 30 day period for yes/no. It was essentially a non-exclusive contract but had some wording in it that was too restrictive for me, I'm pretty sure the label over complicated the wording and didn't really understand what they had written themselves, I didn't want to waste anymore time on it so we went separate ways, I'm aware I may have lost an opportunity, but being a farmer has taught me to trust my instincts. Interesting you mention keeping tracks fairly short, this is something I need to do know to progress and build up tracks quickly, most of my work to date is still really me playing what I want and not fully 'media friendly'. So I need to be king to myself and keep 'em shorter and more usable. I had a guy I was pitching to for years suddenly email me a few weeks back, wanted a track for a 'super hero' film coming up, sounds really big with a very large payout so fingers crossed. They just wanted any kind of music to play on a radio in the film, I'm not holding my breath but it would be amazing to get this one of course!

over 30 days ago to David Banks

Thank you very much for the stars!!!

1 Replies
David Banks
over 30 days ago

You're welcome! I really enjoyed it! Great stuff!

David Banks
over 30 days ago to Jim Pfeifer

Hi Jim, Just listened to Dramedy Shmamedy. You are so good at this Dramedy stuff! I would write more of these if I were you! Any listing requesting Dramedy: you've nailed it!

1 Replies
Jim Pfeifer
over 30 days ago

Thanks David! I was making some songwriting goals for myself this year, and that's one of the things I was planning to do, writing more tracks in that genre

Jim Pfeifer
over 30 days ago to David Banks

I saw your Latest News update. I'm not surprised at the success you've had with placements. Your writing and production quality is some of the very best I've heard. I'm sure there will be many more placements to come!

3 Replies
David Banks
over 30 days ago

Thanks Jim, Yes it was a good year 2019/2018, I've just signed another 2 to Perpetual Music Group (last week) and a couple to Doug Diamond. Have you got much in PMG. PMG must have a few hundred tracks of mine by now! It is hard to keep track of it all but you have just got to have faith in the system. A few will of course slip by and no royalties paid but i think that has always been the case! Friends of mine wrote "Every Body's Free" by Rozala in the 90s made over £400 grand a piece (before it was a hit in USA) but those days are over! We just have to be grateful for a decent living these days! Thanks for keeping in touch!

Jim Pfeifer
over 30 days ago

Thanks David, yes, I've had the best luck with PMG Music so far. They have been my favorite publisher to work with to this point. They got one of my songs on Ozzy Osborne's RealityTV show which was a nice surprise.

David Banks
over 30 days ago

It's trial & error in this game isn't it, get your music everywhere to everyone and eventually you start to discover who is getting placements for you and then concentrate on supplying those libraries!

David Banks
over 30 days ago to Jim Pfeifer

Hi Jim, You are No.1 again with "Give Me Park Avenue" well deserved! Such a great track! I will be away in the North of UK spending Xmas with my Mum, About time I gave the music a rest (if only for a week lol). Happy Christmas to you! David

2 Replies
Jim Pfeifer
over 30 days ago

Thanks so much David! I have to ask, No.1 on which list? I think it may be only Arizona. But I really appreciate to comment! Enjoy your time with your family! Have a Happy Christmas and enjoy the much needed rest! I always enjoy your songwriting and production. You're world class indeed!

David Banks
over 30 days ago

Yes I think you're right it is Arizona. I also have to apologize to you Jim. I recently suggested you place some music in Audiosparx! Only to realize later that it was you that introduced me to Audiosparx in the first place (a couple of years ago!) Sorry about that Jim but I was only trying to help (as you're great music deserve). All the best to you. See you back here in the New Year! David

over 30 days ago to Agnieszka4271214

2 Replies
David Banks
over 30 days ago

Hi Agnieszka, Just wanted to let you know that there's a listing for Dreamy and Melodic Rap/Hip Hop (ends March 18) and thought you should submit "Showtime" (note that many producers are calling Trap: Hip Hop) and as you are pianist & cello player, you should definitely use your classical skills to write over Trap beats to produce some melodic ambient slightly cinematic tracks). They could work well for crime scenes etc. (not many people are covering this area) Good luck to you! David

over 30 days ago

Thank you so much for am advice! I will do it ;)

Jim Pfeifer
over 30 days ago to David Banks

David, thanks so much for the 5-star rating on my song Surfboards and Coconuts. Your music is always such an inspiration to me. Thanks again! -Jim

5 Replies
David Banks
over 30 days ago

You're welcome, I hear this surfing music played a lot on various shows here in the UK. I think you are bang on the money with this Jim! Nice one!

Jim Pfeifer
over 30 days ago

Thanks so much David. Which shows are you hearing this on? I'd love to find a market for this kind of thing.

David Banks
over 30 days ago

Believe it or not, I heard this type of Surf music on an antique show only Friday night, the show is called "Salvage Hunters" about a welsh guy (located in Wales) traveling the UK (sometimes France/Germany) finding little antique gems that most people have missed. The other night he found a really awful knackered chair that he took back to the shop (everyone laughed at it) but he got his mate to refurbish it and it sold for over £1000,00 (they all stopped laughing of course!) you can tell I'm a fan!

David Banks
over 30 days ago

Listening again to the underscore of "Salvage Hunters" I think you could write most of this stuff (no problem) I would call it dramedy for most parts. Here's a link to the show and the surf track starts at 06:02 90927Igs

Jim Pfeifer
over 30 days ago

Thanks so much David!

Barry Osbourn
over 30 days ago to David Banks

I just realized You were selected for the same app I was , which is the one that blew me off, Blues for spirts TV, A guy named Mike Elli was the contact provider, Did they ever follow through with you or did they blow you off too?

1 Replies
David Banks
over 30 days ago

Hi Barry, yes Mike Ell is the one I was thinking about. He did get in touch and as always "a man of few words" lol. He never asks for alternative mixes? I've noticed that he doesn't give second chances and doesn't like to be even slightly messed around. He has ignored me in the early days but I now know how to deal with him! If he's already got in contact with you then send him the details anyway! maybe forward me the email so I can look at it? I'm sure it is the same as my email I got from him as we were both selected!

Junior Murrell
over 30 days ago to David Banks

David, big thanks for the 5* for 'Dark Days'. J out.

2 Replies
David Banks
over 30 days ago

You are welcome! Nice track!

Junior Murrell
over 30 days ago

Are those your guitar licks on 'Red Rock Drive'? Nice.

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