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over 30 days ago to Dan Robinson


Dan Robinson
over 30 days ago to Kaye Logan

Thanks for your feedback on my song Country to the Bone. Appreciate

Skye Entertainment
over 30 days ago to Dan Robinson

Very Cool Song Dan

1 Replies
Dan Robinson
over 30 days ago

Appreciate! Thank You!

Toni Sunden
over 30 days ago to Dan Robinson

If you have time check out my new recording.
New songs coming out next week.
Feel free to share or leave a comment.

Have a good day!

Dalton Caldwell
over 30 days ago to Dan Robinson

Hi Dan,

Thank you for the kind reviews. I appreciate your input
......... kenney

thanks for a nice review on "Last Great Cowboy". Appreciate it!

Lawrence K. Bodien
over 30 days ago to Leach & Radice

Thanks for the great review. Still not used to those. lkb

1 Replies
Dan Robinson
over 30 days ago

Hey "Guys", Me and my co-writer Benn Cutarelli appreciate your interest in our tune. That was actually the first thing I ever wrote. I told Benn we don't want to do anything with thatone...he took it home with him and laid down a great track. thanks Again

Dan Robinson
over 30 days ago to Ionut Mirel Udrea

Hi Ionut, Thanks for your ratings on a couple of my tunes (Apprehension and That's Just Sick (Hockey version). I went through about five of your tracks. That is an "out of genre" experience for me:) I have primarily done country, rock, and hip-hop. It is very "nice listening music". I'm sitting here on a Sunday and as the Commodores sang "Easy Like a Sunday Morning", your instrumental tracks make me feel good. I am actually doing a lot of administrative work while I listen to your tracks. Keep the muse going Ionut :)

1 Replies
Ionut Mirel Udrea
over 30 days ago

You're very welcome Dan and Thank you for taking the time to listen my songs! All the best!

Dan Robinson
over 30 days ago to Carey Haynes

Hi Carey,

I like a lot of your tracks.

Would you have an interest in collaborating sometime?

I am more of a storyline/song concept/lyrical idea kind of person.

I have an idea that I wanted to run by you.


Dan Robinson
Cell: (724) 612-1615

Dan Robinson
over 30 days ago to Ken Aron

Hey Ken,

Can you drop me a quick line?

Its okay if the idea I had doesn't "sit" with you. Thats writing and collaborating. It happens all the time.

Just shoot me an email when you can.

Thx Dan

Dan Robinson
over 30 days ago to Ken Aron

Hey Ken,

I'm assuming the idea doesn't interest you much and that's okay.

Just thought I would check.

If you change your mind or want to try some other idea, email or or call me


Dan Robinson
over 30 days ago to DEBRA GUSSIN

Hi Debra,

We have actually interconnected via Songu, Songdoor International, Broadjam and some of the opportunities here.

Would like to talk with you some time. You have a nice array of songs. My favorite is probably "I've Already Won".

Cell (724) 612-1615

2 Replies
over 30 days ago

Thanks for the compliment, Dan. I appreciate you taking the time to listen to my songs!

Dan Robinson
over 30 days ago

For sure! Email me sometime when you have an opportunity.

Thx Dan

Dan Robinson
over 30 days ago to Dream/Clone

Good stuff!! Love "Amped Up".

I noticed we have both been selected in Broadjam opportunities.

Would you have an interest in collaborating sometime.

I am more of a storyline/song concept/lyrical idea kind of person.

I have an idea that I wanted to run by you. It would be in the vein of "Get Amped Up".


Dan Robinson
Cell: (724) 612-1615

Dan Robinson
over 30 days ago to Ken Aron

Hi ken,

i wanted to see if you are still active. I am down in the Pittsburgh area.

I am more of a storyline/song concept/lyrical person. I noticed you have a lot of great sounding instrumentals.

I was curious if you would be open to co-writing? I have an idea that I'd like to run by you.

Dan Robinson
Cell (724) 612-1615

2 Replies
Ken Aron
over 30 days ago

Hi, Dan I am curious about your idea!

Dan Robinson
over 30 days ago

Hey Ken,,

Go ahead and send me an email directly to

My idea actually comes from my teenage boy and his friends.

