
Previous Comments

over 30 days ago to John Mac

Hi John, Thanks for the stars for Trees, much appreciated.

John Mac
over 30 days ago to Julia Grayling

Hi Julia,
Love your voice..Happy new year....Found your song in the Top 10 with mine also.. s/broadjam.com111/ you record or produce yourself or do Session vocals.?

John Mac
over 30 days ago to William Cronin

Thanks for the 5 star review of Bones William....Enjoy your work too..I like Loved in a Song...Best of Luck signing to Libraries etc..Hopefully you are having some luck

John Mac
over 30 days ago to Swift Timmy

Great forkin song!!!..did you sign your DAL INC contract..Im a bit wary

3 Replies
Swift Timmy
over 30 days ago

Thanks for that! Why are you wary John?

John Mac
over 30 days ago

They havent responded to some basic questions..they have also picked a great deal of songs..rather when more selective

Swift Timmy
over 30 days ago

Some of them don't Google that well either, like Mark S. Perry. Quite a few allegations of fraud. Can't see how this would work as a scam though.

John Mac
over 30 days ago to Cryptonyte

great speed in the Delivery..what do you mean by offering a Feature?

3 Replies
over 30 days ago

That I would feature on a track

over 30 days ago

That I would do features on a tracks

John Mac
over 30 days ago

for free?

John Mac
over 30 days ago to arubin@

good tune bro

John Mac
over 30 days ago to arubin@

Your music deserves more plays than im seeing here..are you signed to Libraries etc

2 Replies
over 30 days ago

I am not. I copyright my material and I'm an ASCAP member. I have a demanding full time sales career but this last year during quarantine I exploded w music and have put my whole life basically into it.

John Mac
over 30 days ago

Either was i 18 months ago now i have multiple deals 10 plus..2 thru Broadjam....I find there is a lot of poor songwriting but you have some definite strong stuff..Frequency is very strong....Playboys very good but personally think it needs a stronger chorus....i dont write many hip hop songs..written two and two signed..Born to win on my site is one of them..Well done on the songs..refreshing to hear

John Mac
over 30 days ago to Randall Mark

thanks for 5 star review of Fire and Gasoline and You're the ball Randall..keep on rocking

4 Replies
Randall Mark
over 30 days ago

Oh yeah! Good stuff! Amazing how sometimes I stumble on to a great artist like yourself on BJ. So many hidden gems.

John Mac
over 30 days ago

Thanks Randall I was offered an Exclusive deal for 'Fire and Gasoline thru Broadjam but refused it ..the guy ending up signing 6 of my older songs which was a result

Randall Mark
over 30 days ago

That's great. Congrats. I got offered contract from winning songwriter contest but I did not sign. Seemed like if song made certain amount of revenue then I no longer have the copyright!!

John Mac
over 30 days ago

sounds like you made the right choice

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