They watch a lot of sports highlight shows. There is a phrase being used that's a little odd, but the kids like saying it.

They will describe an unbelievable play by the phrase called "That's Just Sick".

The announcers really get into when they let out a "That's Just Sick" when describing a fabulous play.

I've built a lyric around this title that I thought could be fun.

I'll wait to hear back from you at my direct email. Feel free to call as well.

(724) 612-1615

Dan Robinson
over 30 days ago to Mighty Wyte

It looks like you got a credit in the Cristiano Ronaldo CR7 Freestyle mobile game. Congrats'

I had a song called "Capture the Momentum" in the game.

Feel free to contact me at: (724) 612-1615

Also, do you know when they are gonna release the Droid version of the game? I had thought it was December 22nd, but nothing has happened as of yet.

Thanks and have a nice holiday season.

Wish you much continued success!!!


1 Replies
Mighty Wyte
over 30 days ago

Hey, sorry I never replied to this. I wasn't usin' BroadJam like I should have been. Tryin' to get back on this more....either way, thanks for the congrats, and congrats to you. I haven't found either of the songs I placed yet. I can't stand that game, LOL. The really easy stuff is O.K., but after that I could care less. Not much a soccer fan.

Dan Robinson
over 30 days ago to MYNORiTY

It looks like you got a credit in the Cristiano Ronaldo CR7 Freestyle mobile game. Congrats'

I had a song called "Capture the Momentum" in the game.

Feel free to contact me at: (724) 612-1615

Also, do you know when they are gonna release the Droid version of the game? I had thought it was December 22nd, but nothing has happened as of yet.

Thanks and have a nice holiday season.

Wish you much continued success!!!

thanks Dan

Dan Robinson
over 30 days ago to KENNETH RIGGINS

Hi ken,

It looks like you got a credit in the Cristiano Ronaldo CR7 Freestyle mobile game. Congrats'

I had a song called "Capture the Momentum" in the game.

Feel free to contact me at: (724) 612-1615

Also, do you know when they are gonna release the Droid version of the game? I had thought it was December 22nd, but nothing has happened as of yet.

Thanks and have a nice holiday season.

Wish you much continued success!!!


2 Replies
over 30 days ago

Hey Dan, congrats' to you also. As to the release of the Droid version, i was told that biodriod will inform everyone.Have a nice holiday season and i wish you continued success also. KEN

Dan Robinson
over 30 days ago

Hey ken,

Can you email me at or provide me your email? I have a question related to Biodroid I want to ask you.

Thanks dan

Dan Robinson
over 30 days ago to Ken Aron

Hey Ken

It looks like you got a credit in the Cristiano Ronaldo CR7 Freestyle mobile game. Congrats'

I had a song called "Capture the Momentum" in the game.

Feel free to contact me at: (724) 612-1615

Also, do you know when they are gonna release the Droid version of the game? I had thought it was December 22nd, but nothing has happened as of yet.

Thanks and have a nice holiday season.

Wish you much continued success!!!



Dan Robinson

Global Music Publisher, Songwriter


Cell: (724) 612-1615

1 Replies
Ken Aron
over 30 days ago

Hi Dan,

Thnx for the notification about the credit on the game. We were not aware of this until you let us know ! That is super cool to have our music in a video game ! Im sure you feel the same with your music on the game too! On
11-29-11 Biodroid Entertainment contacted us and let us know that the Android and ipad versions of the game would be coming shortly. That was a month ago, so dont know what that means exactly. " Shortly " means different things to different folks.

Dan Robinson
over 30 days ago to Kaizen Music Group

Hi Kaizen,

Looks like you got a credit in the Cristiano Ronaldo CR7 Biodroid game. Congrats' and Merry Christmas!!

I had a song in the game: "Capture the Momentum".

Feel free to contact me anytime: (724) 612-1615

2 Replies
Kaizen Music Group
over 30 days ago

Hi Dan... Yeah, Merry Christmas to you too... Found the game hard though! LOL!

Yeah, you too, hit me up whenever...


Dan Robinson
over 30 days ago

Hi Kaizen,

Thanks for the reply. Game is hard!!! My 12 year old who usually masters these games thought it was really hard.

Can you email me. I wanted to ask you something related to Biodroid. Too much for this comment section.

Either email me at or leave your email in this comment section and I'll get back to you.

Thanks Dan

Dan Robinson
over 30 days ago to David Banks

Hi David,

Looks like you got a cedit in the Cristiano Ronaldo mobile game CR7 by Biodroid. Songrats' and Merry Christmas.

I had a song in the game called "Capture the Momentum".

Your background has been very interesting read. Hope you have continued success independently.

Feel free to contact me at (724) 612-1615

Thx Dan

1 Replies
David Banks
over 30 days ago

Thank you Dan, I thought Biodroid Entertainment had decided not to use me because it took about 6 months for them to send the $250 for each track! They eventually apologized and told me my tracks play a central role! Which was nice to hear!. I don't suppose there will be any back end royalties but it will look good on my CV. I might make a living out of this one day! lol. Happy New Year and thank you for your details I will be intouch (if only to get some advice!) David

Dan Robinson
over 30 days ago to AMAHDIGITAL MUSIC


I believe you were picked along with me and my song "Capture the Momentum" for the Cristiano Ronaldo CR7 Biodroid game. Congrats'

Contact me when you get a chance.
(724) 612-1615

Dan Robinson
over 30 days ago to Sandshifter Music

Hi Gail,

Your song "Something Good" was selected along with mine in the Cristiano Ronaldo CR7 mobile game. Congrats'!!!

Dan Robinson

3 Replies
Dan Robinson
over 30 days ago

Note that my tune was "Capture the Momentum". Dan

Sandshifter Music
over 30 days ago

Thanks Dan- congratulations on your placement too!

Dan Robinson
over 30 days ago

Hi Gail,

Since my song ("Capture the Momentum") isn't being sync'ed to anything in the game, they only needed a Master Use agreement.

I am trying to learn more about Synchronization agreements. You may have done one with your song. If you did one with Biodroid, can you tell me more about how they work? How is it different?

Even if you didn't do one, can you guide me in this area?

Thanks Gail

Dan Robinson
over 30 days ago to Fran Lucci

Nice song "Last Time". Well done. --Dan

Dan Robinson
over 30 days ago to Michael Brandmeier

Nice tune "Returning Home" Michael. liked it a lot. --Dan

1 Replies
Michael Brandmeier
over 30 days ago

Thanks Dan!!! That tune was one of those 25 minutes and basically done tunes, grabbed from the ether--A GIFT. it's nice to hear you like--Thanks again. peace, MB

Dan Robinson
over 30 days ago to Liz Miller

Hey Liz,

Nice tune ...Girls Nite Out!! I'm on the other end of the state in Pittsburgh.

Kudos on it getting licensed as well. Dan

Dan Robinson
over 30 days ago to Claire Ulanoff

Hey Claire,

Good stuff overall!! I really like your style of writing. Benn Cutarelli and I are both over on Songu as well.

We are on a good roll lately with cuts and placements.

We'd like to write with you some time.

Dan Robinson

over 30 days ago to Mindsong

Great Music,
Please let me know if you have an interest in licensing your songs throughout the world to Ads/TV/Film. You can read more about us and our credits on WWW.SONGSTOYOUREYES.COM


Opher Yisraeli
Songs To Your Eyes, Ltd.
22817 Ventura Blvd. #839
Woodland Hills, CA 91364
Tel: 1.323.988.9725
Fax: 1.323.201.2045

1 Replies
Dan Robinson
over 30 days ago

Yes I do have an interest.
Dan Robinson
Global Music Publisher, Songwriter 1

Upbeat Song Works
Cell: (724) 612-1615

Elisabeth L. Genco
over 30 days ago to Dan Robinson

Hi Dan .. love your song I'll Tell God you said Hi. I'd like to add you as one of my connections ... I'm new at this, and will add your song to one of my favorites ... God Bless!

Carlene Thissen
over 30 days ago to Dan Robinson

Hi, I can't find I'll Tell God you said Hi on your site, here. Is it here and I can't see it?

1 Replies
Dan Robinson
over 30 days ago

Hey Carlene,

I've got "I'll Tell God You Said Hi" out there. By the way I listened to "Spring Rain". Nice story and nice tune! --Dan

over 30 days ago to Dan Robinson

celebrating you/great tune/joe.

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